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I'm so glad you got it working. That's a cool picture! I'd be really bummed out if you had to abort it because something just didn't work.
Good for you! Glad we could help!
Well done, Tania.... the help here is amazing and I've never had to NOT put the word SOLVED in front of a problem or query I have had.
Glad to see another poster putting SOLVED by editing their topic when sorted. It really helps other newbies to learn, or for those with similar issues.
I wanted to know how to do what you were attempting as well, so had been following along as your progressed with it.
It's looks great and now I know how to work with clouds/light for that effect. YAY!
xx :) SileneUK
Thank you both my friends!! :)
It's really great to see this done after so much truble!! :-)
You are right Silene, the help here is amazing!! I would have given up on this one if it wasn't for everybody here!
Glad to hear that also helped you! :)
That render looks amazing, now that you've got it sorted out. :)
Thank you Tim! :)
Oh, and I can tell you, I tried your idea - pausing from time to time so I don't lose everything if it crashed!! Thought it was a wanderful idea (even if I could not do it during the night, still could save the rest)... Unfortunately when it crashes... all is lost :( I was really hoping... It could be a great trick to problematic renders...
About crashing.....
I have a PC, but when I get a crash coming screen goes into a white mist and the dialogue pops up saying there's a problem, close, search for solution, blah blah blah.
Well I found that whilst I cannot get to the File>Save dropdown menu at that point, I CAN hit Ctrl + S and it will save!
Never thought to do that before. I use Adobe Creative Suite and even if, eg InDesign crashes, it saves automatically as long as I don't close that temp file that it creates and is open in the folder where my ID file is. I think PS does the same, but have never had PS crash...ever. So I assumed that when Carrara crashed that was it...buggered. But no more!
So I don't know if it will work with a MAC, but I wish I'd known about Ctrl + S before when I was getting crashes all the time because of low memory capacity.
xx :) SileneUK
I already got some crashes in creative suit on my old computer... poor dear... he really worked until he could no longer do anything... actually, don't know how, but he pulled to work with the graphic card burned for almost 2 months... no wander photoshop crashed... it wasn't even suppose to open... but yeah, it always saves automatically. That must be my favorite feature of adobe :P
In this case I could not even made ctrl+s in carrara cause the software didn't "showed" in anyway that it would crash. No dialogue pops, no nothing... Just shut off and instead of carrara I have a dialog box saying that the software shut down unexpectadly... But good to know. If I have that kind of problem I will remember what you said ;) Thanks Silene.
Ah well, it would have been a good idea if it worked!
it would be so good if Carrara had a periodic auto-save, or a quick incremental save feature like Lightwave's. Still, it is what it is.
Yes, it would... both!!!
Well, it gives a certain magic to carrara! It is an amazing software... if it was perfect what would we complain about :P
Already did that!! ;) There were great tips all over this thread! It's really great to use save irradiance map! I will use it most of the times from now on! Big time saver :)
But now the render is already done!!
One learns some things with the women…
I didn't know that PS made auto-saves, is it the preferences ?
I didn't know the trick “Ctrl/S” to save a scene, but when the screen becomes white, I believe that it is wiser to await because the program is occupied (except if that lasts too a long time).
Auto-save for Carrara is impossible, if your work is stopped by that to save a scene which is recorded in a few minutes, you'll not be happy.
What it would be usefull, it's a splatch screen which requires you periodically if you want to record.
In PS this auto-save is normally pre defined. If the program crashes, when you open it again normally it will open with a recovery file from what you were working on (or does that when you re open the file, not sure). I normally save the recovery file immediately before I start working again.
You can define the settings in preferences - file handling. You will have a option to "automatically save recovery information every" and you can define the time it saves. My is to 10 minutes, so even if ps crashes, I will lose 10min of work in the worst case. But it was like this by default.
And yeahhh... carrara really takes some time to save... maybe you are right, maybe auto saves are a bad idea in carrara...
I use the Adobe series for a very long time, but I never had crash with PS, however I do not find any file for auto-saves.
I have that with AE and Premiere, but not for PS…
I'm with the CS5, perhaps CS6?
I don't have this option on a PC, are you on a Mac ?
I have not ever had PS crash on me....see more after the Carrara explanation below:
The Ctrl + S only works when the Carrara dialogue box comes up and says there's a problem.
There is a drop down arrow and it will either say apphang or appcrash. I hit Ctrl + S anyways before clicking that drop down arrow, then if it's apphang, I wait, but at least I know it's saved. If it's appcrash, I close and then reopen and so far have found it actually does save up to the point of crash. Perhaps it does not save the very last operation. That last operation might have caused the crash so won't be part of save. But that's just losing one step.
Yes, it takes time to save, but the programme will not close until you click CLOSE THE PROGRAMME on the dialogue box. So you have time to save with Ctrl + S.
I have never had PS crash. It's part of my Adobe Creative Suite that includes PS, Illustrator, InDesign & Dreamweaver and I use all of them almost daily and have done for almost 10 years. PS and InDesign mostly now.
I have only EVER have InDesign crash, not PS and it just closes after a brief message that appears warning InDesign has to close....blah blah blah. And it closes, NO dialogue box or NO warning or anything most of the time. I go to the programme itself and open the most recent file (which is the one that has crashed). It is connected to a temp file in the folder with the main file and that is how I "think" it keeps track of the last actions I have done on the file. It's not autosave...I think of it as safety "crash save". Recovery, like Tania said.
So I cannot say if all PS programmes would do the same as the PS in my Creative Suite. Perhaps it depends upon the version you have. If it crashes, open the PS programme and choose "open recent" and see if it opens your crashed file with most of your last operations. Try to look in your file folder and see if there is a temp version of your working file waiting there.
Il est temps pour le vin !
xx :) Silene
ETA: Autosave for PS is for version CS6 Son't know if that is for the standalone PS6.
Yikes, now I know what my friend was moaning about as she has the new Creative Suite 6 and ALL the suite's programmes save in the background which means InDesign is always trying to export a pdf as well whether she wants it or not! She's had a LOT of trouble and it's a bug. Glad I have the good old fashioned version!
I'm on cs6 in this computer (it's a mac yes) and I never had a crash here.
But in my old computer I had cs5 and it made the recovery file. but the preference tab in quite different. here does not come as auto save but as recovery file, so you may want to look for this. Anyway, I think it's pre defined, so I guess that if you ever have a crash, it will do it ;)
Thanks for your explanations.
There is no time for wine, but it's better when you eat !
Bon appétit !
Especially with les crevettes in blanc creme pasta!
Especially with les crevettes in blanc creme pasta!
Hmmm…typically English :-)