Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 13



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    BTW, DO put items in your cart and ignore what the gallery price is. The Hallway below is a new debut, so you can use it to get one featured item free (and that section IS WORKING at the moment. I got the Meeting Room, below. And the daily spotlight 85% item IS WORKING. Use these sections while you can! The store is flip flopping like crazy while they do the fixes. If they don't work for you, let others know :) 

     Shopping Cart


    Grand Total $5.92


    Subtotal $58.85
    Discount $-52.93
    Estimated Tax $0.00


    Post edited by Novica on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Tried the new freebie, and would have been charged full price if I had checked out - not shopping until prices stabilise and my account works properly again (I cannot see the Platinum forums at the moment, so my Plat status is wonky - for which I have a ticket outstanding). I feel sorry for the PAs but I'm sure there will be another sale...

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    FYI the ONE-FOR-FREE code only works ONCE, even though it doesn't say any restrictions. I tried it using that second PC+ new debut item listed above :( 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Yeah, the Foxhole thing isn't free. If they don't have it fixed by Daz Midnight, I am going to get it though at 85% off or whatever it was (I had tested it in the cart too.)  I'll give it time to settle in (all day today) 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    OH NO. No, no, no.  When you buy something, IT DOES NOT SHOW UP AS OWNED AND STAYS ON THE GALLERY PAGE!!!!!!!!!! (Yes, I have the hide what I own checkmarked)

    I cleared the cache and did a hard refresh and that Meeting Room is still on the gallery page and the product page does NOT show owned! That is important to note as we have two codes to use, on the same gallery pages. So you have to remember what you bought!!!!!

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    The Foxhole isn't even discounting for me, it's showing full price - I wonder which will be sorted first, the problem I'm having with my PC membership (as long as I can't see the PC forums I know that isn't working) or the store as a whole.

    For the moment I'm going to stop looking and just lean back and wait for things to resolve.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    Novica said:

    @nonesuch00  You be careful cutting tree limbs!  surprise  Yeah, Georgia is going to be out of power for several days, but those electric crews simply amaze me. Glad to hear about the birds, but not about your couch LOL. 

    I'm still working on fonts, installing and doing a sample sheet sheet for comparison. I'll post them when I get done. I'm only in the E's at the moment. 

    I figured it out, and only bought the items I wanted from the bundle. Even after the banner discount of 60%, I would have spent $15 on things I really didn't want. I still got 70% off. Buying the OTHER bundle (to help men) only took the discount to 76% I think. I'm tired of messing around trying to get the best deal, this past month has been ridiculous with so many factors in play, it makes me spend less time shopping. There's so many sales coming up, I'm not really looking too deep into complicated ones. I'd say I'm just in a "funky mood" but if it's a mood, it's been going on all month!

    No worries. I actually insisted on using a camping brush saw like you buy in the camping section at Walmart instead of their chainsaw. Call me chicken but I treat all tools like I'm afraid of them and usually refuse to use power tools unless the time differential is huge or the safety features win my trust. What will never win my trust is me standing near the top rung of an extended ladder, I was shaking so much the ladder looked like it was made of Jello but the work finally got done (no more branches in trees but there are fallen tree trunks and plenty of fallen branches but all on the ground).

    I bought 101 Expression Library with Dials for the Genesis 8 Female because I felt the PA did a trememdous amount of painstaking work but haven't tried it yet.

    Have any of you bought the corresponding 101 Expression Library with Dials for the Genesis 8 Male? No need to do renders but do you like the product?

    Hey @Nonesuch,

    I have bought the G8M one, I think I have the G8F too. I used the G8M one yesterday and found it 'interesting'. I am not sure just what caused a lag, but when I tried to move the dial over just a bit, there didn't seem to be much change, so I would do it more. I also tried multiple dials working toward a specific expression. I think I like it, but need more practice and definitely want to try it without a dForce hair on the character (just realized that might have been the problem) and keep the head close-up in the viewport. A little goes a looong way. I feel it was a good purchase and will be useful in the long run.


    Thanks. I tried out the female one and I got similar results from what you describe for the male pack. I mean it's not terrible and can be interesting but the expressions didn't seem to be quite as expressive I guess you'd say as the images in the slider icons or in the store advertising. So not bad, an improvement over past purchases I bought for general expressions (excluding Autoface Expressions) and I won't be returning it but I wasn't so wowed that I went and immediately bought the male version. Instead the male version sits in my wishlist for a possible sale in the future or a PC+ coupon use.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    Novica said:


    Sorry to say that the pricing and store isn't working correctly for myself or many other customers. You know how they give different groups of customers different discount offers and freebies based on what they've bought in the past and how much they've bought in the past? Think purple banners and such. Yep, that means some groups of customers' tags in the database for those discounts are working and some groups of customers' tags in the database are not working. I'd bet the customers that buy the most and spend the most are most likely to be in groups who have more tags working than customers who don't spend nearly so much. For me personally, that means almost 100% of the store remains at full price, even with my PC+ membership.

