DAZ 3D is having a 50 % OFF Software, Software Related Items, & Tutorials

50% OFF.. Wow!!!
Many Carrara related items are on sale. Excludes new releases. Today only.
Also check out some of my products that are included in the sale.
I'm in the PC and I got Carrara Pro today for 84% off or $85.50n YIPPI! I'm way too broke now, I had to run to the bank after I did it. I picked up Elements 12 last week and was already in "Pay and Pray" mode.
84 % off ? I see 50% only...
Carrara 8.5 always costs 240 euros in Deutchland…
Yes, I got Carrara for $85.50 today too plus some other Carrara bits. Now I am broke too!
Congratulations everyone!!!! I forgot that Platinum Club give additional discount on software.
Wilmap, well on the brighter side I can go and get some of you great free clothing items and install them and play with the fabricator addons I have of yours!!! I'm going into hiding before someone asks how I can be broke already this month.
So cool!
Welcome new Carraraists!
Welcome to a land where everything is possible! Worry not, my fellow Carraraists. For with Carrara, you won't need any more money for quite some time - you'll be too busy having fun! :ahhh:
Well, lucky me I got Carrara before I had time to buy stuff to create scenes in Daz Studio. Click-sky click-poke around-Trees need some water? Click.... Got to admit this is gonna save me a little money in the long run. :coolsmile:
A little late to be bringing this up, I suppose... but it just didn't occur to me, since I already own Hexagon, and I haven't used it for a long time.
But I'm working on some Genesis 2 Female stuff right now, and decided to use DS as my method of getting some clothing to fit better.
Well then I thought I might just try out the Hexagon Bridge, and see about adding some morphs. If it still works like it used to, it will activate Morph Loader on it's way back into DS, and build the slider for my new morph - easy-peazy, right?
Well yeah... it works like a charm.
Doing this doesn't really seem to give me much experience with Hexagon and all of its fine modeling tools, since the stuff that I'm used to using in Carrara for these things is right there, within easy gabbing distance. It's laid out differently, but doesn't take long to sort it out.
With this sale going on, Hexagon would be, what... $10 USD tops? Owning Bryce 7 Pro and Hexagon has forced me to ignore their prices. But at a regular price of $19.95 each... man, I hope that everybody owns this stuff by now!
So I'm in Hexagon right now. What a dream. I've read stuff in the Hexagon forum that it can't handle large loads like Carrara can. But for adding morph sliders to things like Genesis 2 Hair and Clothing, this is one sweet little tool, that works without hardly a thought.
The navigation seems the same as Carrara. There are many reports of folks wishing that Carrara adopted more of the Hexagon tools.
So if you're into 3d modeling, or need an easy fix o add morphs, or if your a software junkie whom like to collect cool apps, give Hexagon a whirl. After browsing through the Bryce forum, I knew that nothing with such an amazing community could be without merit. David Brinnen constantly pouring video tutorial out, both freely and as paid courses, many artists rendering out amazingly beautiful works, and the occasional Carraraist using it to create things to use in Carrara, like HDRI and other surrounds, I had to get Bryce. Just had to. Of course this was a while ago. Still haven't fired up Bryce. But my day will come. I even have some extras for it that I collect from time to time. Oh well... thought I'd put in a few cents on some apps that DAZ 3D is selling for ridiculously low prices. They're great pieces of software!
Just don't forget the plugin you also mentioned to me : Fenric's Change Bone Visibility.
Carrara 8.5 ONLY
Change Bone Visibility
Hides (or un-hides) the wireframe bone display for imported DUF content for Carrara 8.5
When rigged DAZ Studio content is imported, Carrara will display a large and very distracting
wireframe overlay of the bone. This display can be turned off manually on a bone per bone
basis, but this is tedious and time-consuming.
price-tag: $5
Welcome all new users. Me too I'm quite new here and I never used Carrara before 8.5 Pro which I also could buy at that very low price.
I'm happily surprized with its capabilities and also with the help beginners get here on this forum.
