[Released] Aeridian Final Battle Modular Arena

Continuing my trend of modular products!


Aeridian Final Battle Arena

The centerpiece for this is the main battle platform.   Built in Iray lights and places by default right under a vehicle or character's feet.  I'm personally looking forward to using it in future promos.

Aeridian Final Battle Prop

Lots of modular bits and bobs, too, of course, and the spotlights are fully rigged (and the big ones come with pose presets for some common lighting scenarios).

Aeridian Final Battle Modular Parts AAeridian Final Battle Modular Parts B

Hopefully folks find this set useful.  Feel free to post feedback or images using the set!  :)



  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417

    It made a satisfying PLOP sound as it landed in my cart. Can't wait to get home and do some renders!

  • E-ArkhamE-Arkham Posts: 733
    Gogger said:

    It made a satisfying PLOP sound as it landed in my cart. Can't wait to get home and do some renders!

    Awesome, thanks!  Feel free to share any renders or feedback you have.  Always looking to see how folks use the stuff I make as well as how to make it better.

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