[Released] Cocktails! [Commercial]

eshaesha Posts: 3,254
edited June 2020 in Daz PA Commercial Products

All you need for your next party - or rather, your next party render:

Cocktails, poses and a bar vignette. The products will be available as separate products as well as in a bundle.

24 colorful cocktails with unique deco elements, available in high resolution for close-ups and low resolution for background use. They come with tilt morphs and poseable elements, and several control options.


Those Things has made a wonderfully detailed and versatile pose set for them, I'll leave it to him to post some renders.

1000 x 1300 - 600K
1000 x 1300 - 395K
1000 x 1300 - 266K
1000 x 1300 - 384K
Post edited by esha on


  • eshaesha Posts: 3,254
    edited May 2020

    The bar vignette is a bit more than that as it is actually three sets in one. The pack includes textures and accessories for three very different bar styles so you will have always the right setting for your scene.



    By combining the elements you can set up bigger and even very big scenes:

    1300 x 1000 - 376K
    1300 x 1000 - 542K
    1300 x 1000 - 470K
    1300 x 1000 - 433K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • WolfwoodWolfwood Posts: 787

    Very Interesting. Any chance to get in those morphs liquid level or options for half glass / empty glass?

  • eshaesha Posts: 3,254
    Wolfwood said:

    Very Interesting. Any chance to get in those morphs liquid level or options for half glass / empty glass?

    The second tilt morph makes the glass more empty (the liquid would spill otherwise) smiley

  • ZippyGuitarZippyGuitar Posts: 849

    I have to say all the drinks in the first image look quite yummy. wink

  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134
    edited May 2020

    Hey everyone! I thought these ridiculously beautiful props deserved some beautiful and innovative poses, so I created a full set of 126 wearable partial poses that instantly turn any pose you already own (or make) into a cocktail pose. These poses will instantly load the cocktail you choose into your figure's hand (you get several choices depending on the glass shape), and will also adjust the arm up to the shoulder. So, all those poses you already have in your pose library are now also cocktail drinking poses. I expect to see renders of superheros flying with margaritas in their hands when this launches. :) 

    Also, included are a full set of 26 full-body wearable poses. Most of these poses are made for the beautiful cocktail bar vignette that esha has created (which will be included in the bundle), but will also work with your own tables and chairs with some adjustments. Anyway, here are some promo images to rub on your eyeballs:


    1000 x 1300 - 1000K
    1300 x 1000 - 502K
    1000 x 1300 - 700K
    1000 x 1300 - 721K
    1000 x 1300 - 683K
    1000 x 1300 - 643K
    1000 x 1300 - 666K
    1000 x 1300 - 645K
    1000 x 1300 - 358K
    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 920K
    Post edited by Those Things on
  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,724

    I'm loving the set and poses!

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172
    edited May 2020

    Very nice! ;) I'd wanted to do a whole lot of cocktails, but only got as far as a milkshake...lol. Yours look great :)


    Post edited by AllenArt on
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Cocktails and poses and vignettes, oh my! Instabuy!

  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406

    Great set!


    This looks gorgeous.  

  • MusclemanMuscleman Posts: 3,067


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Waiter!  One cocktail set, please - hold the umbrella cheeky

  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134
    SimonJM said:

    Waiter!  One cocktail set, please - hold the umbrella cheeky

    Oui Monsieur, one cocktail set with extra umbrellas, coming right up... wink

  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379

    Wow! These look incredible. 

  • SorelSorel Posts: 1,407

    This actually looks fantastic. 

  • WolfwoodWolfwood Posts: 787

    Will the pose set be for both male/female or only female?

  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134
    edited May 2020
    Wolfwood said:

    Will the pose set be for both male/female or only female?

    Currently, just for female. But if the female variant does well, I could see a male version happening.

    ETA: I just tested the wearable partials with the G8 base male figure. They load almost perfectly, needing only minor adjustments to the drink's position in space when you're done. I think this is probably down to the overall similarity between the hands on the two figure bases. I imagine the full body poses would be much the same, though they are ultimately designed for a female body type, and might have limited usage.

    ETA: Even the more difficult partial poses translate right over. Here is one where the figure's hand has to carefully fit two fingers through the handle of the copper mug, while the weight of the mug rests on the third finger and the pinky. All I did to adjust, was move the drink's position up, and a little to the left. No adjustments to the hands were necessary. So, if you don't mind some very minor adjustments, it looks like the 126 wearable partial poses work quite well with G8 male. 

    G8 Male Test 3.jpg
    1000 x 1300 - 272K
    Post edited by Those Things on
  • eshaesha Posts: 3,254
    They load almost perfectly, needing only minor adjustments to the drink's position in space when you're done.

    I can confirm that. When I made my promo renders I also tried the poses with G8 male and it worked fine with some little adjustments. When you have a character shape applied you might need to adjust a bit more, especially if the shape changes the size of the hands. But with the frequent addition of new shapes to the gene pool it will be quite impossible for a pose set to cover everything.

  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,724

    I thought men don't drink cocktails, only martinis (shaken not stirred) laugh

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    These look really good.

    Howevah, I can't find this cocktail bar.  Could someone please post a link?

  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,724
    Sevrin said:

    These look really good.

    Howevah, I can't find this cocktail bar.  Could someone please post a link?

    Coming soon :)

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Looks very nice.


  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134
    Sevrin said:

    These look really good.

    Howevah, I can't find this cocktail bar.  Could someone please post a link?

    It's one of the three products in the bundle!

  • eshaesha Posts: 3,254

    Yes, the bar vignette will be released together with the cocktails and the poses smiley

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    esha said:

    Yes, the bar vignette will be released together with the cocktails and the poses smiley

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    These look excellent, Esha!

  • ThyranqThyranq Posts: 584
    edited May 2020

    I've already mentally bought the bundle.

    Post edited by Thyranq on
  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134

    Now that it's released, I just wanted to let anyone know that if you don't like the drink that one of the full-body poses is holding, here's how you switch it out:

    1. Select the drink that loaded with the pose, right click on it in the scene tab, and unparent it.
    2. In the Parameters tab, with "General" selected, right click on any of the sliders and select copy>copy selected items.
    3. Load the drink you you actually want your figure to be holding, then select it in the scene tab.
    4. In the Parameters tab, with "General" selected, right click on any of the sliders and select paste>paste to selected items.
    5. Your chosen drink will snap to the position of the original drink.
    6. Delete the original drink, and parent the new drink to the hand that's holding it by selecting it in the scene tab, right clicking, and changing its parent.

    You might need to adjust the decorations or straw, and it helps, of course, if your new drink is in the same glass as the old drink. If so, it should be an almost seamless transition. If it's a different glass, you'll have to make adjustments. 

    Have fun, and show us your cocktail renders!

  • ThyranqThyranq Posts: 584
    edited June 2020

    Couldn't afford it, but bought it anyway lol

    Too good to pass up!

    Post edited by Thyranq on
  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134
    Thyranq said:

    Couldn't afford it, but bought it anyway lol

    Too good to pass up!

    I can't wait to see what you make!

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