UV Stretching Help Request

Problem: UV stretching. How to fix?
My model is very simple. It began as a grid in the UV modeler. The model was scaled on the X and Y to conform to the size of the actual item, "FlexWrap." FlexWrap has one texture on the top, and is black (butyl) on the bottom.
The shader I created is a Layers List. The first layer is a multichannel with only a color, black, for the bottom. The second layer is a Flat Mapping of the Whole Object, on the top surface, and is a texture map, 2048 x 2048 pixels.
I created morph of the model because it needs to be animated going from a relatively flat shape to being applied to a surface. However, my texture map is getting distorted when the model is morphed in the animation, and is being stretched.
I have spent almost two days trying to correct this. I need help. I have been searching for a solution. But, no luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction, or look at my files to determine how I might fix it?
Here is a YouTube link of a 3-sec video, to see what is occurring: http://youtu.be/AI_5E-8uKd4
Here is a link to the Carrara file, and texture files (zipped): http://www.millerstudio.com/downloads/carrara-stretching-UV-issue.zip
Maybe I'm missing something, but why did you use a layered list for this? I get the attached results using basic Multi Channel top shader.
Thanks for responding. I also changed my shader to the same as yours. Yes, it does work. BUT, the underside of the material needs to be black in color, representing butyl. I thought that a layers list would address this. So, how can I make the underside black without distorting the topside? I really appreciate your feedback!
Carrara doesn't come with a shader that shades different sides of the same polygon different colors. You have a couple of options:
- Make your object a really, really thin box instead of a single plane, then you can shade the two sides differently
- My Toward/Away shader was designed for exactly this purpose. It is bundled in a package here at DAZ: http://www.daz3d.com/pose-and-shading-tools-2
Not sure how you were going to use this animation, but another simple resolution is to duplicate the object and assigned the appropriate shader. I simply offset slightly in z position (took one minute to set up; notice the back is black).