Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 13



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited September 2020

    Sally now up to 105 mph.  Pensacola Naval Air Station already has 18" and it's pouring here. Here's the 1am video.   (If you click my name, you'll go to the main page and it's not as blurry in the post.) Now winds are 52 with 74 mph gusts, almost hurricane strength. So weird to have a hurricane headed to New Orleans come to Mobile, Alabama then shift to Pensacola (we are getting the eyewall) and go Category TWO. (And still strengthening.)  Okay, going to go get some sleep, as Sally is coming only 2mph and only needs 6 mph to go Category 3 btw.  Even at a Cat 2, the barn can lose the roof. :(   Will try to keep you posted but may lose internet access. Cell towers go down, etc. Do NOT worry about me please, I have a great brick house and was in two back to back Cat 3's, almost Cat 4's. Didn't even lose a shingle and the winds gusted 143 mph. :)  Got my weather radio and need to sleep before the worse hits. Just carry on, I may be off the thread for a few days. :) 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,324

    Thinking about you and all the folks at Pensacola. The news should images over just an hour of water rising at a crazy rate on a 6'5" reporter's leg, mid-shin, above knee, then he walked three feet away and it went mid-thigh and he stopped because it would be at waist level if he went a couple more feet out. Another reporter had to move her crew back towards a building's wall, as sheets of plexiglass started to be blown off something and down the street in mid-air. The air station at 8am was reported to have over 2 ft of water. 

    Going to keep you, your family, the animals, and military, in my thoughts and prayers for safety and comfort, during this.


  • Hi Novica

    I've been watching the reports from Pensacola and hope you, your family, and Stetson are all OK. Yeh, I know you've been through hurricanes before and are well prepared;  but this one seems a lot like Harvey that stalled and flooded parts of Houston that never before had been flooded.


  • @novica  hope you, your family and pets are safe. We are actually driving our moving truck to Cantonment near Pensacola today with our three dogs and one cat in the truck cabin. Nervous and not sure what to expect. 
    please let us know how you are doing when you are able to respond. Take care!

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    Just letting everyone know I heard from Novica via text. She's doing fine. Internet is out so she asked me to relay this message. Some limbs down in her yard but all her trees are standing. Power on and off at the moment. Looks to me like the storm was centered pretty much over her part of Florida.

    Out at the barn lots of trees down plus part of the barn roof was peeling off, so the owners had to go out in 100 mph winds to anchor and nail it down surprise. Stetson and the other horses are doing fine. If I hear more I'll keep you posted. 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    Thanks for the report Rich.

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856
    barbult said:

    Thanks for the report Rich.


  • @ Rich: Thanks for the update. I hope she didn't get flooded. I'm seeing pictures of Penesacola underwater  but she is a bit outside of Pensacola so maybe she escaped that.

  • Right in the eye of the storm,  is terrifying prospect.  Stay safe.

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484
    RGcincy said:

    Just letting everyone know I heard from Novica via text. She's doing fine. Internet is out so she asked me to relay this message. Some limbs down in her yard but all her trees are standing. Power on and off at the moment. Looks to me like the storm was centered pretty much over her part of Florida.

    Out at the barn lots of trees down plus part of the barn roof was peeling off, so the owners had to go out in 100 mph winds to anchor and nail it down surprise. Stetson and the other horses are doing fine. If I hear more I'll keep you posted. 

    Thank you so much for the update!!!

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,324

    Thanks Rich! 

  • Thanks for the update. 

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343

    I'm glad Novica is fine!

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Hey it's ME. Yeah, I managed to get internet using my phone, it takes about 20 minutes for each page to load, it's agonizing, so since none of my friends have power or internet, I spent my time grabbing info on what roads were open, what stores are open, and where's there's gas. There is no power at the barn, unfortunately it will be 85 degrees tomorrow. Stetson won't have fans but at least it's not a 93 degree day.  They had to build a berm of dirt in front of the door as it was flooding. Let me back up a minute-

    Monday- went out at 3pm to 4pm and put Stetson in his pasture. It was still forecasted to go New Orleans. Tuesday it started raining in afternoon, I headed out to walk Stetson at what appeared to be a break in the weather, which never happened. It was coming down hard, so I walked him in the aisle so he at least got out of his stall. I knew we would be in heavy rain with it coming in at Louisiana to Mississippi. Wellll....around 9pm that night was the first indication it was "shifting slightly" east. Every hour, more and more.

