Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 13
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Here's what I went with for the 70% off. BTW it does NOT say one time use, but it is. (The build your bundle, you can do up to five with MY-BEST) So I got all this for $76.13 I went with huge, big ticket items for the most part. (Toon Generations and Underbelly items, with a lot in the bundle.) 6 items in the toons, and 5 in the Underbelly, sofor the entire order there were 14 things at $5.44 each, including big sets. WOW.
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Mesh Grabber Rotations Add-On
$24.95 $7.48 70%
Toon Generations 4 Mega-Bundle for Genesis 8
$95.95 $28.79 70%
Underbelly 8 Bundle
$79.95 $16.79 79%
Khan's Tiger Den Bundle Amazing price when you look at all that's included.
$49.95 $14.99 70%
Gothic Courtyard
$29.95 $8.98 70%
I spent about half that, @Novica. Here's my cart:
I wish I could have gotten the Karla Hair :) and also was looking at the long, wet hair (that may be the exact name, not sure) but couldn't with one time use of the code. :( I'm not familiar at all with that first product, the pJCM one. Looks interesting!
Anyone know where the roller skating rink came from in Skate Queen?
Lakeisha really looks like Seal Team's Lisa Davis (Toni Trucks) in the first row, third thumbnail!
I only bought the Reality Renderer plugin with that coupon. It went for $49.95 to $14.+, $15.88 once tax was added.
Yes, it is really hard to narrow it down to only five. I pulled the long wet hair to include the Beast Slayer outfit. And it was a tough decision! The first product from DED is a set of poses he uses to create pJCMs for clothing. It wasn't a must have yet, but I really do want to create clothing with MD and then figure out how to make it work correctly. I'm not a PA, and I doubt I'll ever become one, but the perfectionist in me isn't content to drape something in MD every time I use it.
I'm still going through my files and just a question- down a rabbit hole- have any of you tried and compared these two for the females? (the second one is females only) The first one looks really good with those split screen examples.
I love XTransfer, and based on my experiences with a Riversoft Converter (G2M to G8M, so I'm aware that it's not exactly a fair comparison) would definitely recommend that over the alternative just for the ease of use. XTransfer has never failed me, and I've thrown some pretty crazy morphs at it.
Interesting watching The Weather Channel a minute ago. The European Model showed just how whacky things may get. First, a high pressure is going to keep ALL storms from turning north, so anything you see will go west. That's not just the Euro, that's the way it is. But what these three "features" do is absolutely interesting to watch. Think of this, the storms locations are 1 2 and 3 (coast of Africa)
As 1 moves west, 2 moves joins 3 (that's right, backward) but flings part of itself PAST 2. So now the first storm will be part of what was 3, and now that 1 storm is the second one. The third storm closest to Africa just keeps ramping up of course, because it absorbed 2. That one should be quite healthy, hopefully doesn't get huge.
They've said it's almost a certainty we'll be in the Greek alphabet pretty soon. I was tickled to see on the local news the 18 wheelers stocked with food and supplies from Pensacola headed over to Louisiana. It's been a heat index of 95 to 100 or more here in the Deep South, and going weeks without power is devastating.
Oh hey, an hour ago, a 3.8 earthquake at the Florida / Alabama state line (north) which is directly above Pensacola. Up by Brewton. I was out walking and didn't feel it, it's about an hour driving time. Well, so far in 2020 I've been in a pandemic, involved in an evacuation for a forest fire, in a busy hurricane season, and now hearing about an earthquake in the state. Okay, bring on the mudslides... (not possible around here.)
I've bought XTransfer because I got the impression it was based off of SingularBlues prior morph transfer scripts that were deleted from the forums. SingularBlue's scripts worked quite well. The 1st version was better than the expanded 2nd version though in accuracy.
I have not bought the other product you linked too.
Look out for sinkholes
YEP, sinkholes in FL are def a thing - when I lived down in the Clearwater-St. Pete-Tampa area I remember one that ate a house and cars, and more recently I saw (just a coupla years back, i think) that a bit of a block on Central Ave in the St. Pete downtown area near where I worked for a while got sinkholed, but they happen around the state periodically. So freaky to see those gaping pits erupt/implode suddenly!
I used Ultrascenery for the the terrain and changed the leaves colour, Ultrascatter to scatter some Rowan Trees and the Stag is Tane the old Deer for DAZ horse 2.
2020-08-31 21:32:33.818 Total Rendering Time: 25 minutes 7.60 seconds
Click on image for full size.
2020-08-31 15:43:10.130 Total Rendering Time: 14 minutes 10.14 seconds
Click on image for full size.
2020-08-31 17:22:04.048 Total Rendering Time: 31 minutes 12.4 seconds
Click on image for full size.
