SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun



  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,716

    If folks don't have the converter for G3 to G8 poses, AgentUnawares created a free pose control for the Genesis 8 male so that he can accept most Genesis 3 male poses with no adjustments. you can read about it and download it at their DeviantArt account here.

  • Hello angstyg  and welcome to the forums.

    I personally use only genesis 8 male, because he bends better and his expressions are better. I've gone through all the generations and each have their problems. . I think there is no harm in trying both generations as both genesis 3 male and genesis 8 base male are free to use. If you are doing close up work you'll want a HD package like Michael 8 HD so you can get the definition on the torso and probably a muscularity set like  Massive Morphs for Genesis 8 male.. If you are just doing bodies, I'd get Michael 8 and bend control for genesis 8 male so your bodies bend well. I tend to want to dial in a lot of morphs for my heads, so if you start doing heads, you'll want face morph packages.

    Depending on whether you want bodyhair, there are several fiber mesh options available and some autofit from older generations.

    I think your instinct is correct, I'd try Genesis 8  and a figure or two and see how you like it.

    Some  don't like the heads of Generation 8 males, but since your not doing heads, you should be okay in getting something like Michael 8. I use him a lot and he's a good basic. But I usually use morphs to reshape his head the way I want.

    Good luck! And if you get something you don't like there is a 30 day return policy.

    You are amaaaaazing, thank you so much! That's exactly what I needed to know! It's so funny, but this summer I learned how to paint chest hair, which was SUCH a big deal for me because I've never been good at painting hair, but I was able to get a realistic result and was so excited. It's now occured to me that I could have probably done that in 3D in a fraction of the time, lol. Ironically, I've now practiced painting body hair so much that it'd probably take me less time to paint it onto a 3D model than learn how to make it happen in Daz.

    Skillsets are weird.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    No, I think that's great you can paint bodyhair. I have a few sets I use to make that easier... But there are still problem areas that need a touchup particularly the scalp and some areas of the chest.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    If folks don't have the converter for G3 to G8 poses, AgentUnawares created a free pose control for the Genesis 8 male so that he can accept most Genesis 3 male poses with no adjustments. you can read about it and download it at their DeviantArt account here.

    Thanks for mentioning that. I downloaded that one a while ago and it works well

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Well today would not be sam Winchester’s favorite day with the release of josh Crockett’s amazing clown characters. The level of detail is pretty amazing on those.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I would love clown like those but not scary. Wish he'd make a Happy / Sad Circus Clown add-on.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited November 2017

    A nice clown would be useful for circuses and parties. I do like the evil clowns too they practically look like they render themselves but it would cost about 50 for the whole set and I can’t see how often I’d use them. They are pretty amazing looking though and I am certainly tempted.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Those boys clean up very nicely and apparently they can cook!  Gorgeous render!

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,716

    Well today would not be sam Winchester’s favorite day with the release of josh Crockett’s amazing clown characters. The level of detail is pretty amazing on those.

    I was thinking the same thing. wink

    And, like you, I can't justify getting everything for one or two renders, but wonderful nod to Pennywise.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited November 2017


    Those boys clean up very nicely and apparently they can cook!  Gorgeous render!

    Boyd knows Owen loves good food, and mess hall food in the military is probably all mass produces GMO vat grown material..

     Both guys do like to cook but they cook different things. Owen's more of a healthy eater with an occasional extravagance  and Boyd likes Southern food and creole style food ala Paula Dean.


    I was thinking the same thing. wink

    And, like you, I can't justify getting everything for one or two renders, but wonderful nod to Pennywise.

    The renders I've seen of the clowns are pretty stunninig. Poor Sammy. I hope they do a reprisal of the Clown-phobia soon. The episode at the circus was... hilarious. 

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited November 2017

    Its probably no surprise that I think DZfire makes great stuff since its mostly sci-fi and very well made. For some reason, I'm rather attached to his Cyber M4 and V4.  They are older and a bit challenging to pose... But... I wanted to see just how many I could fit in a scene.... The answer is.... 7 plus Owen. I could probably fit more... but... I have enough trouble with 8 characters in one scene.

    The downside of so many camoflaged cyber m4's in one scene  is that I'm finding it difficult nay mesmerizing to look at. I'll rework this at some point and maybe redo some of this.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited November 2017

    This was a converted Male/Female genesis pose applied to Gen 8. I brought it up using the conversion method mentioned earlier. The background is the prehistoric HDRI. Good stuff!

    1400 x 1600 - 3M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Your food render turned out quite nicely! 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Thanks, I admit to liking rendering food.. unfortunately studii  wasn’t working for me when I rendered it so I had trouble with my dials. I had to uninstall that windows 10 fall creative update which made my viewport controls kinda jenky.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Let that be a lesson to me. Before deforcing a pic, save, save, save. The whole render just blew.

