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Well here is my contribution to the awesomeness that is the cyberpunk 2047 outfit. Boyd and.... Boyd...... I found it you reversed the crotch adjust 2 morph to negative 100 you got some great male coverage in the elements region. I made the pose 'cause I couldn't find a good 'twins' pose in my runtime.
Um wow. That's spectacular. Woooooo. I mean. dang. Wow.
Glad you like it! =-) Two Boyds... Is the world ready for it?
Ah, but wouldn't another question be: Is Owen ready for it? What would he do if he came home to that sight? (Though, given the way you've described that world, having a probably illegal clone pop up to dose someone with weird pheromones wouldn't necessarily be all that unusual.)
Cloning complete people with brains and all is illegal wink wink nudge nudge, But its done in countries where laws are more... Flexible. It is illegal though and grounds for prosecution to the person who does it. The clone however is considered a blameless victim.
And as the US seems to be losing the war, some government officials begin to get a bit desperate especially as it appears they are losing some of their best soldiers so... Secret units pop up filled with specialists who resemble each other Wealthy people have also been known to have their children avoid the draft by illegally cloning them and passing them off as their children so they can be drafted instead while the real kids are squirreled away in bunkers somewhere in countries where the governments don't care about such things. Public outcry about that leads to rioting, and a crackdown and backlash against the rich.
Lest humans take all the blame ,aliens also clone humans for nefarious purposes. Owen and Boyd uncover a scheme to replace government officials with manufactured clones and Owen has a cloned spy in his unit.
Owen's grandfather has an illegal clone brain working for him, who is in fact a russian scientist who clones himself in a lab experiment, and then died. The brain has all the scientists memories but very little interest in pursuing his field of study- genetic engineering and cloning- but helps grandfather and Owen out, while complaining the entire time.
In this case, Russian's expertise helps Boyd choose the body he currently possesses from all the bodies on offer. Russian is not fooled by cheap imitation copy clones the use government buys in bulk from overseas as replacement marine bodies.
Ahem, that said, if you are Owen and involved with Boyd you have to expect Boyd things to happen, and Owen's seen a lot of strange and mysterious things in his day. He'd probably assume someone slipped him something at the cantina...because there can't possibly be that much hotness in one place. Then the idea that it is an alien trick might occur to him. Then Boyd would convince him he is really Boyd, Owen would worry while trying to remain stoic.
I've been toying with the idea that at some point Boyd's consciousness is nanetized or evolves so he can reform himself and his body into different shapes. It would allow him to pour himself into different bodies easier. Thus splitting into two might be a defense mechanism, much s a hydra gets multiple heads. . So.... they both all simply Boyd. In which case, since they are both Boyd, Owen would probably prqgmaric about it much as he did when Boyd's brain was moving from body to body. Boyd is a body flexible person and you can’t be in Owens line of work if you are too worried about your partner inhabiting a strange body.
But I haven't decided yet, in any case, Owen would love Boyd regardless of how he looked, or how many bodies he inhabited and Boyd would love Owen, although he has never actually been tested as much as Owen has in that area. Owen has seen Boyd in may bodies and forms in his life. Boyd has fallen for and only seen one. Would Boyd love Owen if he got a random Body? Probably.
Your stories are fascinating to read.
Just getting caught up. Love this one!
Good lord that puppy is cute! I am sorry about the loss of your other companion. Its never easy, but there are always so many waiting to fill our hearts (and laps)!
I sometimes wonder if I type too much but my answers are never short. Har.
I saw this pic of one man helping another skater fix his boot and couldn’t resist. It is something Boyd being newly human might have trouble doing. Boyd is quite skilled at lots of things but some moves you just need to practice.
I'm just gonna...yeah.
