DAZ Studio Tutorials



  • Ryuu@AMcCFRyuu@AMcCF Posts: 703
    edited February 2016

    is this a DAZ supported site? http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/videos/start

    I'm being denied access because I apparently need to login--and I tried my DAZ logon credentials, only it got rejected. angry

    Post edited by Ryuu@AMcCF on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Hmm, strange, as it works fine for me.   Try killing your Daz cookies and letting them rebuild

  • is this a DAZ supported site? http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/videos/start

    I'm being denied access because I apparently need to login--and I tried my DAZ logon credentials, only it got rejected. angry

    The log-in is for editing, it isn't for geenral users with their Daz site credentials. If a page is inaccessible it may be a glitch, or down for editing, or removed.

  • This is what I'm getting when I select one of the choices:


    982 x 494 - 40K
  • This is what I'm getting when I select one of the choices:


    Yes, I get that too on many of the document links.  and if you try to login, it won't accept it. angry

    I have already filed a ticket about it and was told that they were working on updatiing the docs.

  • jeffglobalmedicjeffglobalmedic Posts: 23
    edited March 2016

    Where does one go to learn how to use this seemingly very powerful software, even without the pro Smithstone or whatever it's called, passed the initial light one character, import a scene?  I need to know how to stop jiggidy movements, learn how to use graphmate, and keymate...maybe facial animate at least as well as iClone, since they do not support Gen3 lipsync.  It's as if the Gen3 toons here, were specifically boned such that 3DXchange can't use them.

    There's only so much a mute character can do, and I don't want to just render a pretty pic.  I want to animate a pretty short (and wait a week after I preview the stuff not in iRay and think it's ok for 500 frames to render).

    Why does it seem, just learning this software is a herculean task?  iClone was not this way.  This program looks more sophisticated, but without an explaination, what am I supposed to do, take infinite time and play with it by myself?

    Idk if it's just me or not, but there's tons of intro videos that show very little, and no advanced tutorials here, or on youtube.  I haven't looked at Pluralsight or anything like that yet.  I just don't get it.  What am I missing? 


    I'll send a pic of a cookie of your pleasure for any helpful advice or direction.

    Post edited by jeffglobalmedic on
  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 1,998
    edited March 2016

    Where does one go to learn how to use this seemingly very powerful software, even without the pro Smithstone or whatever it's called, passed the initial light one character, import a scene?  I need to know how to stop jiggidy movements, learn how to use graphmate, and keymate...maybe facial animate at least as well as iClone, since they do not support Gen3 lipsync.  It's as if the Gen3 toons here, were specifically boned such that 3DXchange can't use them.

    There's only so much a mute character can do, and I don't want to just render a pretty pic.  I want to animate a pretty short (and wait a week after I preview the stuff not in iRay and think it's ok for 500 frames to render).

    Why does it seem, just learning this software is a herculean task?  iClone was not this way.  This program looks more sophisticated, but without an explaination, what am I supposed to do, take infinite time and play with it by myself?

    Idk if it's just me or not, but there's tons of intro videos that show very little, and no advanced tutorials here, or on youtube.  I haven't looked at Pluralsight or anything like that yet.  I just don't get it.  What am I missing? 


    I'll send a pic of a cookie of your pleasure for any helpful advice or direction.

    I think Daz's focus has been to develop and implement the technology first while dealing with the manual/wikis are mostly a secondary concern as conventional wisdom presumes that there are trillions of resources that everyone has endless time to peruse...Which there is not, so the fact is, it's left up to us to hunt through endless hours of meandering videos and dead links...I really cannot blame daz too much as this is pretty much an ongoing trend in 3D programs/Gaming where they simply point people in the direction to the endless forest of wikis, where links replaces every main point of the topic in question, as they presume everyone on the planet has the same top tier internet as they do, and/or an endless time in which to hunt for info...

    -Semi-rant over... ;^P

    What we need are text-based tuts about the specific figure creation tools and the like (As there is a lot of non-English speaking people here too!) rather than simply glossing over generalities in three min videos, (IE: Their new tools/ hidden features) So many of the tutorials will have to come from us, but first we have to figure out how to use these features first...But despite it all, I still love Daz and am still glad I've invested (Too much of my money some would say :^P) a lot to help its ongoing development, because the tech is not only sound, but no one else has yet to duplicate its versatility for both artists and the professional content creators that support this thriving community! 


    This guy has a lot of very useful info/tuts,I'm going to download his vids as we speak!

    Post edited by takezo_3001 on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited March 2016

    Yes I think,, Josh  you tube channel should be officialy  announced  as DAZ studio tutoriall,, (but I do not know,, if Josh hope it not DAZ-official?  hope to offer video as private ?  )

    At least the link need to be  listed in this topic, first page.. 

    with Allen ,high heel youtube tutoriall,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbhf7cwq9hM

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805

    i've been a DAZ Studio and Poser user for over a decade. I've created countless tutorials in that time. In the beginning, I made documents and saved them as Adobe Acrobat files. Then I made web-based tutes. I used step-by-step screenshots. Each tutorial took about 12 hours to complete. I never got much feedback. I found it easier to create good video tutorials. I took some time off for a year or so. I created one new tutorial recently, and received absolutely no response.

