SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Hey, that looks pretty good! =-)

     The cloth at the waist always gave me a bit of pause, but I like the look of that outfit and it seems to fit pretty well. Much better than the m4 outfit does.

    I like the idea of the prime. That seems to convey a nice quality of their partner's function without diminishment. I'll have to give that serious consideration.

    The brains er... Alphas don't like being called Brains. Its pejorative, Brains are what the meat sacks... Er... Humans with bodies have. The brains consider themselves Body Liberated and because that is a bit long, Alphas are what they prefer to be called. Only vehicles/beings manned by Alphas can call themselves that, and it helps to let people know they are different than robots, droids, bots, drones, and mechs, and AIs. They neeed the distinction, in case they  require medical or rescue assistance which would not be required to say... A downed robot.

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715
    edited June 2018

    The towel doesn't autofit very well. In that pose, it did the typical, jagged-edge broken thing, so I deleated it. The crotch is a little jagged, but not too bad. Many times, I've had better luck autofitting Genesis items to G8 than I do G2 or 3 items to G8.

    I love all the tidbits of Owen and Boyd's world that are slowly being revealed in this thread.

    Post edited by Phoenix1966 on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Hmm. I'm interested in building poses with props, but there always something oddly disproportionate that holds me up.

    The freebie high chair is awesome, but the tray is quite oversized and since you can't adjust it, you can't have the child sit behind it with their legs danging down the front. Not a huge issue since I'm working with a smaller child, but I may have to adjust the width of it, so baby can sit in it it in a reasonable way.

    The bottle from westpark has milk only at the bottom so baby lifting it up to drink from the bottle has a bottle of really odd milk stuk way down there....

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    The towel doesn't autofit very well. In that pose, it did the typical, jagged-edge broken thing, so I deleated it. The crotch is a little jagged, but not too bad. Many times, I've had better luck autofitting Genesis items to G8 than I do G2 or 3 items to G8.

    I love all the tidbits of Owen and Boyd's world that are slowly being revealed in this thread.

    I can do without the towel. I agree. Genesis stuff autofits better to Gen 8 than Gen 3 stuff frequently does.

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715
    edited June 2018


    The bottle from westpark has milk only at the bottom so baby lifting it up to drink from the bottle has a bottle of really odd milk stuk way down there....

    There is a hidden angled milk section for that bottle.

    1000 x 767 - 161K
    Post edited by Phoenix1966 on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Ah I missed that. I’m going to have to go see if I can locate that morph and rotate it properly. Thanks. 

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    I found it by accident. I loaded up the prop to see about making a cylinder to fit inside it and morphing that for you when I stumbled across that. I don't think any of the promos or description on the stor pages mentioned this was included.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2018

    Daddies has been updated with a pose featuring the Freebie highchair above.

    The baby bottle is from the Westpark Nursery. (Thanks VWrangler for recommending this).

    There are two sets, the props, which are blackened and well.. Westpark and the texture expansion here:  The baby bottle has a hidden milk option which you can enable in its properties to make the milk look right. (Thanks Phoenix1966 for that find).   You can of course use whatever bottle you please. The pose may or may not work with it though. I recolored the nipple of the bottle quite easily that orange rubber color from black.

    Baby here is baby Rosie for G8F. Because there are no other figures here, I didn't adjust her size like I would've if there were characters interacting with her. (all the babies are somewhat large). You will have to do that if you have others in the scene with her.


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    587 x 668 - 51K
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I found it by accident. I loaded up the prop to see about making a cylinder to fit inside it and morphing that for you when I stumbled across that. I don't think any of the promos or description on the stor pages mentioned this was included.

    aww... Thanks so much, and thanks for finding it. It was easy to use and  looked great!


  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684

    Owen and Boyd stop for java, but Boyd believes they are being followed....

    The lens flares and backlighting give this a golden, romantic glow- love it!

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Thanks. I’m quite fond of this look and it but it turned out nicely. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2018

    I spent the evening messing around with the Manga Markers set. This is a great set and a great idea- The set includs some great hair shaders, (if you want to be colorful), and eye shaders, as well as fabric shaders. The skin textures are unfortunately geared towards females but seem to work okay on the men. The eyebrows I passed on, they are too female for me, but might work for a more manga inspired guy.

    The other benefit to this set that I can see, is it really helps make toons of your charactesr using the application of filters. I will mess around further, but I like what I see.

    This is just a test. I realize the fingers aren't great on the left hand, but you can see it does well to creat line art by removing a lot of detail.

    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2018

    Here's boy with just the shaders applied you can see the shader for the pecs area... Clearly designed for women... However it doesn't look to be a hard fix to correct.

    1400 x 1600 - 3M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Wow, rendered in iRay? Those are excellent. I wouldn't call them toon style, but more like concise artistic drawings.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2018

    The black and white is render is the Same style  in Iray and they ran through a filter with topaz’s free studio software to make them look that way, The marker skins blow them out enough to make the filters look much better. 

    I suspect it would be quite easy or easier to make Linear art using these shaders but I did not have sufficient time to play last night.

    if I had my druthers I would want a skin without makeup and paler cleavage area. The cleavage is fixable but the makeup is not something I can fix, but you need some detail on the face anyway.. just the lips look samey.