    What makes Sally different is NO ONE was prepared here. No shutters on windows. Cars weren't moved. I still had my hummingbird feeder hanging up and a glass table out by the pool but under the trees. I mean, it was like a sci-fi movie where aliens appear in your area. Seasoned hurricane veterans were totally amazed at a New Orleans storm going to a 2mph track, and keep Pensacola totally in the eye wall, no break whatsoever. Even though it went in to Gulf Shores AL we were the bad section of the eye wall.  The airport got 18" just yesterday.  

    Anyway, I gotta get off the internet and what you should know is 160,000 still without power, I never lost it totally, it went off a minute or two about six times. I thought my bedroom windows were going to give way, they were creaking and the whooo whooo whooo of wind was formidable. I have video which I will post on Facebook when I resume internet, you'll see Wednesday about 9am when were still in 80mph winds. Yeah, I was out in my back yard, you know which way the trees are going to fall and I was next to a huge round barrel palm- they don't uproot. The winds were probably 30-40 mph steady with 70-75mph gusts. It was actually very pretty to see the bamboo blowing and very flexible. 

    So all's well here except interstate 10 is closed 40 miles, Coast Guard is currently still doing high water rescues in Pensacola. This was devastating, no one was prepared so far as moving vehicles or boats or getting windows protected. No one went to shelters. They weren't open!  

    Feeling sorry for Bermuda- they have a CATEGORY 4 bearing down on them. This was 105mph Category 2 that just crawled. Imagine going 2mph for ten hours- we walk at 3mph and could have out WALKED this stupid thing.  

    Happy shopping- I'm saving a ton of money LOL. Won't know if I'll be able to get back on, the cell towers are usually done with electricity, they have been on generators since Tuesday night and the batteries are going out, so many people are losing their cell phone connections. I want to stop using my phone except for emergencies as they've asked people to cut back and perserve service, but wanted to say thanks to Rich, I'll keep him posted if anything new comes up. I'm not doing yard work because the county landfill will absolutely be soggy for at least a week or more, and I'm not sitting in an hour line. I'll just cut it up and put it in the trash and let them take it away little by little. :)    Thanks for all the concern, I'm still here and keeping others informed/pitching in that way.  May be a week before I have internet, it's out in five COUNTIES. 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    So glad you are OK!!!!

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Glad you are ok and thanks for the update. Prayers for everyone in the area!

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624
    edited September 2020

    CC Jack for Holt 8                  dforce MI Casual Outfit for G8M                  Wood and Marble Iray Shaders                  Stylished Shaved Hair for G3M & G8M               

    Arm Hair is from Ryker for Vladimir 8                      Stubble is from Classic Side Part Hair for G8M               Lighting: Theory of Lights-Energy Flow by Fabiana at Rendo

    CC Jack:  He is handsome, I really like his look- reminds me of Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) who played in Twilight.  His textures and shaders are very nice.   He comes with fibermesh brows and eyelashes and a custom vampire skin and teeth.  He also comes with some custom makeups, pupil shapes, eye colors and fingernail polish.

    Casual Outfit: First product release by mal3Imagery, wow what can I say its an awesome first release.  The textures look great, the outfit is dforce but doesn't have to be.  I did dforce in this image.  Because of the custom shape of Jack I had to adjust the shirt and pants but the dials made it easy once I turned off limits to them.  My only nitpick is the shoes they are not to me the same quality as the outfit although they are still not bad, since this is a first release.  The PA included several texture options also a waist down and pant leg longer morph option which is great!  And on top of all that he provided a link in his commercial thread to free socks to use with the shoes!  Can't wait for more releases by this PA!