@Fishtales - Sandy, that middle img (portrait/closeup of Tane) has a great vibe and tone; it makes me think of scenes you'd see in medieval paintings and tapestries... Nice!
Great observation- it does have that feeling to it. That foreground underbrush in the first image looks very real. Nicely done!
OT Has anyone served in the Coast Guard? My husband wrote a science fiction book (he is a retired USCG Commander, pilot) In providing feedback, I wasn't much help so far as the technical aspects but I thought it was very well done. He would like a few more veterans' opinions for consideration of future books. If you've been a Coastie (I love that term! Can't do much with "Army" but Coast Guard lets you have a nickname LOL) or are an American veteran, please PM me if you'd consider reading it. It's 300 pages and has to do with a Coast Guard cutter having an extraordinary encounter while on patrol. (I do need to restrict this to USA veterans as I'll send you a hard copy.) We putzed with Daz on the cover (the boat) and it turned out well. (We didn't use the Coast Guard boat from here, it's an aerial view and done differently.) Appreciate the consideration :)
Oh my gosh. It's like you are disaster central! I was that way for a year and a half working at Fort Knox. Tornados, hurricanes, ice storms, the works! Which sort of reminds me of a hospital soap opera called Holby City when I lived in Switzerland. That show got to be too much because every show was another huge natural disaster and I'm like are they serious?! Or so I thought until I started working at Fort Knox.
A sinkhole swallowed up part of the Corvette Museum about 75 miles west of where I live and my sister's land has an underground stream with 2 caves (actually probably one cave with that underground stream connecting them). Both cave entrances are way to small for people to enter but you can look into them easily enough. Big enough for some small animals to live or hide in but I doubt they'd go in willingly if not pursued. My land is about a third of the way on a knob and there is supposed to be a cave entrance nearby on someone else's land but I don't know if the cave extends under my land. I know my yard is full of limestone. Knobs (knolls or hills to some folk) around here often have caves hidden under them. This is karst country & I am scared of sinkholes! When I lived in Jacksonville, Florida in the 70s near Beach Blvd there was a creek called Silversmith Creek and we saw sinkholes in that creek. I saw a perch was hovering over a sinkhole as apparently it liked the change in the circulation of water caused by the sinkhole. Maybe it made the water cooler?
The majority of sinkholes are the peninsula of Florida thankfully, starting midway down IIRC. I could be wrong. The panhandle isn't really known for that- but we're not known for almost 4.0 earthquakes either LOL.
Novica, my father was US Coast Guard, January 1941 to sometime in 1948. He was serving in San Francisco on 7 Dec 1941, with orders for Pearl Harbor, which changed to the Aleutian Islands. Later detached to the Navy and served on subchasers and PT Boats. After he died in 1983, I found out that he was part of the invasion of Italy to take down the radar. Used to tell us to always volunteer for KP duty, gave you the run of the galley for snackes, so long as some of the pizzas made their way to the bridge. He never talked about the acutal war, just fun things and the food he learned. (He did hate guns though, wouldn't have them in the house.) He later used what he learned to help renovate a decomisioned German Harbor Police Boat (had to study German) and then an American Coast Guard Cutter, the Alert, bought by friends. I helped as child and then a teen to repair both boat and ship. (Also handled the galley during one of the trips on the SF Bay, never, ever, be in a galley when someone throws up on your feet.) The Alert was later donated to an organization to give disadvantaged teens exposure to sailing.
His brother and brother-in-law were Navy. His baby brother, at 14, joined the Marines in 1945, served for 5 years until 1949 when his mother finally told the Marines she had lied about his age. They tracked him down where he was in combat. He was separated at 19.
@memcneil70 Oh my, joining at 14! But my son has a friend who was already 6'1" and 190 pounds of solid muscle by the age of 16, often mistaken for being 19 or 20 years old. I love that your dad had stories to tell you. Mine was in the Army and I remember his Panama Canal stories about the monkeys. The service members had one that "adopted" them and they took really good care of him. Just imagine the Panama Canal and no air conditioning in the summer. Probably like Afghanistan but with a lot more humidity. Ugh.
My husband was Coast Guard, his brother Navy, their dad Air Force, and his brother (Their uncle) a Marine General. And I'm ex-Army. So we got it all covered!
Yeah, my grandfather was first Canadian Army, because the USA sat on the fence too long for him, dropped out of college in Iowa. Was in France when the US Army finally showed up, and the Americans in the Canadian Army were transferred over to them. My mother had a niece who was Army Air Corps during the WWII. I only found out about that when I was back in Arkansas for my mother's funeral and her family showed up, siblings, their children, their grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I was stationed in Athens Greece at the time in the Air Force and had to leave my two-year-old son behind to fly back when she died from cancer in 1979. My family's military service goes back to the New York Militia and the Revolutionary War after that onto my son, who was in the Army. We may not be rich, powerful, or famous, but we stand up for the Constitution and our country.