    Also, I can't even sort in the store, even with the DAZ Deals plugin disabled, and I also can't see the products for some of my favorite PAs like Slosh and Collective3D.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @nonesuch00   I know Daz doesn't apply different discounts in the basic store, based on amounts spent, as I get the same discounts everyone else does unless it's a purple banner. They pulled the entire store promos offline about an hour ago, for everyone. The cart that I posted went wonky shortly after, with some other folks who have a lot of products reporting the same problems. 

    The second coupon isn't working for me either, just like everyone else (the one where you get 10 things for 90% off.)  Jack has started a new thread over in Commons because so much is broke. This is a Daz nightmare, and I'm just relaxed about the entire thing because I'll just do a screenshot of my cart, NOT CHECKOUT, and then ask customer support how to make that cart happen as I expect those prices. I think doing a gift card (AFTER the debacle) for the exact amount and letting Daz get it somehow may be the way to go, but I'm guessing.

    Customer Service is excellent at making things right, or at least that's been my experience. So my cart can wait all day and before the store turns over, if the cart still isn't right,  I'll screenshot it and file my ticket. (in addition to the promo page, so they'll be able to verify what the promo was. I know they are going to be swamped and trying to remember everything may be challenging as so many sales aren't working.

  • gitika1gitika1 Posts: 948
    Novica said:

    BTW, DO put items in your cart and ignore what the gallery price is. The Hallway below is a new debut, so you can use it to get one featured item free (and that section IS WORKING at the moment. I got the Meeting Room, below. And the daily spotlight 85% item IS WORKING. Use these sections while you can! The store is flip flopping like crazy while they do the fixes. If they don't work for you, let others know :) 

     Shopping Cart


    Grand Total $5.92


    Subtotal $58.85
    Discount $-52.93
    Estimated Tax $0.00


    Hypostyle Hallway is $13.27 when I put it in the cart.  I will check back at the end of the day.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321
    edited November 2020

    I think the store's prices are fixed. For now, Check your cart and refresh if you are waiting.

    Although the free items are still charged, but at PC+ prices. 

    They weren't kidding about a long order number! Sixteen digits separated by dashes, it looks like a serial number for a plug-in. 

    Sales tax applies after you go to pay. (Daz is only online 3D company I pay sales tax to for Colorado. Weird.)

    One last note: I have never appreciated Ati's plug-in more than when I had to do without it. I use that wishlist button, and the drop down categories to help save me time. 

    Post edited by memcneil70 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited November 2020
    Novica said:

    @nonesuch00   I know Daz doesn't apply different discounts in the basic store, based on amounts spent, as I get the same discounts everyone else does unless it's a purple banner. They pulled the entire store promos offline about an hour ago, for everyone. The cart that I posted went wonky shortly after, with some other folks who have a lot of products reporting the same problems. 

    The second coupon isn't working for me either, just like everyone else (the one where you get 10 things for 90% off.)  Jack has started a new thread over in Commons because so much is broke. This is a Daz nightmare, and I'm just relaxed about the entire thing because I'll just do a screenshot of my cart, NOT CHECKOUT, and then ask customer support how to make that cart happen as I expect those prices. I think doing a gift card (AFTER the debacle) for the exact amount and letting Daz get it somehow may be the way to go, but I'm guessing.

    Customer Service is excellent at making things right, or at least that's been my experience. So my cart can wait all day and before the store turns over, if the cart still isn't right,  I'll screenshot it and file my ticket. (in addition to the promo page, so they'll be able to verify what the promo was. I know they are going to be swamped and trying to remember everything may be challenging as so many sales aren't working.

    No, well that's just it. Those purple banners are different discounts for different customers according to what you've bought & how much spent. And so is whether or not you're a member of the PC+. I've had many purple discount banners offered based of having Victoria, Michael, Horse 2, and other pro and other bundles and also discounts definately based on how many pro bundles I've bought. As I pulled back from buying so many pro bundles so did the number of purple banners I received offering me discounts or other products from the DAZ Store free or with discounts and coupons. I'm not knocking it or saying it's unfair, it's essentially the same as something like S&H Greenstamps and other such customer reward programs, just that they do do that and now, fixing it to all be the same in the new database, well might be a few days before they figure out the logic in the new database to fix all that. It's more than raw data, it's database code and website code that can be a mess to port correctly to the new store.