    Wood and Marble Shaders:  You get 15 Wood and Marble shaders both sets have 3 different style options and then there is a utilities with several tile size options. Very nice set.  I really like the marbles available.

    Stylized Shaved Hair-Nice short hair style, it has 7 different shaved side styles, 12 colors, 7 hair line styles and comes with both iray and 3delight shaders. I did have to increase the scale in this image to 100.5% I was getting the squigglies that happen when hair intersects the model.  I don't know for sure if this is because of the custom shape, i have not used this hair before I don't think.

    Ryker arm hair: Guiltly I have not used Ryker yet, this is what happens when you spend to much time shopping and not enough time rendering.  The hair looks really nice and natural to me. I did not test any of the other stuff with this product but it looks nice and not a bad price at all for what you get. I did have to unlock the transition dials and move the hair because it was intersecting the model there are no morph dials for it.  I believe because of the custom model useda nd possible pose contributed also.

    Stubble from Classic Side Part Hair:  I have use the hair previous and really like it so I thought I would try out the stubble.  Same issue as with the other hair I had to make some transition adjustment to the stubble.  It looks pretty nice the only issue I have other than positioning was if you look on the right of the neck compared to the left; the left has less coverage.  I could not figure out a way to solve this as the stubble I believe is fibermesh.  BUT fyi I didn't try just real hard anyway.

    Theory of Lights-Energy Flow: I think ive reviewed this before but im not sure.  Fabiana stuff is great!  She sales at Rendo and does custom HDRI's and sets.  She has several sets and I have very good results out of all of them I own.

    And finally the image!  Sorry so long winded but hopefully benefical to someone.  I know I love seeing reviews so I can make informed decisions.  Also you can view a larger version of the image at my Flickr or DeviantArt page.

    1228 x 1643 - 1M
    Post edited by Daventaki on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343
    Novica said:

    Hey it's ME. Yeah, I managed to get internet using my phone, it takes about 20 minutes for each page to load, it's agonizing, so since none of my friends have power or internet, I spent my time grabbing info on what roads were open, what stores are open, and where's there's gas. There is no power at the barn, unfortunately it will be 85 degrees tomorrow. Stetson won't have fans but at least it's not a 93 degree day.  They had to build a berm of dirt in front of the door as it was flooding. Let me back up a minute-

    Monday- went out at 3pm to 4pm and put Stetson in his pasture. It was still forecasted to go New Orleans. Tuesday it started raining in afternoon, I headed out to walk Stetson at what appeared to be a break in the weather, which never happened. It was coming down hard, so I walked him in the aisle so he at least got out of his stall. I knew we would be in heavy rain with it coming in at Louisiana to Mississippi. Wellll....around 9pm that night was the first indication it was "shifting slightly" east. Every hour, more and more.

    What makes Sally different is NO ONE was prepared here. No shutters on windows. Cars weren't moved. I still had my hummingbird feeder hanging up and a glass table out by the pool but under the trees. I mean, it was like a sci-fi movie where aliens appear in your area. Seasoned hurricane veterans were totally amazed at a New Orleans storm going to a 2mph track, and keep Pensacola totally in the eye wall, no break whatsoever. Even though it went in to Gulf Shores AL we were the bad section of the eye wall.  The airport got 18" just yesterday.  

    Anyway, I gotta get off the internet and what you should know is 160,000 still without power, I never lost it totally, it went off a minute or two about six times. I thought my bedroom windows were going to give way, they were creaking and the whooo whooo whooo of wind was formidable. I have video which I will post on Facebook when I resume internet, you'll see Wednesday about 9am when were still in 80mph winds. Yeah, I was out in my back yard, you know which way the trees are going to fall and I was next to a huge round barrel palm- they don't uproot. The winds were probably 30-40 mph steady with 70-75mph gusts. It was actually very pretty to see the bamboo blowing and very flexible. 

    So all's well here except interstate 10 is closed 40 miles, Coast Guard is currently still doing high water rescues in Pensacola. This was devastating, no one was prepared so far as moving vehicles or boats or getting windows protected. No one went to shelters. They weren't open!  

