Commercial Poses translate whole figure in xyz coordinates. Any solution?

Hya, occasionally out of laziness I'll buy a set of poses for k4 m4 v4 etc, that are built to be used with a particular daz prop (eg a circus scene, a hotel lobby etc).
The poses are designed to, not only make your figure eg sit, but to put your figure in a particular place in the Daz scene eg a particular chair.
So typically, the figure I have placed in my scene, when I inject the pose, goes spinning off into some unpredictable xyz coordinate related to the daz scene (eg hotel lobby) I am not using.
Sometimes the object centre is also misaligned.
Any simple way around this? apart from placing a target object at the figure's hip before I inject the pose then aligning the hip cords with the target object after I inject the pose?
Eg could I weld the figure's hip in place before hand?
thanks in advance
hope everyone is well
go into the keyframe editor and see if it has translate keyframes you can delete
another way is load it into Daz studio and use the Poser Format Exporter script to resave it without translations
I just found this thread too
thanks Wendy
:) I'll check the translate keys , good idea - and I wonder if that 'ctrl' key hold down will work? That will be a gem if it does.
I'll leave studio out of the equation at the moment _ I can't remember where I put it ;)
thanks for your advice - cheers from this part of ox :) err oz
I was only thinking that the other day ... such a PITA that I don't bother with those poses..
Thanks Wendy for the tips & link... like headwax I'll be trying it out..
cheers from my part of Oz.. just a bit lower than the headwax!
depends which way you are calling 'up" :)
I like Wendy's method. Go to the hip in the sequencer and open the hierarchy to get to the translation controls.
Now, if you're using animated pose files, and you want to keep the movement, but change the starting position, you can use the graph editor and select the entire range of translation, and shift it. Of course, it might be easier to just put the figure into a group and move the group around. But I'm really having fun adjusting things with the graph editor!
thanks Dart :) Ah I used to use the Carnegie ones but once my time line gets scrubbing a lot of the time I screw up my render - you know when you accidently drag the time line etc :) I do put the end of the time line arrow at the begiing - but it still happens sometimes - should look up the lock thingy :)