    . It’s a bit like the old films where the actors needed to wear black to show up on screen.

    iray renders these shaders quickly and I did a bunch of tat renders in minutes. I actually think the hair shaders are fun and the cloth shaders useful for other style stuff too.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Canary3dCanary3d Posts: 2,033

    Serene Night -- these look great, BTW, but I agree about the pecs area -- do you think a plain texture of the base skin color would be useful? That is, with no highlight or shadow or makeup?  You could apply it to the torso or face and keep the darker lips and LIEbrows.  Painting good-looking shading for a male torso isn't within my talents but I could update the set with a shader folder of "Base skin colors" if that would be useful.

    If you want to give it a try, message me your email and I'll make a couple for you to test.  

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2018

    Yes I think it would be great. A plain shader would be ideal for me. Then I could use it on babies and kids as well.  I don’t need the pecs. Those can be done with light shadows.

    I will pm you.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2018

    Hmm. I Think that after the car crush and daddies poses I may have to try some cowboy poses. There is a distinct lack of  cowboy poses beyond the gunfighter kind of stuff, . I just don’t know if I have enough clothing...And if i can do anything with horse 2 I will be surprised but  we shall see 

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2018

    Quite! Cowboys especially the less violent ones interest me. Never could get into the gunfighter stuff. But love the traditional cowboy.

    Manga markers is a very addictive product. I love this set...... Here I rendered it in color. Boyd is red, Owen is Yellow. Then I took it into Topaz Studio-Free, and ran a filter. Smoothing it out with a custom filter in Topaz Impressions. I do wish for more stylized hair... But so far, the product is ripping.


    1800 x 1400 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2018

    Another fun image with Manga Markers. I am quite fond of ties that fly around. This is one of those ubiquitous piggy back poses I’m never sure what to use for.

    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • AJ2112AJ2112 Posts: 1,416

    Hi Serene, sorry I rarely comment at your thread, just that I enjoy viewing your rendered scenes and read all you share, but honestly you are way out of my league, Rofl !!!!!  So alot of progression you share, Im like huh ?  Like what is Manga markers ?  Linear art ?  Sure wish I had your 3D Sci fi talent, keep em coming yes

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Manga Markers is a new release

    there is a product thread that covers it more in detail but it is shaders that allow you to retexture characters with bright or gray colors. I use them then take it into a free program to make it grayscale 

  • AJ2112AJ2112 Posts: 1,416

    Hi Serene, thanks so much for explaination, product looks very cool, goes to show how much I still need to learn.  Never tried any texturing, time I exapand my horizons.  Alot of products/tools are to intimidating for me, Lol !!!  Would love to learn some of your techniques/ideas.  Look forward to your new scene renders smiley  

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Love your manga markers renders, esp the first topaz impressions one.  

    @aj2112 - if you go to the thread Serene pointed you to, the PA made a video showing how to use the product.  

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2018

    I tested out the new CC shave this product and found it turned out nice. Very nice selection of blonde hairs and you can go from subtle to strong. Boyd has very little body hair, so that works well for him. The shorts are Dudetrunks from rendo. A nice amount of morphs with those. Converts well to Gen 8.

    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    AJ2112 said:

    Hi Serene, thanks so much for explaination, product looks very cool, goes to show how much I still need to learn.  Never tried any texturing, time I exapand my horizons.  Alot of products/tools are to intimidating for me, Lol !!!  Would love to learn some of your techniques/ideas.  Look forward to your new scene renders smiley  

    It just makes the skin flat single tone like a cartoon looks. It is designed for female characters so the  base skins contain lips and and baked in color on the body parts that would make them look more manga.  Since not every character will need makeup or breast shaders the pa has included a plain shader which doesn’t have baked in highlights. This will look better for babies and men who don’t wear makeup. To get a shaded look though you’ll need lighting with stronger shadows because there aren’t any tonal highlights to speak of. 

    the shaders can Also be used on objects and clothing to make them match more.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    If anyone owns the dForce My Guy Jeans and Shirt for Genesis 8 Male can you check if the black and white checkered plaid texture in the orginal packet loads correctly? It looks funky to me in my download.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    If anyone owns the dForce My Guy Jeans and Shirt for Genesis 8 Male can you check if the black and white checkered plaid texture in the orginal packet loads correctly? It looks funky to me in my download.

    How is that outfit? I looked at it, but honestly, I'm not much of a fan of dForce for pants, and it looks like the shirt is unusable without dForce. It does look like the set has some nice modeling detail, though.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2018

    I haven't worked with it sufficiently, however I like it enough to keep it.

    I like the fact that it has some wrinkles grooves, and definition and that there are rumples and creases in the shirt without using dfoce. Most dforce models are smooth and you can't get the elbow folds at all.

    The collar seems rumpled by nature and loads that way as you can see on toony sam. I haven't figured out if there is a way to get it loaded straight.

    When dforced the shirt will open up but dforced is limited to poses where there is no touching and that is hard to really do in DAZ- one wants to have poses where people touch and fold their arms. So you can get those really cool poses if you are willing to contort your character.

    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
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