    That's enough for me. I get more enjoyment wasting my time playing Solitaire on my iPad.

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    slowly speaking and no music in the back

    very nice done tuts

    thanks for linking

  • Sky HndxSky Hndx Posts: 142

    Has anyone ever created a tut for Michael 4 eyes or seen surface setting suggestions for refraction and such tucked away somewhere in a teeny tiny quiet little corner of the net?  I tried google-ing and bing-ing and all that came back were links to products.   I know there are shaders and products somewhere but I thought I'd get goofy and try to learn a little of this myself before giving up and using shaders and products. 

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    I have snippets as text files ... Eyesettings in DazStudio (I hope you are asking about Dazstudio and not Poser and about 3Delight and not Iray)

    No texture
    Specular white, around 60% - 80% glossiness, 100% strength
    multiply spec by opacity off
    100% transparent - no maps.
    Now reflection and refraction
    100% white reflection
    100% refraction, white, IOR at 2.33 to 2.66 - this gives a nice fresnel reflection off the eye surface - weaker head on and more powerful off to the sides.
    No bump
    Plastic or Glossy Plastic default shader.

    Sclera, pupil and cornea - no specular (black, zero strength)
    Specular 60% glossiness - color a bright version of what is in the iris, strength 50 - 100%.
    Bump 0.1 positive, 0 negative, 100% strength. Use the default texture's bump map if none available with your eye texture.
    Lacrimal and eye socket gloss @ 60%, 100% strength, white or blueish-white, glossy plastic.


    go into the surface tab, select the right cornea. Hold down the ctrl key and select the left cornea. (or click on his corneas in the scene works too as long as you have control held down and the surface selection tool as your pointer) In surface tab, make sure it's on advanced.. go to the specularity area.. make the top percentage about 85%, the color 255,255,255.. for the bottom percent, double click on "specularity strength" right above the slider to open up the perameters box, set respect limits to "no" then set the percentage to about 400%.

    Now assuming you have a light in the scene that will hit the eyes you will have a nice bright sparkle when you render it in 3Delight.


    find the effect that makes eyes the most realistic is the sharp specular lights reflected in the eye, not neccessarily the reflection itself. The default settings for eyes in DAZ is plastic with a high specular. However, when you render that, you get a very broad specular sometimes making the eyes look like white blurs.

    The best way I've foud is to set the eyes to SKIN. You might notice when you set it to that, the specular is a lot sharper. Set the specular high and the gloss to about 95. And of course, if you don't use any lighting, you won't get the desired effect. So use lights.

    It may sound corny, but in my Photography class my teacher said that photographers used to hire artists to remove the specularities from the eyes of their subjects. They stoped that when they realized that the specularities were what made people look alive.

    So what I'm saying is, great sharp, pin-point specularities - even if you have to airbush them in. Make the specularities bright white. It's what makes them look alive. If you need a reference image, look at "Jenny" in the Hall of Fame gallery. That is probably one of the best examples of eyes done at their finest.

    Also, just a suggestion. Artist grow better by finding things out for them selves. When you look at the image "Jenny" don't wonder "what settings did they use." Doing that will get you nowhere. When you look at it, look at the details. Notice the way the eyes look like liquid. The sharp specularities in the eyes the slight soft shading coming from the eye lids. The lack of reflection. These are the things you need to notice... Then wonder what settings you can use to get each singular effect.

    Trial and error. That's the only way to grow as an artist. Simply asking how wont get you anywhere.

    That's just from my experience.


    Something I've liked the look of, though it may not be 100% what you're looking for is to set the eye surface (for v4) or the cornea (for Mil3) surface to a dark color on the diffuse, a pale (or even white) specular and also I turn on reflections at pure white and about 25%. I leave the opacity at 0 (totally transparent), and I get nice reflected lights while not bleaching out my iris or pupil (which usually have much darker, or even totally black specular colors)

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Thank you! (you got some formatting at the end of your link - the correct one is http://peggywalters.deviantart.com/art/DAZ-Studio-4-9-Shortcuts-614963510 )

  • JQPJQP Posts: 512
    From the OP: "DAZ 3D Forum Tutorials provided from the Community of DAZ 3D great people: DAZ Forum Tutorials" Link is 404.
  • Singular3DSingular3D Posts: 545

    I compiles some findings about Genesis 3 joints and how to get certain values in Daz3D Studio in a PDF here...


  • luisvrayluisvray Posts: 3

    Please, does anyone  know if there is a tutorial for Sim tenero particle system on Daz Studio?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    luisvray said:

    Please, does anyone  know if there is a tutorial for Sim tenero particle system on Daz Studio?

