Transparency value

We used to be able to choose "Value" as a parameter for transparency. If I remember properly, we could choose texture map, mixers, or just about anything in that channel. As you can see in the attached image, Value is available in an old shader, but it's no longer an option. Same problem with reflection.
Is there a way to re-enable those options (preferably today)?

521 x 426 - 96K
You can find all these options in the "Intensity" line...
...and in "Texture" for the reflexion.
Wow... what was the last version that allowed that? Carrara 6 + is still the same in that regard.
UGH! Forum ate my reply! :vampire:
you can still force drop a value slider from another channel, but you are only assigning one parameter in a multi-parameter channel. When Transparency changed it added absorption and fresnel falloff. It got better but it also became a little slower in some cases (so people said, I never tested).
That "basic" greyscale transparency function moved to the ALPHA shader. You will probably see (slightly) faster renders and a better OpenGL Preview (in 8.5) setting Transparency to none, and using your value slider in the Alpha.
Thanks all, I can do what I need between the alpha shader and some of the other settings are still available one level deeper.
It's just strange to have options available in one shader but not the other. And yes, Dartanbeck, I often move shaders from one project to the next. Some may date back to the Infini-D days.
Is there a way to re-enable those options (preferably today)?[/quote
You still can.
Just choose texture map and pop in your texture map of choice for he intensity to duplicate a soap bubble (in this example) or fairy wings.
That is so cool to know!
Out of curiosity I've looked at Amazon and although I cannot remember which all version I've found that I could actually buy, I found entries for Ray Dream and Infini-D and All (or most) early versions of Carrara. One day I may just start buying them to create a nostalgia shelf in my office. I still have my first home-built computer, and it runs like a charm (WinXP Pro 32 bit) which would likely be overjoyed if I installed some of these apps onto it! :) One day....
Found the images of that search! I have them in Ringo Monfort's "History of Carrara" thread:
Amapi, Infini-D, and Ray Dream
Carrara through 5 Pro
6, 7, 8, and Express
At that time, Carrara 6 and Express were the only versions that were not available for purchase. But some of those older versions were over $300
Thanks. As I mentioned, it's one or two layers deeper. Instead of
I now have
I still have boxed versions of Carrara 1 through 5pro. I think that was the last version with a physical box release. I never owned RayDream or Infini-D. It was purchased by the company I worked for at the time.
Thanks. As I mentioned, it's one or two layers deeper. Instead of
I now have
Did you catch what Holly said about this? You can still do what you used to, just use the new Alpha channel instead. That accepts images and any of the other shader functions as well ;)
Just checking :)
Too cool that you have all of those versions. Did they come with a bunch of cool content - different than what Carrara comes with now?
I love how much stuff... shear amounts of stuff that you get when you buy Carrara!
There was some content, but not a tremendous amount. Mostly textures and tutorial files. When Eovia (and MetaCreations before them) developed Carrara, the primary goal was content creation. It's only after Daz purchased it that the focus shifted to using purchased content and bundling content with the app.