    Example, I just got a DAZ Deals email with lots of MartinJFrost's great flowers for sale that I've been slowly accummulating as they go on sale at the DAZ sale prices I've come to expect for those flower products that are DOs (eg tulip, christmas rose/lenten rose/allium and so on) but then as I add them to my cart the prices are either double the price I'm getting in the DAZ Deal emails and some are even more as in full price. Much more is in play with the prices we get then just a yes or no as to whether or not we are Platinum Club Plus members apparently or it'd be fixed easily by now.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Yes, the cart is working :)  I used both the codes for the sale (get a freebie, get up to 10 with a new debut) without any problem. The prices on the Pharoah items settled in, so those make sense to use as the new debut releases to get the 10 and freebie. 

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321

    After walking Bugsy and making a new loaf of Morning Apple Bread, I am now manually downloading my purchases. Doctor Jellybean was kind enough to explain where to place the zip files. I really appreciate DIM. One file is an old shader pack that started with a 10 minute download. 

    The one thing I have been concentrating on this PC+ sale is old 3Delight shaders. There was a thread in the Commons about a month ago where someone asked for recommendations and I wishlisted the ones I didn't have. So I have been keeping an eye out for them, and others that have appeared. Also got the few Dream House packages I had missed, like the poses and some things that just don't seem to be part of the series. 

    Of course old files need metadata, fun days.

  • genarisgenaris Posts: 330

    @memcneil70 - Mary, I'm with you on that - the ATI dazDeals add-on I now understand is for me a must. Being able, like you say, to instantly whittle down all the stuff in the various deal categories—day after day in sale after sale—to just the things that matter by clicking that "only show wishlisted" box is the only way I can stand shopping here. Even then it takes more time than I need to be spending that way, but without that tool... OMG! : ()

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    edited November 2020

    Miss Nudge likes Ellie in Ice Age The Meltdown

    4198 x 2901 - 2M
    Post edited by Robert Freise on
  • genarisgenaris Posts: 330
    edited November 2020

    That's so cute, Robert!   I'm always fascinated by how animals respond to each other and often seem so curious about the other.  I live in the country in a low-population rural area in NE FL and have always put out food and water for the birds and squirrels, which of course years later means the area is trafficked by a whole bagful of diverse critters.  Specific deer and small units of them come on more or less regular schedules and eat and meander while I do yard chores and talk to them.  I watched a doe (who seemed very curious -rather than nervous- about a fat rabbit dining next to her, sniffed it a time or two, running her snout along it's back. The rabbit responded by raising its head from the food long enough to sniff or twitch the doe's nozzle, before resuming eating.  Rabbits, coon, possum, crows, Robins, jays, doves, redheaded woodpeckers, various smaller twittery birds, the occasional wild turkey(s) or sandhill crane(s), deer, armadillo are some of the animals I can think of offhand that I have observed hitting my yard/diner  at the same time and peacefully negotiating the space with each other.  The interactions are like a little reality show.  Less desirable to see in my yard but nonetheless do periodically see: a big brown bear that drifts around the area and sort of sticks places for a while before resuming his rounds, and lots of rattlesnakes, pygmy and diamondback (mostly but not exclusively just during a couple specific times of year). A few weeks ago, I went out and walked around the corner from screen porch to the feeding area adjacent to the house and there was a little piglet oinking and trotting along... behind a couple of deer.   This area is lousy with deer and it is very common to see singles or groups of them in the roads even in the day but especially at night, and quite often, I see feral or stray cats traveling with the deer.  : )

    Post edited by genaris on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @robertfriese   Miss Nudge has extremely good taste in buddies LOL. I still remember Ice Age from years ago. Very well done. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @genaris   that's a lot of animals!

    I learned something interesting due to being a night owl. Guess what animal frequently hangs out with horses in the pasture?  They cross it nonchalantly, and just trot on through doing their thing. I had gone out at 11:30pm to put Nova's blanket on him, and low and behold, I met his pal the bobcat. Horses get so used to them, they don't bat an eye. The size differential of horses and bobcats rather make it clear it wouldn't be worth the bobcat's time to even think about messing with the horse. I spotted him a couple times. Nova just raised his head, snorted (breathing deeply and sounding a mild alarm) and that was it. 

