New Animation with 3D Universe Figures

Hi guys,
I just uploaded two new videos with 3D Universe toon figures. Would love to get a feedback from you :)
Short YouTube Trailer
Einstein explains the LASER
Best wishes,
Very nice thomas. Did you animate and render in carrara and how was using the 3duniverse toon figures in Carrara if you did.
Very nice work.
Very nice. Checked out some of the other animations and they are very nice, too.
Do you use Carrara only?
Somebody asked about the ToonGen characters in Carrara:
The ToonGen characters have some pluses and minuses in Carrara, but there are often work-arounds. The biggest problem I have run in to is using the aging slider. Either the chest gets distorted or the hair moves out of place or both. For the chest, go in to the chest and change its slider back to 0. For the hair, attach it directly to the head once the character is aged of sized and problem solved.
Also, if the characters have any attachments, then you will need to group them if you plan on using collision, er detection.
Einfach nur genial!
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Yes, I usually use Carrara and some other tools, such as After Effects, Fireworks and Poser. Indeed, there are some problems with the 3D toon figures (and the 3D Universe Support sucks BTW ;) but they look cool. The hair problem is an issue I solved as specified by "That Other Persona."
Best wishes,