  • Love the thanksgiving render, very festive. Awesome pose in that last one.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Thanks. It took a while to do, and my computre was glitched at the time. Maybe next year, I can do a better one. Love your elephant with a balloon icon. Tres cute!

  • This was a converted Male/Female genesis pose applied to Gen 8. I brought it up using the conversion method mentioned earlier. The background is the prehistoric HDRI. Good stuff!

    That is amaaazing! Gosh I love that pose. I'll have to look up some of those MF poses for conversions.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680


    Even if a pose is M/F *and typically I don't like female poses for the men since they are quite exagerrated although some work. and you can tweak them to work.. U can use two of the men's poses. This old genesis set had 40 poses, so there was enough mix and match.

    Feralfey here does a number of gender interchangable poses although they aren't advertised so much, for example her ballroom pose sets.

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,716

    That one of them together by/in the water is stunning and so very intimate.

  • angstygangstyg Posts: 52
    edited November 2017


    Even if a pose is M/F *and typically I don't like female poses for the men since they are quite exagerrated although some work. and you can tweak them to work.. U can use two of the men's poses.

    Does this mean I can put a male in the female pose, or that I can use two male poses and try to smoosh em together?

    Because if it's the first, I might buy "Back Together" poses and see how those work out. So many of those poses seem like they'd be fitting for M/M.

    Post edited by angstyg on
  • If folks don't have the converter for G3 to G8 poses, AgentUnawares created a free pose control for the Genesis 8 male so that he can accept most Genesis 3 male poses with no adjustments. you can read about it and download it at their DeviantArt account here.

    Thank you for showing this to people. :)

  • angstyg said:


    Even if a pose is M/F *and typically I don't like female poses for the men since they are quite exagerrated although some work. and you can tweak them to work.. U can use two of the men's poses.

    Does this mean I can put a male in the female pose, or that I can use two male poses and try to smoosh em together?

    Because if it's the first, I might buy "Back Together" poses and see how those work out. So many of those poses seem like they'd be fitting for M/M.

    yes, male and female poses within the same generation are interchangable. I acually use a lot of male poses on the girls for when I don't want a "butt out boobs up" pose. :) 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited November 2017
    angstyg said:

    Does this mean I can put a male in the female pose, or that I can use two male poses and try to smoosh em together?

    Because if it's the first, I might buy "Back Together" poses and see how those work out. So many of those poses seem like they'd be fitting for M/M.

    Yes. You can use any same generation pose regardless of gender in the same generation and you can use the early generation poses  on different generations with the  free conversion tool if it is gen 3or the long directions I put above for bringing super early poses up.

    so yes you can use the male half of the couple on both male characters and you can use the female on male although many favor the over exaggeration of the female poses so they don’t tend to work unless you tweak the spine hips legs and chest because these areas are often pinup female style


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    That one of them together by/in the water is stunning and so very intimate.

    Aww thanks! It turned out well I think


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited November 2017

    My second love is actually superhero comics. Whenever I see a superhero suit, for G8M I buy it.

    I wanted to see how well Ragerator works with iray. The answer is: quite well although you will have to fix areas that are strategically awkward areas. Owen's butt which somehow managed to get several runs in the wrong place.. But wound healing is your friend.

    I'm not sure what Owen is doing here. Clearly though he's snuck into the bathroom to get out of the crime-fighting costume by the light of that mag light efore Boyd finds out. Unfortunately looks like Boyd has found out, as he's holding the mask which dforced nicely.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Owen sure looks like he's been through the ringer tonight! I love the picture in the background. Nice touch. :)

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    The painting was of a giant woman's face, and it didn't seem like something the guys would have on their wall.  Yeah, Owen looks quite muddy, and the costume didn't seem to take much of a beating.

  • funny, great details here. Really like the use of your other render on the back wall, and the flashlight on the edge of the tub. Really detailed piece and the details add so much to the story. 

  • pruggipruggi Posts: 151

    My second love is actually superhero comics. Whenever I see a superhero suit, for G8M I buy it.

    I wanted to see how well Ragerator works with iray. The answer is: quite well although you will have to fix areas that are strategically awkward areas. Owen's butt which somehow managed to get several runs in the wrong place.. But wound healing is your friend.

    I'm not sure what Owen is doing here. Clearly though he's snuck into the bathroom to get out of the crime-fighting costume by the light of that mag light efore Boyd finds out. Unfortunately looks like Boyd has found out, as he's holding the mask which dforced nicely.

    Ohhhh, I really love this! Came out really nice and love the scenario.

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