  • Yeah it was I enjoyed all the Ice Age movies

    It popped up as a recommendation when Jackie Chans The Spy Next Door finished playing and I was OK it's been a while so why not


  • Novica said:

    @genaris   that's a lot of animals!

    I learned something interesting due to being a night owl. Guess what animal frequently hangs out with horses in the pasture?  They cross it nonchalantly, and just trot on through doing their thing. I had gone out at 11:30pm to put Nova's blanket on him, and low and behold, I met his pal the bobcat. Horses get so used to them, they don't bat an eye. The size differential of horses and bobcats rather make it clear it wouldn't be worth the bobcat's time to even think about messing with the horse. I spotted him a couple times. Nova just raised his head, snorted (breathing deeply and sounding a mild alarm) and that was it. 

    Yeah they get like Oh it's you again

  • genarisgenaris Posts: 330

    @Novica  - Considering the rep cats have for being "standoffish" it is interesting how they seem to like to hang out or travel with these other animals. Companionship, protection, little of both, maybe... or?

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    The freebie Foxhole Props from yesterday was finally free in my cart, I just checked out. And the one for today was also free. Seems they got that smoothed out.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Here's a couple more in the next post, getting to the end of my fonts from Font Squirrel. I still have one more to go. I've been up since 4pm yesterday, with the election going on, haven't gone to sleep. So going to post this and get some rest. I'll add the third here (and let you know) when I get that added later tonight. 

    And keep an eye on Hurricane Eta, the models they are not showing takes it up the Florida peninsula a bit but cuts sharply into the Gulf and yep, right to Pensacola area. Still days out so hope this one changes!  Remember the spaghetti models on   

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    Font Squirrel Fonts. There's some really fun ones in here :) 

    800 x 600 - 195K
    800 x 600 - 168K
    800 x 600 - 98K
    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    I got to thinking- with as wonky as the site is at the moment, I didn't want my credit card on file. So I went to Payments and deleted it. I use Paypal, and have since 2012, and have never had a problem with it. Ever. (And about 26,000 products now, (UGH) so if I can buy that many without any incidences, I'm not storing a credit card on a flaky site.) 

    You might want to think about this if you have a credit card on file. I'm not confident in the site at the moment, and I have NOT seen anything about security being compromised. But they are fixing things and breaking others, so better safe than sorry. And no, we don't need to rehash that your card is being stored without permission, that's already been mentioned several times to Daz and on the list to be fixed.

    I do find it interesting another thing hasn't been addressed-  the additional 60% being applied to Daz Originals was mentioned several times, starting at 1:30am-ish at the start of today, and pointed out several times this afternoon and evening. That's 60% off without using the code, on TOP of additional discounts, and not restricted to a specific category of DO's. But they haven't fixed it so I don't know if it's a glitch. Literally, it's been pointed out four or five times to them, trying to help or get a feel if the store is supposed to be doing that. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • I'm still waiting for some of the items I purchased Nov.4th to appear in my product library. Currently, only three have shown up one of which has no way to download it

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @robertfriese   Isn't this funky that everyone is having different problems? No consistency. I have ALL the ones I bought, and the manual download available. I haven't clicked it. I do know the DIM option to click there goes to my DIM, but nothing happens. Do you not have a manual download option at all for that one product? Weird. 

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    edited November 2020
    Novica said:

    @robertfriese   Isn't this funky that everyone is having different problems? No consistency. I have ALL the ones I bought, and the manual download available. I haven't clicked it. I do know the DIM option to click there goes to my DIM, but nothing happens. Do you not have a manual download option at all for that one product? Weird. 

    As of this morning, the download has appeared but none of the Millawa 8 Cyber Mission Bundle products are there just a link to the bundle

    And the purchase order is still screwed up with older and new mixed

    Post edited by Robert Freise on
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321
    edited November 2020

    While my address and name is on my account, I have never saved my card data. Not only for security, but because of tthe simple pain of updating sites when a new card is sent to me. A few years ago, Band of America had to send me at least five new cards because different companies I used, and insisted on keeping records of my card data, had their databases hacked. Having moved so many times as an adult, it was bad enough to keep companies updated, but now during tthe time of computers, it is even more of a pain, since we are identified by email addresses, phone numbers, SSNs, and card numbers. And I thought it was bad enough when I was in Junior High and I had homeroom with a group of Jerrys, Larrys, Garys, Sherrys, and other Marys and our teacher mumbled our names!

    DIM finally came back for me today with an update to one older file.

    Post edited by memcneil70 on
This discussion has been closed.