Nothing Installs right

I have been trying for 3 days to install content into Dazpro 4. Nothing installs. It worked fine on my Vista, but not my new Windows 7. Tried the default and hunting it down manually, but nothing works right. Any help?
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I have been trying for 3 days to install content into Dazpro 4. Nothing installs. It worked fine on my Vista, but not my new Windows 7. Tried the default and hunting it down manually, but nothing works right. Any help?
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What exactly is happening? Where are you install the content to. It should be C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library
That's where it goes. but nothing shows. Been trying to install Jasmine bundle for 3 days.
Is it giving you any error when you are trying to install or is it more you can't find it.
No error, its not there. It doesn't show in Daz people,
Had no problems with my other computer. Bought this one just for this program.
Where are you looking for it? DAZ People is for Poser-format characters.
Try looking in Daz Studio Format/My Library/People/Genesis/Characters/3D Universe
I just installed and checked the readme and that is where it should be.
Mine appears in the Smart Content/People tab as well.
Why doesn't mine show in smart content? It shows on my other computer in smart content.
If its not being installed to the location I posted above. Try re-installing and manually point it to the my library folder instead of letting it install to default.
I put it in the My Library, still doesn't show in smart content.
Does any items show in smart content? The starter content showing in Smart Content?
Just the starter content. Anything elese with a metedata file doesn't.
Just how much contnet do you have. It sounds to me like you might have a install issue. If you do do have lots of content to install a clean start might be the best bet.
We could help from there and get everything installed from the start that way. If you have lots of content we will go another way. It's really up to you.
Right now I'm downloading content I got from Daz. Thinking deleating Daz and starting from scratch, I tried it once before to no avail.
Okay deleating Daz is just part of it, we need to clean your content Folder/folders and get rid of your old CMS database. The CMS database will still point to the old installs.
If you decide to start clean please let us know so we can help you clean your PC and be ready for a nice clean fresh start. The new DS4 needs more than just un-install and re-install to fix errors.
I will ask for help from people with great knowledge about this if you decide to do it.
At this point a fresh start is best. I can't use Daz like this. Where do I fund the CMS files?
My other computer has both 3 and 4 on it. Should I do that on the new one also?
Before you start deleting and reinstalling, go to the Content Library tab, click on the Options menu (the rectangle with horizontal lines in the upper corner), and choose "DB Maintenance > Re-Import Metadata". You can just do items you're missing if there are only a few, or do everything if that's easier. Then see if you have more in Smart Content.
fix you have the right name. It worked.
I spoke too soon. While Jasmine finally showed in smart content, my liquid halo outfit didn't.
I think a wipe is in my future,
I beg you not to do that. I just one item a re-install does not call for. Here is a question which version of Liquid Halo did you buy?
Both the original and the Gen version.
And both versions were installed to My Library? Do you find them if you use the Content Library Tab? Look in Daz Studio Formats and in Poser Formats.
Bothinstalled to my library, doesn't show anywhere.
Do you know how to take a snapshot/image of your install directories from Content Manager? And then post it to the forums?
LATE EDIT: I just noticed the time, I have a doctors visit tomorrow I will have to logout very soon. I will not be online again untill tomorrow afternoon my time. Sorry...
After 3 days of fighting this program, I think a clean sweep would be best.
How do I wipe everything Daz?
Should I put 3 on also?
32 or 64 bit?
I don't want to buy more content if I can't access the content I already bought.