import enigma

starboardstarboard Posts: 452
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Hi, I am having a confusing day.

When I open DAZ 4.6 and place Michael 4 into the scene all the morphs are there. I can open Michael four in Carrara 8.5 pro fine, but i cannot locate the morphs so as to import them using "add runtime" or "auto detect runtime". They seem to be mounted ok or why would they work in DAZ ? Has anybody else had this problem ?

Thanks in advance for any help



  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    It's the brand new Parameter Tab in Carrara 8.5! :)
    Use it... Love it... and It, too... will Love You!!! ;)
    Okay. I'm a bit insane...

    466 x 1020 - 355K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Sorry about the insanity nonsense. It's just that I really enjoy a lot of these new improvements in Carrara 8.5!
    The Parameters Tab is hugely awesome, and I also really love the new zeroing options, now found under the Animation menu.

    1341 x 852 - 878K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    I should also add that, in Generation four models, like M4, "Model" doesn't contain any Parameters.
    In my first post's image, Dartagnan 4 is a M4 figure. So when I select Dartagnan 4 I get all of the body/full body shapes and poses morphs that I have INJected into the figure.

    Note that DAZ Studio has a Power loader that allows you to pre-INJect morphs upon loading Gen 4 models into the scene. Carrara does not. So you'll have to go to the Poses folder and use the INJ files to add morphs to your figure. The straight M4 from DAZ People doesn't come with anything preloaded. I have actually Power Loaded M4 and V4 into DAZ Studio separately, and had all of the morphs that I own INJected upon load, then saved them each as M4 - Powerload and V4 - Powerload into their appropriate folders. Now I can load in either of them into Carrara that have all morphs injected already - which works great for when I'm in a hurry and just want to have all options.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Or you don't need DAZ Studio at all and load all your morphs in Carrara and then save the figure to your objects browser for later use. M4, V4 and earlier will also load much faster from the browser way. I have heard it's the reverse with the Genesis figures, but I can't confirm this as I don't have C8.5.

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    edited December 1969

    Sorry about the insanity nonsense. It's just that I really enjoy a lot of these new improvements in Carrara 8.5!
    The Parameters Tab is hugely awesome, and I also really love the new zeroing options, now found under the Animation menu.

    Sorry to be thick...but if eg I pose a Genesis figure and get it wrong, like I often find too late I have rotated an elbow and when I turn my character around it looks like they have a dislocated elbow or shoulder! So I can use this to ZERO it back to the Tee position??? I do not animate so there is no 1st frame to go back to if this is what that means.... and I don't have a situation at the moment where I can try this, but can you say whether that would work for distortions that aren't seen in time to UNDO or Ctrl Z ???

    Ta very much

    xx :) SilenUK

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    When I open DAZ 4.6 and place Michael 4 into the scene all the morphs are there.
    I can open Michael four in Carrara 8.5 pro fine, but i cannot locate the morphs so as to import them using “add runtime” or “auto detect runtime”. They seem to be mounted ok or why would they work in DAZ ?

    Daz Studio can use an automatic Script to load all of the Morphs for Generation 4 figures.

    In Carrara,.. you need to go to your Daz "Runtime" library, (under Content) (not smart content).
    In the Poses section, you'll find Michael 4 morphs, and inside there, you'll see icons for loading the different morph sets you want to work with.

    When you add morphs to a figure,. it increases the memory used to hold all of that info. so it's not really a great idea to automatically load all available morphs

    Hope it helps :)

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    HI SilenUK :)

    Yes,. you should play around with them. make up some strange poses and see what the Zer options can do for the different parts or the whole figure.


  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    edited December 1969

    Will do, Andy, after this week is past...lots going on! Thanks! x Silene

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    laurenwbr said:
    Sorry about the insanity nonsense. It's just that I really enjoy a lot of these new improvements in Carrara 8.5!
    The Parameters Tab is hugely awesome, and I also really love the new zeroing options, now found under the Animation menu.

    Sorry to be thick...but if eg I pose a Genesis figure and get it wrong, like I often find too late I have rotated an elbow and when I turn my character around it looks like they have a dislocated elbow or shoulder! So I can use this to ZERO it back to the Tee position??? I do not animate so there is no 1st frame to go back to if this is what that means.... and I don't have a situation at the moment where I can try this, but can you say whether that would work for distortions that aren't seen in time to UNDO or Ctrl Z ???

    Ta very much

    xx :) SilenUKThat's exactly what it means! And I Love It!!!
    So if I want to bring the whole character back to it's original shape and remove all shaping morphs, I can. Or I can reset the entire pose back to the default zeroed pose, like loading a fresh figure. Those we used to be able to do, but in the general tab. Now they've gone far beyond! We can select the hand and zero its pose by itself (just the hand part) or include all children (fingers) in the command: Selected and Children! So Sweet!

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