Changing The 'No Reply' Email Subject Title ?
I was wondering if Daz could change the subject title with 'Order Confirmations' back to the old way
which was '[email protected]' instead of just 'No Reply'.
Reason being is I use Hotmail as my email and ever since the new store and new subject title, my
product Order Confirmations have been showing up in my junk mail. Ive allowed the new 'No Reply'
Order Confirmations in my Hotmail options but they still keep going into my junk mail folder.
I did however add the No Reply ([email protected]) with my contacts but I shouldnt have to change
it that way when it worked fine the old way with my Hotmail.
I dont think Hotmail excepts subject titles that just say 'No Reply' as they consider it spam and as you
might know, many spammers have there subject titles just 'No Reply'.
Even if you dont want to go back to the old subject title, anything besides 'No Reply' would work ;)
Have you tried creating a folder for all DAZ emails, with a message filter to sunt anything from into that folder?
I agree with the original poster. The purpose of the Subject: header line is to give a summary of the subject of a message. It is absurd to put something so uninformative there.
The Subject line, for me, is Order Confirmation: Order #11111111111111. It's the sender name that shows No reply, though the actual address still includes the domain (it's the display name that's changed).
The problem is that it bears a remarkable resemblance to spam emails (which I tend to delete unopened), it would be good if there was a Daz somewhere in there.
It also doesn't help that the subject gives no clue as to the actual thread subject, like it did before.
And if anyone says this is expected default behaviour from an ExpressionEngine forum, I won't believe it. Something has to have gone horribly wrong with this when it went live, just as it has pretty much everything on the new site.
To tell the truth: when I am buying something at Daz, I am expecting an order confirmation and I do see my order number at the end of the process ... It's the same order number in the header of the email ...
My mistake, your correct as its the sender's name that states *No Reply*.
Just to clarify something else is I stated I had a Hotmail account but its actually a account. Both Hotmail and Live
are connected email sites :lol:
Anyways I just purchased something and my Order Confirmation did go into my Inbox instead of my Junk folder so I think its
been fixed, thanks to whoever fixed it ;)