SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    Well, hope this one doesn't make you too hungry.

    This follow-up image proved a challenge. Making a pose where one character is feeding the other while standing proved... Fun.

    And... Not only did I have to photoshop the cake onto the fork, but I had to make a cake slice from another set, match the wedding cake-somewhat... Man I wish folks who make cakes, would include a sliced one! =-)

    Yes Boyd's cake piece is mostly icing. But that's just how he rolls.... =-)

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Well, hope this one doesn't make you too hungry.

    This follow-up image proved a challenge. Making a pose where one character is feeding the other while standing proved... Fun.

    And... Not only did I have to photoshop the cake onto the fork, but I had to make a cake slice from another set, match the wedding cake-somewhat... Man I wish folks who make cakes, would include a sliced one! =-)

    Yes Boyd's cake piece is mostly icing. But that's just how he rolls.... =-)

    Good followup and you're fast! I am still working on a scene I started 5 days ago.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Thanks. I have lo res totally bland models of Owen and Boyd. I make the pose with those save the pose and apply to the character. I can make a good pose in an hour or so but seeing how it looks once a character is clothed and with props is another thing..

     I usually have to adjust the pose to make sure hands and expression look okay with the outfit. In this case Boyd holding the cake slice proved tough since there were all the fingers to move  and yet the cake slice had to remain horizontal....

    i also had  to position Owen’s bow tie manually since the tuxedo one did not look too good and then fill it in some more since it was paper thin from the side view.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Thanks. I have lo res totally bland models of Owen and Boyd. I make the pose with those save the pose and apply to the character. I can make a good pose in an hour or so but seeing how it looks once a character is clothed and with props is another thing..

     I usually have to adjust the pose to make sure hands and expression look okay with the outfit. In this case Boyd holding the cake slice proved tough since there were all the fingers to move  and yet the cake slice had to remain horizontal....

    i also had  to position Owen’s bow tie manually since the tuxedo one did not look too good and then fill it in some more since it was paper thin from the side view.

    Yes, the Tuxedo Bowtie warps on one axis and one side looks much larger than the other side.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    This is bunny tie which looks slightly better than tuxedo tie but still looks odd from the right side. It looks like a piece of paper. I manually placed it there due to both warping which occurs on both ties when fitted. I gave up on Boyd and just gave him the vest and tie.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2018

    Boyd awakens from cryo sleep. Prepared to be deployed.

    This is actually a remake of an earlier one, that I have in the gallery using most of the same props, but a newer improved Boyd.


    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    I can't see the image.
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Well you've improved it & the pesky dog tags are dangling naturally too.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Yeah, I hated the way those clung to the chest. I'm going to try to find some better electrodes.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    I'm jealous on how you manage to make the dogtags work for him, when I try to make the dogtags i have (all for g3m or g2m) they either warp horrible (autofit) or are hell to even get to look decent and than don't follow the character when moving, or warp when posing *sigh* I really want a pair of dogtags for g8m

    The picture look great! And Boyd look both tired and somewhat annoyed in a way :)

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2018

    Thanks, The best dog tags com with the fw Alex character. I converted them to gen 8 but if you need to make them swing back and forth unparent them and use the hip bone to move them naturally. 

    Live used all the ones in the store and I’m convinced those are the best looking ones since they are longer and have more adjustments.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Thanks! I'll try that out :)

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2018

    Some interesting and potentially useful men's clothing in the store today. Billybob has a nice set of jeans and shirt.

    I passed over the inspector uniform intiially because I thought it was a toony outfit because the promo art featured Ollie and I looked no further because of it.  My mistake... When I looked at the rest of the promo art, it seems more realistic depending on the character you put in it. Might be useful as a uniform of sorts.  This does show you the impact of the first picture has on a purchasing decision. If I hadn't clicked to look at the rest, I would've thought it was only suitable for toons. You could change it up to with a different hat and a different texture.

    I couldn't use the Mullet, but picked up Killmonger hair.


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    The inspector uniform is actually using the French police force as a model.

    An while duh modelin jobs dun on duh suddern po' folk an dey belongins be gud dey not be talkin lock that an if dey do dey aint suddern folk but been washing TV. 

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    The inspector uniform is actually using the French police force as a model.

    An while duh modelin jobs dun on duh suddern po' folk an dey belongins be gud dey not be talkin lock that an if dey do dey aint suddern folk but been washing TV. 

    I shouldn't have read that while drinking a coke. My monitor may never forgive me.

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    Boyd awakens from cryo sleep. Prepared to be deployed.

    This is actually a remake of an earlier one, that I have in the gallery using most of the same props, but a newer improved Boyd.


    I haven't seen the original, but this will defintiley do!

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325

    I keep meaning to ask... Have you posed actual (written) stories about Boyd and Owen somewhere?  You've done such an amazing job showing off their personalities and every time I see one of your vignettes with the two of them, my brain immediately wants to know the story behind it all.  Your world is full of rich detail and your gallery captions show that you've got extremely well-developed ideas in your head, so I'm guessing you've got it written down somewhere.  I want to know more!!

