Products in Smart Content in Perpetual "Update" Status?

At the bottom of the Smart Content Pane there is an "updates' tab that apprently shows you all of your installed products which have an update available. Right-click on the product and select "install update" gives you a "obtaining data from Daz connect" message at the bottom and a status bar showing the percentage-complete of the update download -- pretty much the same indications you get when you perform an initiall install from the Smart Content pane. So two big problems:
1) The download speed for updates is EXCRUCIATINGLY SLOW -- as in, hundred of times slower than DIM handles updates. (and no, BTW: products showing an update available in Smart Content are NOT always showing up in the DIM "Ready to Download" pane -- which also strikes me as anomalous)
2) Afer the Smart Content status bar reaches "100%" complete with the download of an update, the "updated" product is never removed from the 'updates' tab -- as if it still needs updating. I can repeat the "install update" function on these products as much as I like: their status never changes, making you think the update has failed -- but also never receiving an error message telling you so. MOST ambiguous. (And no -- doing a 'refresh' on the updates tab does not remove products I've performed updates on)
One thing I've noticed: apparently all of these "un-update-able" products show content in the Lost & Found: is that the problem here? If so -- does anyone know how to:
1) Learn where these content items actually belong? and,
2) How to get them there?
Thank you!
Which products? The PC Freebie musical instruments has at least a couple of files that won't download, which probably makes the process slow and also means it keeps needing an update for those files.
See attached screenshot. I count 41 products that will not update -- again, all show some content in the Lost & Found. Examples:
Log Cabin by AM, Easy Envirtonments: Winter II, Fantastic Plastic (shaders), MIchael 5, Genesis2 Starter Essentials, Casual Long Hair, Buoys I & II.
So I don't see any type of pattern to the type of affected content.
I have several of those installed and not showing updates, so I suspect it's at least in part a local or account issue. Check the end of the log file (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File) just after updating one of them and see what errors are given.
Thanks for the engagement! So -- to just keep things really confusing and wierd -- I'm finding that some of the products I cannot update from the 'updates' tab of the Smart Content pane . . . WILL update from the 'All' tab.
Have you tried an update from the 'updates' tab and found that its worked? Or did I just find a software glitch?
The Updates tab almost always works, assuming there isn't an issue with the product or the files on the server.
I finally come across this thread, but doesn't give much more information. I have reinstalled stuff from scratch (meaning reinstalling DAZ altogether), reset content databases, clicked Install Update until there was no tomorrow, but still there are part (often parts of bundles, but not always), that simply won't update.
I find it very strange that there isn't a straightforward solution. I do check the log and most times it will give errors it can't download parts of the package....which is weird. EVEN if I use the DAZ Install Manager, it will show 'Update' in Smart Content. I have considered adjusting the meta data, but can't figure out which part is specifically the culprit.
It is shwoing an update (the curved arrow), not just available to download (solid down arrow)?