Poser Compatibility

thoromyrthoromyr Posts: 452
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

From previous discussion I gather that there is at least loose compatibility for loading figures designed for up to poser 7. What I'm hoping to do is get a better handle on this since Carrara's support for poser appears frozen and more and more figures require poser features not supported by the importer.

The case in point is Suijin, which the description says requires poser 7.2. I asked the vendor, Sixus1, what caused the product to be labeled that I was told, "We tend to use dependent parameters a lot in our newer figures, so if anything that would be it." The thing is, I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to poser so I'm not sure if that is referring to something along the lines of ERC. If it is, it is my understanding that Carrara handles that fine.

I'm hoping that someone more knowledgeable of these things can help me out as to the probability of the figure working correctly in Carrara.



  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,586
    edited December 1969

    I know that if you try to use the Poser version of HiveWire's Dawn, this happens when you apply a pose. I think someone mentioned that this was because of the different way Poser handles weight mapping.

    There is a DS version of Dawn, and I'm sure I have it installed, but I'm damned if I can find it in my browser...

    397 x 658 - 119K
  • thoromyrthoromyr Posts: 452
    edited December 1969

    Certainly poser weight mapping is a problem, and IMO its a shame Carrara doesn't support that. IIRC there's a way to try and bring them across, but it works best if you have poser to prep the model. What I do recall is that Fenric has provided some tools to try and "fix" them for Carrara. Regrettably, the model I was trying to get to work wasn't fixable (at least, not without access to poser).

    So if its a poser figure with weight mapping I know to give it a miss. But what I'm hoping to do is get some better clarity about what else does or does not work.

  • MiloMilo Posts: 511
    edited December 1969

    I know Fenric made a Poser Weight Map Injector Plugin and its listed as free still on his site.

    Carrara Cafe had a posting http://carraracafe.com/news/fenrics-poser-weight-map-injector-plugin/ when you go to his sight the link listed doesn't work its now int he downloads.

    Not saying it would or wouldn't work just tossing this in.

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