Help: serious crash

I was trying to set up Carrara 8.5 on a Mac to work on two displays when things started going wrong.
Now I cannot launch Carrara at all.
Tried restarting; no good.
Tried reinstalling Carrara folder from one hour previous backup; no good.
Looked for plist.. found a single: com.eovia.carrara.macho. and deleted it; no good.
What can I do?
I'm on a Mac running 10.9.2 and Carrara 8.5.
I could always restore from Time Machine but that will take a while.
Of course, I could also fresh install everything anyway and clean out my Mac at the same time.
I would like, however, to fix this problem easily by deleting the offending settings file or whatever.
Post edited by That Other Persona on
Does DIM have an uninstall option to find all the hidden bits and pieces?
I don't want to try it on my version of Carrara as I have it set the way I like it, but first a caveat: I use C7.2 Pro on a PPC G5. On a Mac, with some programs, you can force the software to reset its preferences by holding the option key down while launching. I have no idea if it will work. but it's worth a shot.
The other thing to do is open up Disk Utility in the Utility folder under Applications and try repairing permissions. If that does nothing, you may have to repair the hard drive. Does your iMac come with an optical drive? If so, you may be able to boot from the system disk that came with your computer and run disk first aid from there.
If all else fails, contact tech support here at DAZ to see what they can tell you.
Thanks EP.
Tried repair (online for my 2012 iMac) and permissions. Both no good.
Checked DIM but can't tell how it uninstalls. I do have AppCleaner (an uninstaller) but it only found the one item I mentioned above.
I'll contact Daz.
I also am leaning seriously towards just doing a full reinstall on the iMac anyways; I did not do that when i installed Mavericks and well, maybe now is the time.
Went on and reinstalled the OS and then installed all apps cleanly. Took a while.
Carrara is now working again.
Two minor hiccups: the icon for the 64bit app did not load properly and, whenever I launch and add a model, I get a message saying, "please locate the default repository". The former is odd. The latter is perhaps because I haven't installed Poser yet.
I used the Dim to install everything, and did not skip poser files...
HI :)
You shouldn't need to have Poser or Daz studio installed to load content into Carrara.
Try opening Daz studio, and checking the content locations.
As far as i'm aware, C8.5 doesn't have any ability to do any Database management, ...only DS
Hope it helps :)
Thanks 3DAGE.
On my old set-up I did move a few things very carefully but was worried about it.
I have several models of food that I bought from another store... They are for Poser, but I want to use them in Daz/Carrara. How do I set up a Runtime? Will I have to relink the textures?
DIM doesn't do third party non-DAZ content, so you should be able to put the runtime wherever you wish. If you keep the file structure as a runtime, then you shouldn't need to re-link the textures. If you do, then the artist may not have named something correctly. I get this from time to time (usually with freebies). To load a runtime, go to the Content Browser (not Smart Content or whatever it's called) and select the little black icon on the far right side of the browser window. This will open a menu where you can choose to have Carrara auto detect runtimes, or you can manually add it yourself.
The download was two different zip files with parts in each (geometries/libraries and in the other, textures). The instructions said to open in Poser... then navigate and open the second part.
On a spare machine, I carefully moved things into the Daz Runtime and it all worked fine in Daz3D, but Carrara flashed a message looking for the textures. I then carefully removed the files back to their original spots.
Tried setting up a runtime folder (created folders and named them) but this was not recognised as a runtime...
This sounds suspiciously like the problem I've had with multiple monitors. (Except mine was in Windows)
See my post and I also logged a bug report # 149685 about it. But DAZ closed the bug report with no resolution.
Deleting the settings file worked to get things running again, but the only way to get multiple monitors is if the primary monitor is on the left. The bug is that having the primary on the right breaks something.
Unfortunately I don't know where the settings file would be on a Mac, so can't help you there.
In order to be recognized as a runtime folder, you need a folder that contains a folder within it named "Runtime" or "runtime".
If Carrara is asking for texture locations, since you already know where you've moved your stuff to, navigate there and inside the 'Runtime' folder is a folder called "Textures". You'll find the textures in another folder inside there - often the name of the artist, and then inside, the name of the product. Other vendors might do things differently.
Not until you buy non Daz store stuff do you really realise how easy the DIM makes everything.
Have things working basically, but still have to search for some of the jogs. The same artist has stuff on the Daz store; wish he would bring these models over.
If it helps at all, I have written an article regarding runtime structures here.
Although it was written around the idea of creating custom runtime structures using DIM, the same info should help with manual ideas as well.
Dartanbeck: I'll look at that soon.
I don't buy many models elsewhere but really needed some food items not in the Daz store. Will load them and then save the scenes, then import when needed.
Wish there was a DiM that would work with other items... !