SOLVED! After trying to apply physics to drape an entire scene collapsed-- please hel

Below is my scene. The top two images are pretty much how it looked. Though I had corrected the depth of field and added an extra camera. I made a nice plane of blood with an alpha background in PS and saved as png. I put it into the scene. Tried to use a shape modifier to conform to the rocks over where the people are butchering the two caribou. Wasn't happy. So I tried to apply physics to the blood plane to have it drape over the caribou that the hunter in front is working with, expecting the rest of the blood plane to land on the rock and legs of the butchering hunter. I obviously didn't have the right object(s) selected to drape over.
Well, I got the white screen of death...and when it cleared...I now have the bottom two images!
I tried to clear the timeline/keyframes thinking that would bring back my scene. (I do use Adobe Flash which does this easily). But no matter what I do I can't get my scene stuff back where it belongs. Even the terrain went flat, the river disappeared!! Only the cliffs on the right stayed, but they have blasted apart and the terrain has become a big oblong that stretches on the Y axis way out of wack as well.
You can see I still have all the elements of the scene on the right list in third image down...but they have collapsed and disappeared! Aside from taking EACH one and bringing into a new there a way to sort the timeline to get back to before I stupidly applied physics to my blood plane? It was just a transparent type rug with red drips in it, about 3mb so I could see it in this large scene. I was so happy with it, just wanted to drape it and that's when all went pear-shaped.
This is not good.... I did not have a backup of this recent setup as I'd been saving it every 20 mins, but never as a different file. I feel so stupid. Is there a way back to before I applied the physics? The file size is the same as well so I know everything is there, just in a strange parallel universe!
Thanks...sorry to have been so naive as to not save a backup. Too many meds...ugh.
ETA if a bigger view of the 3rd image is needed, let me know.
xx :red: Silene

HI Silene :)
If you've saved the file,. then there's no way back, if you've no previous version.
I think the best you could do is save the models and stuff into your browser, and rebuild,
whenever you're doing something experimental, like draping blood as a soft-body,. Open a new empty scene,(carrara can have multiple scenes open at the same time) do your physics in that scene,. then Copy / paste the model into your main scene.
I no it's no help now, but,.. if you make a Big change to your scene, save it first. and save it after with a different name.
I've no idea why using physics would cause this type of thing,.
Physics should only effect object which have physics applied to them.
the terrain would only flatten if it had soft-body physics applied to it, or all he terrain parameters were removed.
Strange stuff
OK will least I have all the objects in their original small size so will plonk them into the browser...maybe enlarging them first?
Oh, and again it's nice to see you here!!!
Stuff happens....I knew it was going too well!
xx SileneUK
Just a though,. Check the scale and sizes of stuff,. see if things have changed in scale,. before you start saving stuff to the browser.
because physics shouldn't effect other things, and there could be some other type of weirdness going on.
In the Motion panel, make sure that things are 100% scale, and perhaps open a new scen and copy/past the objects there first to make sure they work as expected.
Thanks :) nice to be back,... almost :)
Thanks will try that.... and don't you EVER go away again.....pleeeeeease!!!
:-) :-) :-) SileneUK
Its a long shot but who knows? If you applied a soft body modifier or soft body attach you could try to go to those modifier tabs for the rug and clear the animation (there is a button). That will bring the rug back to the state it was in before physics started to be calculated.
Just a thought.
Edited to add the third sentence.
I did Marcus, but the modifier was no longer there! I thought sort of the same I have done it before when messing around. But the modifier was not there even though the rug still was! Thanks for replying... still hoping for a miracle even whilst rebuilding.
Thanks again... means a lot especially as it's my own stupidity not to have saved a backup file.
:( SileneUK
Oh I could jump through the screen and hug you! I kept looking at the buttons in the animation sequencer (am only familiar with Flash so this is all new as I am not looking to animate). Found two buttons and clicked them and WAH all came back! One is called Zoom to Selection on the left by arrow, the one next is called Zoom to Playback Time. I never touched these before the crash, but they got me out of this mess.