Having dabbed around in another 3D software several years ago, I do remember one important advice I was given when I began:
Normally 3D is done by a group of people who eah have their own specific part to play: there are modelers, texturers, people who do the rigging, animators, renderers etc etc. When one person has to do it all, it becomes easy to get completely lost. Therefore it is best to tackle one thing at a time.
Now, years later, 3D software has even more capabilities. It's still a good idea tostart with one thing and get a firm hold on it before a next thing is added.
It might be a good idea to tell about you being either entirily new to 3D or having some kind of experience, and also what your goal is.
Don't believe everything you read:) When I was still on my 32bit system, M4 in the Carrara VM was a total impossibility - Hex handled it smooth as silk. Now I'm on 64bit, with LAA enabled for Hex, there is nothing it can't handle. The ship that I'm building on and off consists of several hundred meshes and Hex doesn't even blink:)
Took advantage of the sale to grab Inagoni's Advanced Pack.
Off to play with fire, smoke, clouds and other goodies.
How is that working out for you? We have two threads going on the Hex forum; no-one can get morphs made through the Hex bridge to save in the latest version of DS - especially not for use in Carrara. If you do manage, please post work-flow:)
He 'tis... works like a charm time after time, my friend!
Begin by loading the figure to be morphed into DAZ Studio Pro
While it's selected in DAZ Studio, go to File > Send to Hexagon. Let Hexagon open on it's own and wait for all of your selections to arrive. I often select both Genesis 2 and the item to get them both into Hex. Then I lock Genesis 2 in Hex, so I cannot select any part of it.
Make the morph you want onto the figure in Hex.
When you're all done, just select the model that you morphed, and go File > Send to DAZ Studio
Minimize Hexagon out of the way to reveal the pop-up window below. This is the important part.
Make sure you give the morph a name. After the word Name: it says Morph (both circled in red in the below image). Click on the word Morph and change it to the name of the morph. It didn't look like I could do that, at first. But you can, and you must.
Under Property Group: I right click over the words Morphs/MorphLoader, and select Actor from the list. You could try and create something new here, but I don't know if it would show up then. So I always just put it under Actor. You could try other options, but if you do, do those experiments with only test subjects, rather than morphs you've spent a lot of time on.
I forgot to change Reverse Deformations once, and it still gave me up to -1 on the dial anyways... so you can leave that as "no".
When your done, click Accept. Then "Okay" when it says it's done.
The last thing left is to do is to Save the new figure out.
Save As > Support Asset > Figure/Prop Asset
I just leave all of this stuff at the default values, give it a new name and save it in the same spot that I found the original.
Bam... works like a charm - every time.
And it's the latest DS pro: Pro Edition 64 bit. That is kept up to date by DIM.
Hexagon wasn't though. I've got Hexagon
Also note that, in order to get the bridge to launch Morph Loader like the above image, you MUST make some sort of change to the mesh or it won't work. So if you're making a dummy slider, just know that some part of the mesh must be edited, so select a loop somewhere and give it a nudge of scale, or something simple.
Here's some more things to collect then... and maybe get your copy of Bryce fired up. OR maybe look at Wings 3D?
Five free Bryce objects. Don't know how to load them in? See Horos' PDF here http://horo.ch/docs/mine/pdf/BryceContent_v4.pdf
Hatchet https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ocklc9tsd44rzt/Hatchet1.obp
Manual https://www.dropbox.com/s/jv0qhyrj2g3q14x/Manual1.obp
Matchbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/9iybirh43cqjde5/Matchbox1.obp
Cold remedy box https://www.dropbox.com/s/gvc6snxvb5tr5td/My_box.obp
Radio https://www.dropbox.com/s/o2nq3zon9n14kdy/My_radio.obp
Video for Cold remedy box Wings 3D - my first UV map - by David Brinnen
Video for the Radio Wings 3D - my second UV map - by David Brinnen
Rendered using http://www.daz3d.com/bryce-7-1-pro-integrated-rtr-environments-and-lighting
Hi David - good to see you here :)
@ Dart - I don't have C8.5 - does the morph show up in Carrara?