    Feeling sorry for Bermuda- they have a CATEGORY 4 bearing down on them. This was 105mph Category 2 that just crawled. Imagine going 2mph for ten hours- we walk at 3mph and could have out WALKED this stupid thing.  

    Happy shopping- I'm saving a ton of money LOL. Won't know if I'll be able to get back on, the cell towers are usually done with electricity, they have been on generators since Tuesday night and the batteries are going out, so many people are losing their cell phone connections. I want to stop using my phone except for emergencies as they've asked people to cut back and perserve service, but wanted to say thanks to Rich, I'll keep him posted if anything new comes up. I'm not doing yard work because the county landfill will absolutely be soggy for at least a week or more, and I'm not sitting in an hour line. I'll just cut it up and put it in the trash and let them take it away little by little. :)    Thanks for all the concern, I'm still here and keeping others informed/pitching in that way.  May be a week before I have internet, it's out in five COUNTIES. 

    Well I'm glad the worst of it's blown over and things weren't totally disasterous.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,324

    @Novica, So glad you and your family came through safe, if a little soggy. While watching the news reports, as they reported what was happening to Pensacola, I kept remembering your descriptions of where things were during that fire, so it gave me an understanding of your area's situation. 

    @Daventaki, Great render. I agree with you on the Casual Outfit. I put it on an older guy with a punch, widened the waist and sat him down. Forgot to check the waist after, but after the render was done, the waist stuck out on the side. So the dials need to be used cautiously prior to simulation. I was trying to get the shirt tucked in. But, I have to say, this was the first pair of shoes that don't have toes sticking out on the sides or above or below, without moving them or squishing them. I love the outfit.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Back online for a second- the internet company still has 48,000 without connections. 12,000 restored in 12 hours, so they are averaging 1,000 an hour. So 48 hours at the latest LOL to get internet back. If you want to see images, videos, go to   If you click on the article about power restoration, there's a video that will play and lead into the next one and next one. Or go to the photo gallery of 143 photos. It's awful. 

    What I'm worried about- when we got 17" in a day, Scenic Highway collapsed in three places. It runs along the bluffs. The waves came over the railroad tracks which run along the bluffs, and that means they were slamming up along the dirt which is under the highway. So I'm not driving Scenic for a month or more, will go another route that is comparable in time or even faster, through town. I am in Milton / Pace which is 15 minutes to the east of Pensacola. On a map, you'll see a peninsula jutting out (a big one) and that is Garcon Point, where the barn is! 

    Okay, going back offline. :)  Again, thanks for the concern. It's 85 degrees today and Stetson has no fan, folks without power are miserable as it is really high humidity so feels like a soggy mid 90's unfortunately.  As of 6pm last night, 67% of Escambia (Pensacola) folks without power, and 34% (down from 65%) Santa Rosa (me) without power.  While 67% sounds huge, it was 95% the day before. That's a lot of folks restored and they are anticipating having total folks online by Tuesday. That is AMAZING.  Thanks to New Jersey, New York, and a ton of upper East Coast for sending crews, and Georgia, Tennessee, and who knows how many more. 7,000 out of state folks were here late in the day Wednesday (it came ashore 4:45am Gulf Shores, Alabama) and the day after the hurricane hit. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    One quick thing I noticed as I looked through the products- I hate men's pants that don't come to the ankle, aka short. I think it looks dorky.  Maybe that's the look they're going for, but it keeps me from buying if there's not a morph listed to increase the pant length. (And I didn't have time to look as pages load too slowly using my phone connection, which is weak.)  

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Update: 250 trees still blocking 82 roads.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,324

    The new pants by mal3Imagery do have a lengthen slider which worked very well. Some of the sliders use a naming convention that is a little unique, and I had to play with them just a bit to make sure I knew what they did. And, on the Commons thread, he has posted some socks for free for the outfit.


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Novica said:

    One quick thing I noticed as I looked through the products- I hate men's pants that don't come to the ankle, aka short. I think it looks dorky.  Maybe that's the look they're going for, but it keeps me from buying if there's not a morph listed to increase the pant length. (And I didn't have time to look as pages load too slowly using my phone connection, which is weak.)  

