SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I missed Jepes new cinematic poses simehow it got buried amongst the female releases but I really like Jepes pose work he’s been doing lately, this is a nice masculine set with cool extras.

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    What do you think of the basic set? I’ve been debating back and forth on this one because I don’t want female gear and dislike that it is lumped together when all I want is the male stuff. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I agree it is frustrating to be forced to buy the female version and the price is pretty high as a set.

    I was initially concerned the set looks a bit boxy and I’m not very fond of the respiration gear which looks a bit  like something Bane  would wear.... but those issues so far I quite like it. It’s a kitbashers dream too as all the content loads as individual pieces so you have 10-14 items to use in other products. I haven’t counted them yet because I was a bit obsessed with trying to sort that mess of textures... which proved frustrating because they are all in one folder with incorrect images and not enough options for each color set.

    the texture expansion does add some nice colors and also options for lighting on the goggles.... if they can sort that hot mess out it might be nice and useful but not in its present form.

    Ill go into more depth later today as I intend to devote my afternoon to playing with them but my initially impression is that the set looks useful.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    One thing I find unusual about the set is there are some parts of the outfit that are Right and left... Such as there are right and left guards for the boots, the gloves and the knees...different body bits... However the boots are just a single load. It would've been nice to have a set with individual boots, especially with the rest of the outfit having some items loading individually. Sometimes characters do want to remove a single boot.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited April 2018

    I agree it is frustrating to be forced to buy the female version and the price is pretty high as a set.

    I was initially concerned the set looks a bit boxy and I’m not very fond of the respiration gear which looks a bit  like something Bane  would wear.... but those issues so far I quite like it. It’s a kitbashers dream too as all the content loads as individual pieces so you have 10-14 items to use in other products. I haven’t counted them yet because I was a bit obsessed with trying to sort that mess of textures... which proved frustrating because they are all in one folder with incorrect images and not enough options for each color set.

    the texture expansion does add some nice colors and also options for lighting on the goggles.... if they can sort that hot mess out it might be nice and useful but not in its present form.

    Ill go into more depth later today as I intend to devote my afternoon to playing with them but my initially impression is that the set looks useful.


    So ... possibly an odd question, but if you get a chance to check ... without the bra underneath, how does that female top in the Tactical set look on the guys? Does the chest reposition correctly? (It shouldn't have the center lump that some things get, at the very least, what with not actually having that center area.) (... Asking for a friend, of course.)

    Weirdly, there's something I've worked on now and again where the set, as it's intended to be used, would make some sense (although in that case, I'd put the male set on the female characters, because it would need to look functional.)  But that female top, without the bra, looks like it could be an interesting open-ish front shirt for guys as well, so maybe there's some other potential. Something for the guy who wanders around town needing slightly bulletproof protection in only a very few of the important places.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    okay for the sake of my sanity I went in and sorted them by color so I know what to apply to what. Unfortunately, even that doesn't work, because each set doesn't have the same number of items, presumably because some sets, use one in common. Holy kittens. Do they not realize that people who buy texture sets don't like struggling with the textures and applying them, thats why we purchase sets to do it for us? At least put these in folders so people know what to apply with what..... I think this may be a return

    Something that complex should come with a hierarchical preset to load a set of material files all at once.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Hmm. I will do some quick renders for you. suprisingly this does not look all that bad.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    barbult said:

    okay for the sake of my sanity I went in and sorted them by color so I know what to apply to what. Unfortunately, even that doesn't work, because each set doesn't have the same number of items, presumably because some sets, use one in common. Holy kittens. Do they not realize that people who buy texture sets don't like struggling with the textures and applying them, thats why we purchase sets to do it for us? At least put these in folders so people know what to apply with what..... I think this may be a return

    Something that complex should come with a hierarchical preset to load a set of material files all at once.

    Yes, I spent over an hour trying to load Owen into the 'dark camoflage' texture so I could do a night scene. It was impossible. Not only are there not enough textures for each set, with the parts loading separately it is way too many items, and I forget what I've done... Plus expanding body parts to locate the various guards.... Was frustrating.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    Here is Owen in the female pants and vest. It is clearly Date Night for Boyd. I should note that the pants are a bit interesitng... they fit right over Owen's gens, but clearly not.... So Not sure whats going on down there. Will render the rest of the clothing options in a second.


