Carrara Issues bringing me pain

Hi guys...
I've sort of set aside Carrara for a while because it kept slowing down my work with incompatabilities and things not working the way that I expect them to. I just fired it up again today, did all my updates, and I'm running into some issues that I'm hoping someone here can help me with. I bought the Genesis 2 Giselle and Giselle Carrara Shaders yesterday.
1. Smart content: I load Giselle into my scene, select her, go to smart content, and none of her clothing/content is available when I go to Categories/Wardrobe. For example, the Spriteling clothing that came with my Pro Pack is no place to be found. So instead of Genesis 2 clothing, I find some Genesis 1 underwear to put on her. But the Genesis 1 underwear doesn't properly autofit. So I then went to Smart Content tab by alphabet and went to Spriteling for Giselle 6. It shows two spriteling dresses, but loading them as new objects results in object not found. So I try dragging from the alphabetical section again, this time a product I know works in both Daz Studio and Poser Pro.. the SciFi Bunny for Genesis. Unable to import B25SBSuit.cr2 is the result.
So as near as I can tell, something is majorly wrong with my smart content tab. Can anyone help with this or is Smart Tab just messed up these days?
Boojum the brown bunny
I know nothing much at al about the Smart Content tab, but you should be able to find the clothing you've purchased from the Content tab:
People > Genesis 2 Female > Clothing > ....
It was mentioned in the release notes for Carrara 8.5 that known issues include Genesis 2 not being entirely compatible yet. I'm not sure if that also translates to Smart Content as well?
Some people have been claiming to have better luck with Genesis 1 to Genesis 2 auto-fits in DS, then saving to duf - then bringing into Carrara 8.5, which sounds fine to me, but I've been just sticking with G2 stuff for G2 in Carrara so far... and not really much of that yet, since I have to wait for the right costumes and hair to be made for them. I've been making my own stuff, but none of them are actually finished to the point of using them yet. But doing that has been a lot of fun - modeling onto Genesis 2 in the Assemble Room in Carrara... a LOT of fun!
Also... I hope this issue gets resolved. We cannot have our Brown Bunny running around in Pain! :shut:
But... Genesis 2 came out almost a year ago. Surely they have it working by now....
it's only a year, give them time.
Hello there!!! One of these people!! Already missing you all!!
I really found my self with the same problem... And started to do as Dartan said. I create my characters in daz studio, then save them normally and import to carrara. It works fine and actually, when you insert anything from daz store from content in carrara you will see in the dialog box that appears that is importing a duf file, so is more or less the same to carrara. With the time I'm actually working better with the objects inside carrara, but still like to dress and pose characters in DS. A warning - sometimes you have to make some adjustments in the shaders, specially with the displacement and bump that sometimes are to exaggerated. But it works fine and you can still use all controls inside carrara, so you can make adjustments to pose and stuff. I had a big head ache with a skin that always looked funny... bad funny... disabled the displacement, lowered the bump and... perfect.... Next did the same with some cloths that were with a strange texture.
Strange thing... some things that didn't appear before on my smart content now appear... or maybe is just me starting to work better with content inside carrara and knowing where to look for them...
I agree that carrara has some issues... but on the other hand... those issues are making me clever... always finding new ways to do things, to trick the software... but yeah... daz should put more thought in carrara!