    I thought the same thing, though I bought them anyway. I figured I could lenghten the legs with Mesh Grabber. However, though not listed under details, there is morph that lengthens the pant legs. There is also a morph to move the waist down!

    We're finally getting some rain here, washing the ash out of the sky. The west half of Oregon, and parts of Washington and California, had the worst air quality in the world for several days because of the numerous wild fires. Here in Eugene, the AQI was over 700 while the east winds stoked and quickly spread the Holiday Farm Fire.

    Of course, it couldn't be simple rain. We've had thunderstorms off and on since about 6 pm yesterday. (Fingers crossed the lightning doesn't start any new fires!) I've got it good, though. Thousands of Oregonians lost their homes in one or another of several large fires.

    Mother Nature is being a real witch this year.

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    @Novica Glad to see you're making it online off and on for a while at least. Hope your mom's power and AC get turned on soon if not already.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343
    Novica said:

    One quick thing I noticed as I looked through the products- I hate men's pants that don't come to the ankle, aka short. I think it looks dorky.  Maybe that's the look they're going for, but it keeps me from buying if there's not a morph listed to increase the pant length. (And I didn't have time to look as pages load too slowly using my phone connection, which is weak.)  

    I didn't buy that clothing either. It's nice enough but I have enough golf shirts & slacks & I didn't like the drape of the clothing either.

    When we moving to Florida when I was a boy I found out folk in Florida have a special name for pants that are too short for the wearer when I walked into homeroom on my first day of school and the entire class said simultaneously "High Waters!" pointing at my ankles. I turned so red! laugh

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,324
    edited September 2020

    Novica, I just dropped by to post a render to give you a smile when you get power and internet back. I hope it lights your heart a little.



    Oh Oh Oh Oh.png
    600 x 971 - 1M
    Post edited by memcneil70 on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @memcneil70   Hey Mary, it sure did! :)  What a cutie, waves and hugs back to you!

     I've always had power, thank goodness- it went on and off about six times the late night/wee hours of the morning Tuesday night/ Wednesday morning (hurricane hit at 4:45am, coming ashore but we were in it for eight to ten hours or more before that.)  Still don't have internet. It's 2:40am and I am headed to bed as I may go to see Mom tomorrow for my regularly scheduled visit. Don't know if they're open for that, though, so will call first. She is fine, they shuttered all the patio doors with hurricane shutters, she slept through the entire thing.

    This hit everyone by surprise so much, Maintenance over there was going around that evening pulling down the bird feeders on the seniors' patios! That's unheard of, they would have already had it done that morning.  My neighbor had her wind chimes hanging up, both of us had our bird feeders hanging up and both of us had glass tables out in the back yard. Fortunately neither of them turned over. Mine was under the trees (no branches hit them) and hers was on patio stones. That would have made a mess if it had shattered, and she has five dogs so the shards would have been a real problem to meticulously clean up. 

    BTW power came back on at the barn last night (Saturday night.) Yippee!  But now it's cool (65 high today) so Stetson didn't need his fans LOL. But we are now getting the rain bands from Tropical Storm Beta, it rained most the day. So sorry for folks trying to clean up their possessions, it's hard to know what the weather is when you don't have power or internet. You'd have to listen to the weather on your car radio I guess. 

  • Hand crank emergency radios are your friend

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I went with the battery operated / electric because of the entire house generator.  But for those who don't you are absolutely right! And the latest ones have the ports for you to plug in your phones to charge :) and reading lights!  

    They've now got all lights working on the main road (US 90) as of today, Still no internet. Three barges ended up at Pensacola NAS, there's a lot of damage there because the Navy did NOT fly out any planes. This was supposed to be a Category 1 going to New Orleans and the shift started about 10pm or later Tuesday night. Sadly alot of the 1800's homes were damaged on base, the Commanding Officer said it was actually like a jet engine roaring down the chimney! 

    Found another product without a page link. TS Barbershop. 

This discussion has been closed.