Particle + Object animation jitters.

Hello Everyone,
I have created an animation in Carrara using the particle emitter + a rotating cube animation.
Initially all cubes would jitter, I'm a novice when it comes to this stuff, so please bear with me.
initially i set the particle emitter to work the way I want, with the particles falling down slowly.
Next I added the rotating cube object to the emitter and I would scrub through the time line and
do some spot renders, and everything seemed to be ok. Until, I started rendering the animation.
That is where I started to see the jitter. I started to play with gravity and air friction values and got somewhat
the look I want, but as you can see in the example video I still have a jittering cube on the left hand side midway
through the video.
The other interesting thing is, if I change the settings in the basic tab to "Bound to emitter" the cubes simply float to the top
but they dont jitter.
The cube animation uses the "Spin" modifier on X, Y, Z axsis.
I'm also including my settings for the Particle Emitter. Hopefully someone can spot where the problem is.