    I was a writer LOOOOONG before I was into art.  I now lack the time for writing anything of substance, but I've lately been kicking around the idea of illustrating some of the OCs in my head until I can properly write about them. Your gallery makes me want to do that a lot.  Sadly, I think that's a pipe dream for me.  I disappear from the art world for months at a time because the only thing more stressed by memory shortage and slow processing than my GPU is my brain!  I just need about fifty extra hours added to the week, plus a personal assistant who does all the things I hate doing.  Lol.

  • ArtsyDragonArtsyDragon Posts: 682

    I second @Karibou's thoughts there.. I'd love to see a story with them.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    She did post a pretty long story recently in this thread. Look back a few pages. I learned some things I didn't know about Boyd and Owen.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2018
    Carola O said:

    Thanks! I'll try that out :)

    I'm not sure why jewelry is so difficult but G8M has so little. I just recently purchased the rocker set here, but also found two new sets at Rendo, one is a Celtic jewelry set, which I thought looked cool for G8M, plus the new set by SF-design for men. I had to manually use wedding rings from an old set for the guys, but there aren't even those in the store.  Good luck with the dog tags. Just don't look too closely at them! I believe they all have Alex's name on them.


    barbult said:
    I can't see the image.
    barbult said:

    I removed it and re-added it. I wanted to try to darken an area.

    Karibou said:

    I keep meaning to ask... Have you posed actual (written) stories about Boyd and Owen somewhere?  You've done such an amazing job showing off their personalities and every time I see one of your vignettes with the two of them, my brain immediately wants to know the story behind it all.  Your world is full of rich detail and your gallery captions show that you've got extremely well-developed ideas in your head, so I'm guessing you've got it written down somewhere.  I want to know more!!

    I was a writer LOOOOONG before I was into art.  I now lack the time for writing anything of substance, but I've lately been kicking around the idea of illustrating some of the OCs in my head until I can properly write about them. Your gallery makes me want to do that a lot.  Sadly, I think that's a pipe dream for me.  I disappear from the art world for months at a time because the only thing more stressed by memory shortage and slow processing than my GPU is my brain!  I just need about fifty extra hours added to the week, plus a personal assistant who does all the things I hate doing.  Lol.

    There isn't much written in the area of Owen and Boyd beyond plot summaries,  I may one day write it down, but a military sci-fi epic requires a lot more technical know-how and exposition that would require a lot of knowledge to represent properly.  There are other aspects that I can likely do well such as their sloppy civilian moments... Which is why probably I enjoy illustrating those a lot.

    There are some things I find, as I work to their conclusion though which I find need changing. Such as aspects of Boyd's character. Boyd is by far a more complex character than Owen, at least in the sense of requiring work, to figure out how he can do things, and why he would do it, and what forces are involved in him.

    Although Owen is the main protagonist Boyd is very much the story catalyst. Things begin happening to Owen as a result of knowing Boyd and vice versa.

    I tend to like to let stories and characters flow naturally in the way that the characters would naturally want to go.

    One author friend of mine, wrote once, that she writes all her characters as thoguh they had a past life with unfinished business. Each novel she writes is about exploring that unfinished life, of their previous incarnation. If this were true, then Owen and Boyd's unfinished business would be to have their happy ending. Thats what I'll try to do for them character-wise. Although lots of things try to get in the way of that happenning, ultimately they are together and happy.


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2018

    This was my second iteration of  this image. I wanted to see if I could get a more icy look.... But yet a thawing icy look. And so I painted in some melted bits and drops. If you haven't used it, a new layer with the bubble wrap filter in Photoshop tweaked and added to lighten can make a good ice look. Just erase out the extras bits you don't want and take out some detail.

    But now at last I'm done. Can't look at any more orange! =-)

    I honestly have always found the idea of cryo sleep to be.... Appalling. I would never want to be frozen alive, and thawed later, or even put to sleep for very long periods of time.

    Then there is the months and years that pass when you don't age and people you know and love age.

    It happens only one time to Owen in the story. Owen is cryogenically frozen for a couple of years, and emerges younger than Boyd by two years. They are actually about the same age, with Boyd being older than Owen by a few months naturally. Due to his body swapping, Boyd tends to physically appear younger but, he is the older man in the relationship, and he doesn't allow Owen to live it down. =-)

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2018

    This is the new cybernetic brain prop from Rendo in front of one of Jepe's gorgeous backdrops.  I think this is an excellent prop. The only downside is its on the head, so hair can't be added effectively... Hm... Well maybe a mohawk...

    This image was taking forever to render so I didn't let it converge completely... But you get the idea.

    The pants here and on the previous render are both from the Cyberfit set. They fit pretty well to Gen 8, although some issues with the bulge I couldn't quite overcome so I had to touch that area up.


    1400 x 1600 - 5M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • ArtsyDragonArtsyDragon Posts: 682

    What a wonder set of images to wake up to! Thank you!

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited May 2018
    Carola O said:

    Thanks! I'll try that out :)

    I'm not sure why jewelry is so difficult but G8M has so little. I just recently purchased the rocker set here, but also found two new sets at Rendo, one is a Celtic jewelry set, which I thought looked cool for G8M, plus the new set by SF-design for men. I had to manually use wedding rings from an old set for the guys, but there aren't even those in the store.  Good luck with the dog tags. Just don't look too closely at them! I believe they all have Alex's name on them.