Well it's not all perfect as I was messing about with things I couldn't see once it went wrong, but can bring it back now and will start in the morning. Making back up this very minute.
Here's a small screenie. My head is killing me along with my stupid back, so am off to bed. But thank you for making me look again. You're a star!!!
%-P :coolsmile: xx SileneUK
So glad you could get back most of what you had. You wouldn't be the first person to have a lot of work lost due to some random weirdness. I think we've all been in that boat, and not just with Carrara either!
That's a cool scene. I'd hate to see you have to start over.
Fantastic news that the scene wasn't lost!
But I take no credit - you found the answer for yourself! Now to find out about those buttons that fixed the problem - they were always invisible to me before now!
Amazing scene by the way.
Don't be silly, I knew once Marcus said something about a stop animation button, which I had seen in the modifier/physics tree, there had to be a way to get back to the beginning of the time line previous to applying the wonky physics. All the elements were there, just where!?
I use Adobe Flash a lot and it's so straight forward for layers and keyframes that I find Carrara's animation timeline almost incomprehensible! But am a be expected. So after I tried to move each individual item in the universe back to the 0 in the timeline with NO luck, I just got po'd and started pointing and clicking everything in the rewind area.... and luckily It happened instantly and I was watching what I was clicking so I knew one of the two buttons did it but not sure which. But I searched all through the original Carrara 7 manual (the big 'un) + the smaller C8 one and there is NO label of those two buttons or their function. Bleagh! You can't even get their function when mousing over unless you select an object in the universe hierarchy. I didn't know that...just blindly pointed and clicked!
I have had scenes blow apart when adding complicated figures, eg posed, dressed, etc. But then the scene settles down. I thought that was what happened, except I got the WSOD and the blown apart scene did not come back. Clicking undo or Ctrl Z did nothing. Grrrrrrrr.
Well, I hope it helps someone who might get into the stupid trouble I did. Wish I knew HOW to avoid it and HOW it fixed it. And Why aren't all the utilities in the sequencer tray explained or labelled in a diagram in TFM???
Back to making a" bloody" going to do the physics on it in a separate file over a similar shaped rock and then convert to object...hope I can do that! If I take enough painkillers it should be a breeze! %-P
Thank you fellow (and much wiser) Carrarans for your endless patience.You have helped me learn so much and to get past the discomfort from the last 7 months. Surgery on Tuesday....YAY!!!!
xx :-) SileneUK
ETA: I am reading a sci-fi time jump novel and it mentions a place in Italy called Carrara famous for its marble. I didn't know that...what's the connection for the naming of this product...sculpturing? If so it needs more Hex like features!
Since you went to a lot of trouble to get to the bottom of the problem, I'm posting this piece of sheer speculation.
Were the Caribous replicated? I know zilch about replicators but guess that many instances of one chunk of memory existed in the scene at different locations. Maybe the simulation got totally confused, exploded and died.
I think I've noticed that when I clear an animation the screen doesn't refresh instantly and I think at first it hasn't worked. Then I continue to work and it refreshes. Maybe you cleared the animation yourself (or the death of the simulation froze everything) and the screen only refreshed back to squre one when you clicked on the buttons?
Who knows - probably my theory is gibberish.
Serious critics have analyzed my writings and declared them to be serious gibberish.
Good point. You can replicate onto something, and the replicated silhouettes will follow the mesh. Is that what happened, perhaps?
No I didn't replicate anything in the scene. When I tried to rep the caribou, their legs all went spastic and bodies distorted
I made a spare file and tried to do it again and it blew it all apart the same way... but I noticed that there was one of those boxes that said An Error Occurred While Executing.
I made a separate file and used a wee rock and tried physics to drape on the rock, but didn't like the effect.... soooo I have now made a new blood "rug" and used modifiers like bend and distort and dissolve right in the scene and am fairly satisfied with the result. Will post in Great Race WIP in a little while...need to eat something and take meds first!
Thanks for all the help and encouragement... it's amazing.
xx :) Silene
That's right... I knew that... just forgot.
It's looking really sweet in that WIP thread! Bravo!