    1. exhibit A: Female pants, vest, and boots

    2. Exhibit B. Corset and Bra top.  Might be Okay for slimmer guy, but Not Owen's style Kinda sports bra-like

    3. Exibit C: Male shirt & Pants

    4. Exhibit d: Male 'vest'

    Verdict: I like the female 'open vest' option on the male. Its cute for a sexy downtime look. The bra and corset, are typical skimpwear and look as you might expect on the male figure. Both pants seem to cover Owen's Anatomical Elements, and the only difference I can see below the waist is that there is a slightly wider male bulge area and the thighs are wider on the female character especially noticible around the croth. . I did not check the back to see if there were posterior differences.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    barbult said:

    okay for the sake of my sanity I went in and sorted them by color so I know what to apply to what. Unfortunately, even that doesn't work, because each set doesn't have the same number of items, presumably because some sets, use one in common. Holy kittens. Do they not realize that people who buy texture sets don't like struggling with the textures and applying them, thats why we purchase sets to do it for us? At least put these in folders so people know what to apply with what..... I think this may be a return

    Something that complex should come with a hierarchical preset to load a set of material files all at once.

    Yes, I spent over an hour trying to load Owen into the 'dark camoflage' texture so I could do a night scene. It was impossible. Not only are there not enough textures for each set, with the parts loading separately it is way too many items, and I forget what I've done... Plus expanding body parts to locate the various guards.... Was frustrating.


    If you ever get all the materials loaded the way you want them, I would recommend saving a hierarchical materials preset for yourself for future use. Submit a help request to explain the difficulty using the product. Maybe some files were left out of the package or something. You have 30 days to return it. Maybe they will fix/improve the product before then, if you explain the problems.

  • StormlyghtStormlyght Posts: 666
    edited April 2018

    Here's the Back pocket image.... + Pose if y'all want it. There will be plenty of adjusting to do to make it work especially if your guys are different heights...But this will give you the basics. Enjoy.

    Thank you for the pose! And, this is a fantastic image! You do so much an amazing job depicting (extremely well) the tenderness and love that this couple has for each other. 



    Post edited by Stormlyght on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Here's the Back pocket image.... + Pose if y'all want it. There will be plenty of adjusting to do to make it work especially if your guys are different heights...But this will give you the basics. Enjoy.

    Thank you for the pose! And, this is a fantastic image! You do so much an amazing job depicting (extremely well) the tenderness and love that his couple has for each other. 



    Glad you like it! Stay tuned, as I will just post the poses when I make them, so you will likely amass a whole set eventually.


  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Cool! Thank you so much for doing all this!

    Here is Owen in the female pants and vest. It is clearly Date Night for Boyd. I should note that the pants are a bit interesitng... they fit right over Owen's gens, but clearly not.... So Not sure whats going on down there. Will render the rest of the clothing options in a second.


    1. exhibit A: Female pants, vest, and boots

    I will admit, I like that look. I can think of one or two things it might work for.

    2. Exhibit B. Corset and Bra top.  Might be Okay for slimmer guy, but Not Owen's style Kinda sports bra-like

    Based on the promos, I actually thought the corset thing was part of the female top. Huh. I mean, I like the top better without that stuff, it's just a surprise.

    Verdict: I like the female 'open vest' option on the male. Its cute for a sexy downtime look. The bra and corset, are typical skimpwear and look as you might expect on the male figure. Both pants seem to cover Owen's Anatomical Elements, and the only difference I can see below the waist is that there is a slightly wider male bulge area and the thighs are wider on the female character especially noticible around the crotch. I did not check the back to see if there were posterior differences.

    Thanks again for going to all this effort! I hope they fix the icons and other issues; that looks like it would be a massive pain to sort out.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    Interesting the female textures apply to the male clothing. At least in this instance. I used the female pants on the male pants texture on the male pants. I don't know if this is the case for all the rest of the textures. It seems lighter to me though.

    For kicks I applied the female vest over the Male 'vest' To see how it layered. Suprisingly well, if you set collision as the male vest.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I think the female options are just too female. And the leg guards without similar guards over the torso & arms are too much. The male options though sans the leg guards are awesome looking though.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    vwrangler said:


    Thanks again for going to all this effort! I hope they fix the icons and other issues; that looks like it would be a massive pain to sort out.


    glad to help! I honestly don't see how that got past the people checking the content. Its very difficult to use in its present state. At the very least, subfolders should be made for the color options, and each item should have a texture. Its really confusing.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    I think the female options are just too female. And the leg guards without similar guards over the torso & arms are too much. The male options though sans the leg guards are awesome looking though.