    There is a video on the store page    https://www.daz3d.com/simtenero-particle-physics-core-engine

    And there is a thread in the Commercial Forum   https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/80416/simtenero-particle-physics-commercial/p1

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618

    Why does it seem, just learning this software is a herculean task?  iClone was not this way.  This program looks more sophisticated, but without an explaination, what am I supposed to do, take infinite time and play with it by myself?

    Idk if it's just me or not, but there's tons of intro videos that show very little, and no advanced tutorials here, or on youtube.  I haven't looked at Pluralsight or anything like that yet.  I just don't get it.  What am I missing? 

    I think Daz's focus has been to develop and implement the technology first while dealing with the manual/wikis are mostly a secondary concern as conventional wisdom presumes that there are trillions of resources that everyone has endless time to peruse...Which there is not, so the fact is, it's left up to us to hunt through endless hours of meandering videos and dead links...I really cannot blame daz too much as this is pretty much an ongoing trend in 3D programs/Gaming where they simply point people in the direction to the endless forest of wikis, where links replaces every main point of the topic in question, as they presume everyone on the planet has the same top tier internet as they do, and/or an endless time in which to hunt for info...


    Agreed. I was a DS user way back in the day DS1- DS3, then went over to Carrara.

    Carrara hasn't kept up and I need to make th move back to DS, but what was once intuitive software is now a complicated mess. I see a forest of tutorials, but I can never find one that answers my questions directly!

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744

    In response to some questions I've seen recently in the New Users forum, I've started a series of tutorials on my blog in regards to how I organize my content folders. If you're fine using Smart Content or Content Categories, then this may not be helpful to you. But, if you're like me and you find browsing the content folder structure more intuitive, then maybe some of my ideas may help?

    Category: Daz Studio Content Management Tutorials

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    edited July 2018

    I just finished writing a tutorial on using Iray previews in viewports.

    Daz Studio 4.10 Iray Viewports

    A lot of the information comes directly from Daz's own Getting Started in Iray tutorial video, I just packedged it a little differently and tried to explain a little bit of why you might want to make other optional changes.

    Post edited by JonnyRay on
  • Having had experience with older versions of Daz Studio I thought I might jump in and wade through....Wrong!

    I've been doing 3D since 1989 and in all those years I've not been this frustrated with any program as much as the current iteration of Daz!

    Brought in the Genesis8 male and took 5 full min to get a pair of shorts to fit him.

    Then tried some poses...none worked with leaving limits on, hands through body etc...and the shorts were all screwed up. I'd set them to follow poses.

    Non-Daz store items don't show up in studio, I've no idea how to get them to.

    Couldn't find decimate...guess that's not availa ble in this version. When I did try to export the figure with a pose as an FBX it opened as a T pose with the shorts nowhere near the character.

    Can't help but wonder why all the changes? Truth is I wish I could find an older version...there was no muss and no fuss.

    I will go through the tuts but I really don't have much faith or hope as the questions I tried to find answers for I've not seen referenced.

    Maybe Daz is simply no longer the program for me. Cheers...

  • I know this sounds a bit weird, since I am kind new to this I was wondering what does the image series renders do once rendered in iray animation ?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    I know this sounds a bit weird, since I am kind new to this I was wondering what does the image series renders do once rendered in iray animation ?

    You use video diting software to assemble the images into a movie. The idea is to have achance to do extra edits, to be able to render in stages (so the machine isn't tied up for as long), to make sure you don't lose more than one frame to a crash, to have a more flexible format (PNGs and Tiffs can have an alpha channel), etc.

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744

    Since I've answered a few "What's your workflow?" questions here on the forums over the past several months, I created a blog entry including some links to various products that I've found helpful in my scene setup process.

    My Daz Studio Workflow

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited October 2019

    Cheese & Crackers.  Talk about disappointment . I seen this thread pop up to the top and was thinking for sure daz update the documents for daz 4.12 & ik-chain... But Noooooo . sadgrumble grumble.

     As stated in another thread i am stuck and I can use some direction here.  is daz ik, like the poser ik ? I know the Maya instructions won't apply maya is way more advanced & do not offer the same options for the settings.

    Please can we have some documents on the daz ik-chain.


    Post edited by Ivy on
  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744

    Sorry, Ivy. This is just me again. I copied the information I posted in the Question about skydomes and other types of backdrops thread and expanded on it a bit for a light discussion about Daz Studio and Backgrounds.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited October 2019

    I am still searching for a solution for direction how to use daz IK-chain . to no avail so I have to ask once again.  Are there any documents in the works from Daz or any that can be found anywhere that can explain working with the Daz IK-chain and the new features of the Daz timeline . I thought i had a pretty good understanding of how to use daz . But how can I use something that appears to be broke or incomplete. I need help Pretty Please,  I am asking as nice as I can . pleasee update these documents http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/userguide/start

    Post edited by Ivy on
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