    What I've found so far is that a good set for really simple rings, and even some more complex ones, until and unless another G8M set comes out, is a G3 set by Fisty -
    They're conformers -- basically, gloves -- so they go through autofit for G8. You have to turn off the rings you don't want, but they still work more easily, in some ways, than a smart prop set.

    In theory, if you could manage the fiddliness, it should be possible to change the scene identification and get them to behave as though they were made for G8. In theory. Stuff with the hands is fiddly enough that I just don't want to try, most of the time.

    I am, sadly, entirely unsurprised at the lack of jewelry for G8. I just realized -- and I'm willing and hoping to be proven wrong, but I don't think I am -- that there hasn't been a dark skinned merchant resource produced for male characters since (.... drumroll, please!) ... Michael 4. Seriously. Not kidding. Daz produced two for that generation, one of which is both problematic and was used by a whole lotta people (still in the store, in fact -, and one which I think has been retired and I only know it existed because I bought it by accident, way back when. G8 just this past week got a combined G3/G8 caucasian resource; the first for his generation, a full year in. (And it has TIFFs! Egad!) And elsewhere in the forum, there is the bimonthly "where all the male stuff at?" thread.

    Apologies; got sidetracked. A rant for elsewhere, perhaps.

    Anyway, those are some very impressive renders. I was wondering how the cybernetic head prop worked. Maybe the vendor will come out with Hinge Hair to match, so it can be flipped up to access the panel. (Apart from him being for G3M, that panel might go really well with Pix-Cypher.)

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    illysArt said:

    What a wonder set of images to wake up to! Thank you!

    thanks so much!


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    @cwrangler. Yes.  the set you mention is what I used to make the guys simple wedding rings. 

    I’m sorry about the lack of good skin resources. I experienced the lack of good Black mens resources when looking  for men’s hair and skin. I bought every black hair at rendo and couldn’t get one that fit or looked right.

     The black skins I have resemble each other quite a bit,

    I always wonder about visible android parts on androids. I mean if you so far as to make an Android who is physically human it makes no sense to make visible parts, for cyborgs I can sort of see it. Probably the fake skin and such is difficult to match and fit, and more expensive.


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    @cwrangler. Yes.  the set you mention is what I used to make the guys simple wedding rings. 

    I’m sorry about the lack of good skin resources. I experienced the lack of good Black mens resources when looking  for men’s hair and skin. I bought every black hair at rendo and couldn’t get one that fit or looked right.

     The black skins I have resemble each other quite a bit,

    I always wonder about visible android parts on androids. I mean if you so far as to make an Android who is physically human it makes no sense to make visible parts, for cyborgs I can sort of see it. Probably the fake skin and such is difficult to match and fit, and more expensive.


    The Terminator movies that I saw used skin as a disguise more or less and it grew like bark on a tree.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Boyd awakens from cryo sleep. Prepared to be deployed.

    This is actually a remake of an earlier one, that I have in the gallery using most of the same props, but a newer improved Boyd.


    Holy wow!  Too bad he's taken lol!

  • ArkadySkiesArkadySkies Posts: 206
    edited May 2018
    There isn't much written in the area of Owen and Boyd beyond plot summaries,  I may one day write it down, but a military sci-fi epic requires a lot more technical know-how and exposition that would require a lot of knowledge to represent properly.

    Have you heard of the Atomic Rockets site? It's an amazing resource. I've linked specifically to the "FOR SCIENCE FICTION AUTHORS" page, but there's a sorted directory at the bottom of every page. You can use that to research specific subjects.

    Also, you can probably get away with vagueing on the technical details for short stories or vignettes, if you enjoy writing that sort of thing. Your artwork usually does a great job of communicating a story on its own, however, so don't feel like you have to.

    (Irrelevant sidenote: I thought wedding cakes HAD to have white frosting - chocolate is an option? I'm inspired.)

    Post edited by ArkadySkies on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2018

    Holy wow!  Too bad he's taken lol!

    Boyd Is kind of flirty but yeah he only got eyes for one guy. And has for far too long...=)

    (Irrelevant sidenote: I thought wedding cakes HAD to have white frosting - chocolate is an option? I'm inspired.)

    The image I found on the web had a gay couple cutting a tuxedo black and white cake. They are usually white, but I’ve seen pink, lavender, chocolate, and multi, so they don’t need to be white, they just usually are. I also saw one that is half black half white down the center. I wish I could’ve found a male cake topper. I suppose I could’ve used an old program for Genesis to make a couple of plastic ones. But there are those honking roses on the top which no one except perhaps Boyd will eat and the figures would be hip deep in that.  There really aren’t that many wedign cakes for sale that look remotely realistic...

    I will check out the writing website..thanks. I have decided I probably should concentrate on writing a night or two a week. Daz consumes most of my creative energies and I don’t write nearly at all since I started using it....

    Post edited by Serene Night on
This discussion has been closed.