    There are torso and arm options. I just left them off so Wrangler could see the clothing. The female option has 17 click to load items, including full-preloads. The male option has 18.  Each set has a full set of clothing, and a full armor pieces which go over it, including headwear, goggles, visor and mask. Its massive. Although some pieces load in pairs, they are actually individual items attached to various body parts.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • ArtsyDragonArtsyDragon Posts: 682

    When I did my comparison renders, I didn't try colors or anything. I was trying to see how the male stuff looked on the female. With SY's Breast Clothing Fixer, it looked pretty good.

    Thanks for all the updates on the color options. 

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    Thanks for posting all those images. The open vest might be useful in a scene where wnother character is gripping it or ripping it open to check for wounds (or for more fun reasons).

  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513

    When you're trying to retexture a whole bunch of separate items from one outfit, select them all at the same time and just go down the texture folder clicking all the "black" or "tan" or whatever options. There's no need to hunt around and keep a list of which ones you did.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    When you're trying to retexture a whole bunch of separate items from one outfit, select them all at the same time and just go down the texture folder clicking all the "black" or "tan" or whatever options. There's no need to hunt around and keep a list of which ones you did.

    Thats a good tip. Unfortunately They aren't in order. And items have the wrong images. In addition not every item has a material color preset.  Some items are called... Tan or Dark Tan... So you sort them manually you will see. So I'm honestly sure I'm getting them all. Especialy for the darker colors since its tough to see what you are viewing in the viewport. AT minimum these textures should be in individual folders so people can apply them more easily using your method. Its just really a mess the way it is now.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    Phoenix1966 said:

    Thanks for posting all those images. The open vest might be useful in a scene where wnother character is gripping it or ripping it open to check for wounds (or for more fun reasons).

    I envision a nice image where a character is caught undressing, throws it on, and has to go out for some reason. =-) I think the vest is sexy, and Boyd would like it on Owen. Owen would not likely wear it in public due to marine dress code, (he already gets into enough trouble with the beard stubble he shaves twice a day) but if something should happen to the shirt.... =-)


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    Textures and  expansion

    Items labeled Commando: 10 items

    Items labeled Black: 1 item

    Items labeled Dark Camo: 11

    Items labeled Dark Tan: 2

    Goggle Options: 5 including on/off. Different colored lights and lens etc.

    Items labeled Green: 14

    Items labeled Green Camo: 13

    There aren't even the same number of items for the different textures. Clearly some are intended to be interchangeable, but there are no duplicates to make a whole set. Many look similar to me in the viewport as well- until rendered. 

    To recolor the various guards you need to drill down to the limb they are attached to. I am Pretty sure dark tan and tan are supposed to be the same set... 

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513

    Wow, that's really awkward structure.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    The sets may not even be complete. For example there is no gray camo neck guard, it isn’t listed in the files... or on what is included, if I am to use another one to make it look ridght ....which one?  The pa who made the set did also make the textures so he should’ve included complete textures in subfolders at minimum to make it easier for buyers. 

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    The sets may not even be complete. For example there is no gray camo neck guard, it isn’t listed in the files... or on what is included, if I am to use another one to make it look ridght ....which one?  The pa who made the set did also make the textures so he should’ve included complete textures in subfolders at minimum to make it easier for buyers. 

    You've almost sold me on the main set with all the images you've posted, but I think I'm going to have to give the texture expansion a wide berth. I do not have your patience.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    The sets may not even be complete. For example there is no gray camo neck guard, it isn’t listed in the files... or on what is included, if I am to use another one to make it look ridght ....which one?  The pa who made the set did also make the textures so he should’ve included complete textures in subfolders at minimum to make it easier for buyers. 

    You've almost sold me on the main set with all the images you've posted, but I think I'm going to have to give the texture expansion a wide berth. I do not have your patience.

    There's another week before it goes off sale to make a decision, at least. I'm mostly kind of sold, but it sounds like even without the expansion, figuring out what does what is going to be tricky. And if Divamakeups's new shader set arrives before the week is out, I'm probably going to pick that over this, since the project I need it for isn't a high priority at the moment.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I’m honestly surprised by the textures. The outfit itself shows a lot of attention to detail so I am surprised the organization of the textures is so difficult. I would’ve organized it as the creator to save my own sanity. What is further odd is that the set has a detailed list of all the textures included. I’ve never seen that before usually it’s like  “grey camo set” instead it lists every texture in the bundle... so he’s not hiding that these sets aren’t complete... just that it’s odd to make something like this.

    that said, the textures that I’ve seen are pretty good.

    there are a couple things I don’t know how to do. For example there are two visors one up and one down. I seem to have to move it manually. 


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    Okay here is Owen wearing  the default suit, minus the headgear. He looks pretty groovy.


    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    He wears it well.

This discussion has been closed.