Scene Preset?

I set my grid, camera, lighting, how I want it. ( and hopefully render settings)
How can I save this as a scene preset?
I tried saving as a .car file and dragging into the user folder that didn't work, and I tried dragging the scene tab over.
I saw someone post about this in the last few days but I couldn't find the post, and I searched the manual and I couldn't find this.
Any suggestions?
Thank You
Browser->Scenes tab->select the folder you saved the file(s) to, then click on the File/Folder menu icon in the upper right. Then click 'Update Folder' from the drop down menu. The .car file and any preview rendered should show up then.
I have a full article on creating a nice, custom browser setup Here, which is using the browser folder system contained by default in your My Documents > DAZ 3D > Carrara x > My Presets folder.
I tried using "My Scenes" to get the same result that I can achieve using My Objects, but it doesn't work for scenes. But the My Objects folder is the same as the top placement in the Objects tab. So that folder is where I save my scene defaults to.
For example, my main blank scene that I use to start fresh and empty with, but has all of my render settings and such saved to, is called 1280 x 720 (for obvious reasons), and shows up at the top of my objects tab, before selecting any of the sub-folders below. How? By doing: Save As > My Documents > DAZ 3D > Carrara 8.5 > My Presets > My Objects >[name of]
The article gets into more detail about the topic.
Thanks Folks!
I try these options.
Can I use "My Objects" to save actors, ready posed/clothed/morphed? Seems like I ought to be able to. (I'm just thinking about how to build up a collect of "usual suspects" for quick placement in a scene.)
Sorry to butt in!
Hi Dartenbeck,
Found you browser structure page very enlightening. It also gave me an idea for scenes that seems to work just like the My Objects folder.
If you
1. Go to "My Presets" in "My Documents" folder and create a "My Scenes" folder
2. Then in Carrara select the Scene Tab
3. Select add folder and add the "My Scenes" folder you created in 1. above
a. Any folders you create "in Windows" under My Scenes will appear automatically in Carrara.
b. Select any or all of a scene Hierarchy and "Save as" to the My Documents\My Presets\My Scenes Folder and a drag n drop entry for those items will appear. N.B. - Might need to restart Carrara first.
Edit - Found you don't need to do "save as". You can just drag to the browsers "My Scene" page and it will save and create thumb nail. N.B - Thumb is the view through "Directors Camera" at time of save.
Does that sound useful?
Eyesee (Jedi tea master - My cups empty!! :ohh: )
HI Tim A
Yes,. You can save a Figure , with hair and clothing etc,.. into your "Objects" section of the browser.
(Select the Figure, Clothing, Hair, Props etc,. then make all of that into a Group, or Animated Group) then you can drag that group into the browser.
Note: Any animation will also be saved with this "Object",... ( it's just a carrara scene file,. containing only the selected items)
You should also create a folder, or several,.. in your (My Documents / Daz3D/Carrara/ My Presets / My Objects....... for all your Actor, Props, scenes, etc.
So I made a "Scenes" folder inside my "My Objects" folder. While I did go ahead and add the folder to my Scenes tab, I still have access to it by clicking the little white arrow of My Objects list on the top of my Objects tab in the browser.
Also, For some things I like the action of dragging into the browser. Many others, I'd rather perform a Save As. Particularly when I want to save lights, cameras and such but especially render settings, scene settings, etc., that do not get saved when dragged in... so I use both methods all the time. Here's a cool example of part of the workflow I've been using over the years for my production assets:
I have my heroes and their folders within My Objects, right?
When I add new clothing, I often create an entire outfit that works together.
When I'm done and have all of my shaders optimized and consolidated, etc., I group them all together and name the group "Clothing", which is a group that my Light rigs are set to recognize. Then I drag just that group into the browser where I have a sub-folder within the folder for that hero called: Clothing and another sub-folder called: "Full Costumes". During the save dialog, instead of leaving the name as Clothing, I give it a descriptive name.
This saves only the clothes, but all of the clothes in the set, together.
So now, if I want to apply the Leather shirt and Blue Jeans with Sneakers, I just drag that file into my instances Tab "Clothing" group for that character. Often it even conforms them right away, depending on how I saved them, and what might have changed with my heroes since. But I love how easy it works, and how organized it all has become.
I used clothing sets as an example. But I do this for many things. Like Stonemason's Enchanted Forest, as another example, I have that all broken down into bits that have already been optimized for Carrara. The sky dome has even made it to my top level My Objects spot as a wooded lighting preset, complete with scene lighting, camera setups, ground floor, render settings, etc., and then each tree, plant, etc., from the scene product is saved separately right where it is placed in the original product. So when I load it in, I know how Stefan envisioned it being, but then I can move it around, send to origin, whatever I want. Although I saved the plants the way they come in the preset, I can open the object in the VM, select each plant individually, and place them onto other terrain than the default... works like a charm! Ooops... I should also mention that, nowadays when I do that, I use the ability to access the modeler in the assemble room instead of going into the modeling room ;)
Go ahead and check out my article on the subject. It's long, perhaps, as far as a normal post is concerned... but not really that long. Using this system, I manage to save anything and everything into a custom library setup that I get to design myself, and the article teaches you how I did it.
So as another example of how I use this:
When I save an animated scene, ready for Batch Queue rendering, I very conveniently ask the Batch Queue to render the animated renders to the same location that the scene was saved in. I say 'conveniently' because that folder is the default when assigning a Save To prior to rendering - as opposed to having it save to the default DAZ Temp folder.
So when it come to finding my animation video clips, I know exactly where to look because I know my own library very well. I made my folder structure to fit my needs, my style, my production... etc., We each know our own minds better than anyone else. So Carrara gives us this amazing opportunity to set this library up to suit our own preferences... which I think is simply outstanding!
I agree that the order of the folders is an annoyance.
However, I've found it's possible to hack your folder order manually by editing the C:\\Users\"User Name"\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Carrara 8.5\Preferences.txt file.
By just moving the entries for your folder
AFol "D:\\Documents\\DAZ 3D\\Carrara 8.5\\My Presets\\My Scenes\\"
Coll 0
Fmly SceB
ShHd 0
to the top of the list, or any position you want it to appear in. Still haven't figured out how to create custom tabs in the browser yet, but I'm working on it. I'll let you know if I have any success.
Just loving Carrara - Some much to learn, so little free time! :cheese:
Eyesee (Jedi Tea Master - Keep Calm and drink Tea! :-) )
Thanks 3DAge & Dartan, I hoped this would be the case :-)
I've heard this before. More than what I like to do though... but I might some day. Now I just need to save this info somewhere!
Thanks eyesee! :)