How to ID each mesh when exporting a DS figure from DAZ to Bryce?

eponicaeponica Posts: 197
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

Hello again ^_^ I'm on a Bryce roll... Most likely the answer to this is hidden somewhere on that HUGE Bryce Mentoring DVD I just bought on sale... But I can't find it on the forum...

I have dressed up and posed M4 as my character, used Texture Atlas in DAZ to (hopefully, if I understand that part right) reduce the resolution of the M4 textures, and exported him as an .OBJ to use in Bryce.

Of course Bryce does not read all the DAZ textures although, thank goodness, it IS reading the original skin and hair. So I am busy "Bryce-ifying" my character with Bryce materials. This leads to my question:

In the Select Meshes menu in Bryce, it is giving me a numbered list of meshes I can add materials to. This list is 69 items long and I have been clicking on each one to see what part of M4 it belongs to. Is there any way, either when exporting or importing a figure this complex, that the individual meshes can be named so I can go right to, say, my character's trousers or shirt without having to click through every single mesh to see what's what?


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I don't actually use DS. I export an obj from Poser, and then import that OBJ into Bryce

    when I do this I get a list of meshes like this, where fig 1_1 etc are the M4 meshes Figure 2_1 etc are the first clothing item, figure 3_1 the 2nd clothing item and so forth.

    do you not get your list like this from DS

    176 x 854 - 156K
  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Hi Chohole ^_^

    No, I'm afraid the DAZ list goes like this: Figure_1, Figure_2, et cetera. Not 1.1, 1.2, unfortunately ^^; The only thing it identifies is what base object all 69 meshes belong to. Sorry I can't seem to supply a screen cap of this. The menu keeps disappearing when I launch Greenshot. ^^;

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Ah hah! I see what happens now ^_^ There is a little menu Bryce has when importing objects. It has three choices. If I tick the middle choice, it supplies the full name of all meshes. Now how did I miss that...??

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Oops... The middle choice gives all the names, but removes all the textures :P But now I have gone back to the third choice, which is the default, and now it is finally giving me all the mesh names I need, And the textures to go with them. User error caused the initial problem, most likely ^_^;;

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Yes I should have added that I always use the default option for loading

    Also, epsecially with the human figures like M4 I originally made a note of which mesh numbers applied to which part of the M4 figure, because there are several maps for each one. The first time I did it I did one mesh at a time. and made a physical note. Nowadys I have done it so many times that I know which mesh is which without needing to refer to my notes at all.

    I could give you a list, but I am not certain if DS will use the same mesh numbers. For a basic M4 figure I get 29 mesh numbers, with 1-5 using the torso map, to give you an idea of what I mean

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited April 2014

    Thanks, Chohole! I think I've got a handle on this now, though. Bryce is not only giving me the numbers of each mesh, but the full name of it as well, so there is no guesswork now. :D

    That's handy. I used to get that with older versions of Poser, but can't seem to get my newer (well middle aged) version to do it.

    Post edited by Chohole on
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