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nicely put. (again :)
(and people like me think your 'bad' code is pretty darned good, so that just adds all kinds of fun to the situation, doesn't it?)
Thanks, MS. Words like that keep me going.
I agree with this, with the proviso that the other possibility is that a sufficient solution cannot be found that meets all the requirements for Daz at the current moment. It could be either the devs have not looked at this problem, or looked at it and can't think of anything better. I certainly do think it is more likely due to the lack of resources dedicated to solving this, but cannot rule out the possibility that an alternative solution does not exist that can meet all the requirements. Solution to the problem for a particular user is certainly possible, but I am not sure about the existence of a general solution. After all, it is much more likely that a solution for a problem does not exist than for a solution to exist.
If someone could show what an alternative solution might look like, then that would then rule out the 2nd possibility and I would hope the dev would implement it. It would be more useful to discuss what a hypothetical solution is or if anything can be done to help people suffering the problem now, so I will leave it at that.
The big difference being that they're not suggesting possible solutions, just saying "what Daz has done is bad" and that's all. Which benefits no one.
Your comment would only make sense in an Open Source context where an app's users have the right and I daresay the responsibility to maintain the app. There's a job for everyone.
There is no one here who could possibly, without having seen the code at all, make anything other than an officious suggestion to a person who has, when it's that person's job to maintain that code. Pointing out the things that make the user experience worse is all one can do. So that's what is done.
I don't know if it was your intention, but you did pretty succinctly highlight why you should prefer Open Source software.
No she did not. DAZ development, right or wrong, is based on suggestions that are considered. That's not open-source per se. You'll never know probably. This is DAZ's modus operandi. I have written my view long ago and it was clear that an issue tracker that was voted on was not on the list, or variations thereof. If you and mindsong have issues, you are probably best to write a support ticket to DAZ. Not that you can't keep posting away here. Personally think DAZ team is more impressed long-run with those who endure and make stuff. Despite any wishes to contrary. But forums are about free-choice to a point. Enjoy.
Yes, she did. She implied that comments about the poor user experience are more valid when coupled with a suggested remedy. How could a user who has not seen the code, conceivably give a useful remedy for a complex problem? If you'd like to educate yourself on how this occurs in practice, try reading the Blender Developer Meeting Notes and tell me if you think a Blender user could have contributed anything to the discussion that the devs didn't already know. The idea that a user can "help" the devs with suggestions having to do with technical aspects is only viable on an Open Source project because the entire user base has the same access to information that the devs do.
Just as you will probably never know on what Daz development is based. You refuted your own assertion much better than you refuted mine.
This is what infuriates me the most. The assumption that I am simply some immature, narcissistic, or asocial individual who has not already tried all of the possible means much more likely to actually affect change, including "write a support ticket". There is a reason I am triggered so easily and it is that I have never been treated so poorly by a company's support staff.
No, scratch the above, this is what infuriates me the most. By "make stuff", would having written an Alembic exporter that, unlike the official one, actually works and is supported despite my having a more-than-full-time job and a family, and giving it away and supporting it for free just because helping to enable people to do what they want to do is the most rewarding feeling I can describe, qualify? I'm not sure in what form the results of the Daz team's "being impressed" would manifest itself, or why they would have to be impressed in the first place, but at no time did any of the personnel to whom I made polite, humble, and directed requests for help respond at all. Not even a courtesy response. Long ago I was convinced that someone at Daz might think "Hey, this guy appears to have both the ability and motivation to contribute useful things. Maybe... we should help him?" So you might forgive me when I say that I have no idea what you are even talking about.
Beside that, requiring people to "impress" is without a doubt the worst support policy I can think of. And requiring them to "endure" is sadistic. How does either actually help Daz Studio evolve? Why even have an SDK at all, then?
I'll ignore the other sanctimonious parts.
heh, you're a gem.
somewhere at the top of this thread is mention of some g8 laggy loading issue due to lotsa morphs or something like that. Looks a lot like the g1 with lotsa morphs laggy loading problem, and probably won't be fixed (yes, that's cynical speculation based on 10 years of observation. anybody is free to counter with evidence to contrary, and DAZ is free to prove me wrong - I could only hope).
the rest of this thread... confirms your quote above. it's absolutely gorgeous.
have a great day, and I recon it'd be better for our blood pressure to work on code rather than forums. hence my last 'edit'.
While I see where you guys are coming from, but being closed source doesn't mean that we are lacking in options to even approach the problem. I have not seen any attempts from Daz in remedying the problem let alone encourage user inputs in this case. Every time such conversations crop up the focus immediately shift towards damage control measures by suppressing further debate for the lack of insights or lack of better examples from this industry in mitigating this problem.
That said, several companies have issued bounties where they have openly solicited inputs from the community by carefully articulating the constraints without releasing their IP. The other more private approach is through floating RFPs and exchanging information through more more formal processes such as RFIs so that interested parties can submit their responses. But thats assuming Daz doesn't have the internal capacity or bandwidth to address the problems or find a solution from their end. Based on the fact that users have been complaining since the late Genesis 3 era, it doesn't look like a prioritization issue to me.
It isn't much use to vent ones frustrations here in the forums, DAZ in general doesn't follow or take part in these conversations.
Not to mention that Richard is a past master at dropping the axe on people, he's had plenty of practice doing it to me
I answered a comment saying "how dare we criticize people for making suggestions" by pointing out that people were not, in fact, making suggestions. That has nothing to do with whether or not DS is open source.
And for the record, it is definitely possible to make suggestions on possible ways to modify a process without having seen the current code. You might end up suggesting things which are already done, but even that can be useful.