That morphing method no longer works for cr2's- you now have to make a new cr2 for every morph, unless you use something called Exp, which i must still study up on. That, or install DS 3.
Here's some more things to collect then... and maybe get your copy of Bryce fired up. OR maybe look at Wings 3D?
Five free Bryce objects. Don't know how to load them in? See Horos' PDF here http://horo.ch/docs/mine/pdf/BryceContent_v4.pdf
Hatchet https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ocklc9tsd44rzt/Hatchet1.obp
Manual https://www.dropbox.com/s/jv0qhyrj2g3q14x/Manual1.obp
Matchbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/9iybirh43cqjde5/Matchbox1.obp
Cold remedy box https://www.dropbox.com/s/gvc6snxvb5tr5td/My_box.obp
Radio https://www.dropbox.com/s/o2nq3zon9n14kdy/My_radio.obp
Video for Cold remedy box Wings 3D - my first UV map - by David Brinnen
Video for the Radio Wings 3D - my second UV map - by David Brinnen
Rendered using http://www.daz3d.com/bryce-7-1-pro-integrated-rtr-environments-and-lightingWow. I've never tried Wings3d, but it looks like an excellent way to UV Map surfaces! Carrara works pretty good for that as well... but can be finicky at times ;)
Good to see you David! Great tutorials, as always! Thanks for that!
Good to see you David! Great tutorials, as always! Thanks for that!
Yeah, it is fiddly in Wings3D, but quite stable. I also purchased Hexagon recently to see if the stability on my system had improved. Unfortunately not. I have tried Carrara in the past, I was impressed with the render engine, but I could not get on with the interface. Wings3D interface I like very much. Presently, I'm fiddling with normal maps in DS - I wish Bryce could handle normal mapping, it seems a very powerful tool to create effects.
Wait a minute... you can work all day in Bryce, but you don't like Carrara's interface? Now I'm lost! %-P
First of all, don't be put off by this screen:
If you use the default settings, without changing names, as I've mentioned earlier, you'll end up with a new morph target allocation area called "Morph Loader" and a morph called "Morph" as shown below:
So to get best results, change the Name of the morph (circled in red) and the name of the Property Group (highlighted in orange) as below.
To save the finished product in the case of a CR2, you Export and choose CR2 as the file option. make sure to put the new figure into a Poser runtime structure like the rest of your content.
In Carrara 8 and earlier (or Poser), you select the actual figure. In this example the "Property Group"(highlighted in orange above) I changed to: "dBFX", so my morphs appear under the dBFX heading, under the actual figure.
So now in Carrara 8 and earlier, I can select that as a morph editing area in the Carrara Vertex Modeller for the purpose of adding morphs to any part of the mesh, using this, base-level target group. I discovered this during my attempt to be able to make morphs for the whole body of a figure, rather than wrestling around trying to make part of a morph in the chest, part in the abs, etc.,
At that time, I didn't really like Hexagon, but love modeling in Carrara. So I would just make the start of a morph using this DS > Hex > DS > Export method, and then use that group for making my morphs in Carrara, which was otherwise locked out.
That's very cool... I used to mess around with normal maps a bit back when I was editing custom content for a game called Neverwinter Nights 2, which uses normal maps back when the idea was brand new. nVidia has a plugin for PhotoShop for generating normal maps - considered to be the cheating method. I've never actually made one using the High res mesh/Low res mesh method, which is how it's actually done. I never had the tools to do it, like ZBrush.
Carrara has displacement painting, where we can use SubD Smoothing to increase the heck out of logical polygon counts, and then sculpt details using various brushes at different levels, and then export the map. It would be cool if they'd add normal mapping export options as well :) which, I believe, can map undercuts as well as just highs and lows, which is what makes your eyes go blurry when you look at a raw normal map. Hmmm... would be a fun thing to look back into again if I find some time ;)
Also David,
Thank you (and Horo) for posting Horo's "where are my files?" pdf.
Carrara has become second nature to me now. Never know though, might get lost when I get into trying out Bryce. Thanks for the other stuff too... very nice. Love those tutorials. Wow... you must have, what... 337,598,154 free online video tutorials out now?