Grouping messes up object size

I created a fog object and scaled it properly. When I group that object with another (dragging child over parent), it disappears and its size changes to -1000000 or some absurd number.
Has anyone experienced this problem and, more importantly, found a workaround?

500 x 690 - 67K
I forgot to add that the group has a Bend&Twist; modifier. I created a test file to replicate the problem and it only appeared when I applied the modifier.
I attached the test file. Just drag the Fog object in the Group. [update: forum won't let me upload a Carrara file]
i had a similar problem with grouping and parenting. try parenting before modification. or do a command g and see if it changes the modification
What you are describing is parenting which is different than grouping. As Dot-Bat suggested try using Command-G or Group under the Edit Menu.
As to the resizing I don't know why parenting the fog would cause that issue.
I should mention that I'm not sure deformers will work on the fog primitive. I could be wrong on that though.
Thank you all and sorry for the late reply. The problem is that the fog object does not support modifiers. This has been confirmed by Daz and, hopefully, they will generate an appropriate error message instead of destroying the object in the next update. This happens with grouping or parenting (You can't apply Bend & Twist directly to a fog object), and regardless of the order in which the steps are taken.
There are other issues with grouping, parenting and modifiers, but they are unrelated to the problem described in the OP.
HI Eric3ddd :)
just out of curiosity,.,. can you tell us what effect you were trying to create, and maybe we could suggest alternative ways to achieve that.
I added a little cloud effect. Which works fine. It's only when I tried to attach it to the object that it got destroyed because the group had a bend & twist modifier attached to it. I ended up keeping the 2 separate, which was fine since I only rendered a still image. I suppose I could have used a track modifier if I wanted to do an animation.
This got me thinking that it would be very nice to be able to create a cloud as a vertex object. You would model it in the VM, but when it's rendered, the faces are hidden and the volume is filled with smoke or vapor. Of course with settings for density, falloff, turbulence, etc.
I added a little cloud effect. Which works fine. It's only when I tried to attach it to the object that it got destroyed because the group had a bend & twist modifier attached to it. I ended up keeping the 2 separate, which was fine since I only rendered a still image. I suppose I could have used a track modifier if I wanted to do an animation.
This got me thinking that it would be very nice to be able to create a cloud as a vertex object. You would model it in the VM, but when it's rendered, the faces are hidden and the volume is filled with smoke or vapor. Of course with settings for density, falloff, turbulence, etc.To put both of them in a group, without getting the modifier added to the other, select both items from the list and Ctrl G (Group) them. If the model with the modifier is already in a group... that's not anything to worry about. It can be in both.
So you'll end up with:
New Group Contains
Object group with modifier attached
Other object
Anything else you want to put in this group
I added a little cloud effect. Which works fine. It's only when I tried to attach it to the object that it got destroyed because the group had a bend & twist modifier attached to it. I ended up keeping the 2 separate, which was fine since I only rendered a still image. I suppose I could have used a track modifier if I wanted to do an animation.
This got me thinking that it would be very nice to be able to create a cloud as a vertex object. You would model it in the VM, but when it's rendered, the faces are hidden and the volume is filled with smoke or vapor. Of course with settings for density, falloff, turbulence, etc.
Primovol has a plugin to make mesh objects into volumteric clouds.
Most programs treat a model as a skin over facets or vertexes. Think of it as a shell or the skin of a balloon. There are shader functions to make it appear there is volume, but they're really illusions that depend a lot on lighting and the angle of the light sell it. I doubt it could be done without the aid of a plugin of some sort.