Awww... thank you. =-)
I am curious if anyone bought the wet body product. I am curious about the drop add on pack. I don’t tend to care for the wet full body shells since I find they slow my render time and change the skin tone, but the droplets look useful
Boyd is wearing the VR outfit and I wanted to test out the new Luminousity black lights. Boyd isn't fond of swimming so something must've motivated him to dive in the water
DNA test results came in for sparkle, and surprise suprise, she's not part chihuahua. (at least as far as they can tell. She's 25 percent Yorkshire terrier, and 37 percent Miniture poodle, and 37 percent unknown which could be Chihuahua I guess. Very interesting.
Okay, so messing around with the G3M clothing converter and like it so far. Its not perfect. It doesn't convert everything well, but it does a fairly good job, and its much faster than doing it myself.
The fit for content made in Marvelous Designer seems to be a bit of a challenge for it though. This is H&C checkered outfit and you can see it doesn't do a very good job with the legs... But the reality is I couldn't convert it well either manually. For some reason stuff in MD doesn't always do well cross generation. Mores the pity since I have a ton of it.
That's so cool they can do DNA on dog breds too. Most dog breeds have well known physical or behavioral problems resulting from puppy mills & DNA studies can help select those painful traits out.
Here we go, Casual tux
If I could change one thing, I'd probably de-engineer all the selective breeding humans have imposed on the dog species. I am not a fan of the breeds as they exist today as breeders have gone too far. I'm glad my girl is a mutt, but the poodle was a surprise. But this explains her great intelligence. She's a smart girl.
The shelter was close though in their vet's guess. Chihuahuas are popular here so probably calling her a chihuahua was also good advertising on their part.
We have 3 pages remaining to my thread, and then I shall start another. =-)
Well, I managed to convert all but 4 of my 175 genesis 3 male outfits
If anyone else has clothing converter for G3M can you tell me if you have successfully converted these sets?
I have 4 outfits, I just can't seem to convert. It runs through the process but fails to convert. It has however done about 175 outfits, so those are good odds. Has anyone else succeeded in converting these?
Outfits I could not convert:
Chill Wear
Army Uniform
Bard Outfit
After 5
What we would call here a Heinz dog, 57 varieties
She certainly is a little Heinz 57 dog. I love that term.
Okay trash polka? I don’t see any trash for sale. Am I not understanding this colloquialism?
Ah okay, managed to convert the remaining 4 items. The step I was missing is that in addition to being checked the items must be highlighted before using forced conversion.
Trash Polka is a tattoo style and is the name of the new tattoo product.
Ah okay. I'm not up to date on the latest tattoo fads. They aren't really popular where I live. Interesting.
I just Googled it. I know nothing about tattoos.
There was a thread in the main queue with people asking about creating linear art in DAZ Studio or Photoshop. This is possible but it requires experimentation and time.
I've been intrigued by the idea In this case, if you have Topaz Studio which is free, you already have many of the tools to make liner art.
What I would recommend is starting with an image of a character, fairly well lit with some contrast. Since you want line art, I'd use a figure with light skin, even if the character is black. The object is to have no skin detail. Darker skin or skin with hair will produce noise, which we dont' want with line art. Even tan skin does this.
After that, convert it to gray scale and experiment with the 'sketch section' of Studio. There are some good gray scale linear lines in that section. Once you get the lines reduced you can keep working on it until the linear look is acheived. If I had removed and flatten the characters skin skin details.
But black and white doesn't interest me nearly as much as color, but you must start somewhere!
In this case, I converted my previous image to a black and white sketch using topaz studio. I will use this as my base/background image.
With that image as the background, (I would save a layer just in case you mess up), you can begin to paint the skin in vivid light mode. The vivid light mode, with ease the black out of the image, creating a more painterly appearence. I am not going for real, just sort of painterly comicy effect.
A new layer should be added to add skin highlights in areas where light will go through the skin. Using overay mode, choose a rusty bricky red color and highlight these areas. The bricky red overlay color will ease more black out of the line art and create color and and interest in the flat parts of the skin. You can go back and erase areas where the color has splashed onto the outfit and unwanted body areas.