With Genesis 9 having both male and female characters in the same content directory the loading times are now doubled if you have a lot of content. Clothing, matrerials poses are only referenced in the content directory BUT MORPHS are all loaded as soon as you select a figure. Isn't it time DAZ studio only loaded the essential base morphs for a figure and then selectively load all the required character morphs for that particular folder?
With V4 we had a list of optional morphs appear when V4 was selected to load. Surely Daz can use the same principle with later genesis versions. Seems to make a lot of sense when DAZ makes its income from content and not the program. I am reluctant to keep buying more characters when each set of morphs gets added to the existing list. I tend now to modify the base figure to create my characters for this reason.
Currently the only workaround for this problem is the have two morph directories and name one Morphs and the other Morphs zzz (or similar) then copy as needed from one to the other and delete or move to the Morphs zzz when not needed. An other option is to find all the sub folders under the Morphs folder and add "zzz" to the end of each one not used or needed. All in all this is a slow and time consuming process.
Hi, I'm still using G8, but I've basically solved the issue with this:
Maybe RiverSoftArt will make a version for G9. It's a must for creators who have a ton of content (like me). I do comics, so once I've created the characters and their variations I don't need all the morphs, with this tool I let Daz know what morphs I'm using right now, and everything loads so much faster. If you want to turn on or off every morph, there's a way too.
Turbo Loader is essentially a version of the fourth generation power loader (it doesn't work in exactly the same way, but both are enabling/disabling products or files). Daz Studio doesn't load the morphs, it loads their descriptions and links - otherwise it wouldn't be able to offer a slider or, once present, know when it should be triggered by other properties.
As a content creator I have to do a lot posing on the base G8 characters. Pose, reset, pose, reset, pose, reset. It takes forever to reset the figure, just like loading a figure, as mentioned in this thread, if I have a lot of packages I've purchased for characters. The more custom morphs, the longer it takes to load and reset a character. I have found that placing all my character packages for G8F in it's own library, (same with G8M) and unloading that library when I want to do pose sets will significantly improve the loading and reseting of the base G8 characters. I do wish that DS was in this way, similar to poser, in that I can purchase a character package and apply it to the base V4 and save it back to the library, this custom character has only the morphs I want and not all of the morphs for every character package I've purchased. It's a love/hate relationship, so the installing of characters to their own folder is my way of fixing the issue.
The solution for that is this pose set:
Don't ask me why, but it puts the figure in the base position resetting all poses in a fraction of a second, compared to the minutes it takes to actually reset with Daz Studio.
Poser uses injection while Daz uses pre-load, each way has the pros and cons of its own... But the root reason of long loading time still results from the great deal of DSON support files under those well-known data folders. In fact, lots of people are 'character & morph collectors' who are keen on installing character products and varieties of morph / shape packages even if many of the 'products' are garbage. Moreover many of them don't understand the 'side-effect' of doing so, let alone the killer - 'duplicate formulas'....
just because you're no pro or ignorant of these matters... or push your luck from time to time... Anyway, this is the real life in 3D world, but people still need to resist the impulse and make choices wisely...
BTW, 'thanks to' those 'vendors' esp. on some 3rd-party sites... Customers pay your bills, you steal their time
I also frequently use these scripts but they don't reset non Daz official pose controls and expression single / control dials... they just set 0 to bones / ectrl / pctrl dials that come from Base figure, so that's why it's faster than using Zero Figure Pose...
Injection still requires channels for the morph to be injected into, and grouping data - that is what soem of the ExP files used by the foruth generation figures are, while the older figures had to have special CR2 (figure) files with the channels defined (which made mixing morph sets a pain). .pmd files can be injected into a figure without needing pre-defined channels, but those had a big memory impact initially.
Everything stays the same....
Basic problem that is always ignored by the programmers at Daz. Daz Studio needs an algorithm written into the program that 1. does not load mophs by default (to says that it dosen't makes a lie of Turboloader, which is the best current option) 2. Checks the .duf file on loading to see what morphs are actually required for that character and then only loads those morphs (this alone would same endless hours of frustration with genesis 8 and 9 long loading times and odd deformations that occur when content providers can't get their [act] together and insist on all their morphs loading and affecting every character that is loaded into the scene). 3. Unloads the morphs if the figure is deleted or the file/program is closed.
Lates DS versions bring 50~60% time saving in terms of assets loading, so we're pretty happy with that.
Besides, with the latest DS version, when creating a morph asset, DS generates a unique Uniform Resource Indicator for it. So, as long as the vendors / users don't wrongly edit the urI in DSF file(s), there shouldn't be any new "duplicatre formulas".
Checking the .duf file for a morph that was being applied would identify only links created for and saved with that morph, it would not identify other morphs with links to or from it where the link is saved in the other morph's file.
Carrying out the link-building at load-time, even ignoring the previously noted issue, would make morph application slower in order to speed character loading - but character loading affects only the initial load of the figure, and can be waited out fairly easily, while delaying morph loadign would impact evey manual adjustment or preset application, likely to be much mor disruptive for users.
Some "morphs" need to load with non-zero values. When something that should load zeroed doesn't then that is a bug, and should be fixed.
Unloading a figure is already done - when it is no longer needed (don't forget the undo stack). But clearing up all that data is not an instant process, so this would certainly not be a way to improve speed if it wasn't already implemented.
You want suggestions ? Here it is. Instead of loading the duf files for every scene depending on the content, you can update a database when a new product is installed. That way loading times will be zero as far as morphs are concerned.
I think you mean DSF not DUF, regardless, your suggestion wouldn't work the way you're proposing.
The only way to achieve a zero load time, in relation to morph files, would be to exclude all morph files during the load process.
What i think you're suggesting is that DS would compare the morphs used in the scene to the database and exclude the unused morphs.
This still won't lead to a zero load time, as the required morphs will still need to be processed.
Which is essentially the ExP system used in Victoria and Michael 4, which caused a lot of confusion.