What are Bones and how do I use them?

Hello everyone.
I read a lot of comments about bones, but I don't have any idea what they are, or how to use them.
This turned up in the context of using bones to adjust a piece of clothing on a figure.
If you could direct me to a tutorial or help me here, I would appreciate it.
Bones are just the body parts of a figure, the things listed under the figure in the Scene pane.
I have read about, eg., a piece of clothing having bones. How does it apply in that case?
Conforming clothing has bones matching the bones of the figure it is made for. For example, a conforming shirt will have chest, collar, shoulder, forearm bones so that it can match the movement of the corresponding bones on the figure wearing it.
Thanks, Mike.
So can we adjust the bones to adjust the item to the character?
Is that the reason for the bones?
When you "Fit to" ("Conform to" in Poser), the clothing matches the rotations in the bones of the figure, so as the figure moves the clothing moves along with it.
You may have seen a reference to things like skirts having "helper bones" or "body handles" - extra body parts, that aren't on the human figure, that can be posed to adjust the shape of the skirt to better fit the figure's legs. Using them is just like using the regular bones on Genesis or V4.