Summer in Panama equals Rain and more rain
I went to Panama City for dental work and asked my dentist what it was like in June and July and her reply was simply it rains and then it Rains
So many have served in the military in North America and Europe. It used to be mandatory via draft and often they volunteered for the Navy or Army Air Corp rather than get drafted as an Army grunt. One uncle volunteered Navy & father volunteeered Army Air Corp for WWII. I can't say I blame them really. National Guard had it worst, it was treated as cannon fodder. Another uncle, did get drafted as an Army grunt but not until after WWII was over because the military refused to take coal miners and other such workers in critical stateside jobs from the work force (His own father wound up disabled from work as a coal miner. Those were high skill dangerous jobs requiring much physical stanima with high risk of maiming or death.). That uncle wound up eventually in DC as a Presidential Honor Guard but for which president I don't know, it had to be Truman or Eisenhower though. Now that uncle made a career of the Army and was some kind of special service. LOL, I was curious but didn't dare ask him for specific details (I heard from my mom, his sister, what she knew) as he was so grouchy and smart mouthed, but even so he wouldn't raise a finger against a soul unless ordered to. He was so ingrained with the Army grunt lifestyle that he camped on a mountain owned by a cousin in old age until the day he died and almost all his Army pay for all those years was in a bank. Now that guy should of wrote a book for sure but he would have refused the suggestion.
Hi Novica:
I was in the Coast Guard for 5 years from Sept 1962 until Sept 1967. I enlisted and went to bootcamp at Cape May, NJ and from there to Electronics Technician school at Groton, Conn. After completing that I was accepted for Officer Candidate school in Yorktown,Va. (yep, I was a mustang). So, my first year and half or so was in training. Then was stationed on a Weather Patrol cutter (USCG cutter Coos Bay) out of Portland, Maine for 6 months. After that I spent my last 3 years at CG Headquarters in Washington, DC
While I would be interested in your book I don't read a lot anymore and I'm not sure when I would be able to review it. Also my time of service was some 60 years ago so it is not very up to date and I may have forgotten a lot of things. None-the-less, if I can be of any help I would be more than happy to try.
Winter is Coming! To Denver. Our Labor Day Weekend Friday through Monday is in the 90s, with one day threatening a 100 F. And then comes Tuesday, low of 35, high of 42, rain/snow mix that continues to Wednesday maybe. And expected to stick. Then back to the 60s.
Not sure mine or Bugsy's arthritis will be very happy.
That's crazy! But I remember when stationed at Ft Carson, it was snowing one day and people skiing on the slopes the next day at 73 degrees wearing shorts to get a tan!
Anyway, a couple things this morning. First, look at the Army's newest armored fighting vehicle. Wonder how long it will take for someone to model this? Looks complicated- and not at all like a typical "tank." The Bradley replace the M113, and now this will be gradually replacing the Bradley.
Second, I find the poses offered today in Love is Love to be quite a mix. A couple of them I know need more work. The main promo is VERY stiff, arm hanging limply to the side. Another one, the hand doesn't even curve into the body, it's a attempt, but just plopped there and not nestled in. (Top row, third thumbnail promo. Look at the bottom left one in the quad, with the two standing. That dude on our right has an awkward (at best) hand that doesn't seem to know what it wants to do on the "almost" hip.)
Other poses are creative, others I've seen very similar to ones already published, but that's to be expected when the pose market is flooded. For me, I want to see the figures which are seated or laying, from the SIDE view to see if they did what they are supposed to do with the pelvic/hip so butt cheeks aren't awkwardly rotated when they shouldn't be and also going through the floor, the butt is on the floor and the extended legs touch the floor where they should. You have to allow for clothing, but that basic pose should still be correct. A slight pelvis tweak can fix clothing most of the time. (Flowing pants, for example.) Frankly, unless poses include new props which are unique, I don't buy poses anymore (unless almost free.)
Next, the SY product dF SY Nets And Webs. Those strands look overly thick for it to be any type of a web. The main promo, that's supposed to be a web, as you can see the spiders well known web in it. But that is waaaaay too thick IMO. For materials, I do see "dimmer and more transparent" but not a way to easily thin the "web" unless I just missed it. If someone buys it and plays with it, would love to know if that can be thinned. I suppose messing with Y values (taller) and then X (wider) would help, but that would distort. Otherwise, the product sure has a lot of options and looks like fun.
I want to like this product but I agree that the promos are not that convincing. Plus, I find 20 poses - fine, couples poses - on the low end for a set.