Why Does Genesis GoTo Pieces?

When I load a genesis figure from some of my saved scenes it goes to pieces.
Seems to only happen with the recently saved scenes
Sorry can't help you. Surprisingly the thing I notice is the wardrobe malfunction!
What version of DS4 are you running?
Version4.5 supposed to be pro but loads as standard, Keep getting an error message that says duplicate IDs were found
Was the scene created in 4.5, or was it created in DS4.0 and saved as a .daz file?
Loading as standard, not Pro, sounds as if you aren't entering the serial number correctly - Ds4.5 will run, in standard mode, without a serial.
Richard, the daz files load correctly, it is just the ones created in 4.5 that malfunction.
Perhaps I need to retry my serial number
Thankyou all for responding
I had the same problem with the genesis character being distorted as in the examples given by the OP.
I had to switch back to 4.0 because of it.
Does anyone know where the thread is with the fix that Jaderail mentioned?
In 4.5 how are you saving your scenes, "File>>Save As>>Scene.." or "File>>Save As>>Deprecated>>Scene (.daz).."
“File>>Save As>>Scene..”
I believe this is the thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/1900/
As I recall, it has info on this problem as well as the duplicate ID thing (not sure if they are related).
found the ID fix: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/740/
@Scott. I scanned that thread and can't find anything about the genesis distortion. Admittedly my eyes were glazing over.
My problem was with RC1.
I think I will wait till the final release before I try again as I need the plugins working anyway.
The problem is still occurring, it only seems to be with the basic female and it doesn't seem to matter if she is wearing clothes or nude. It doesn't always happen just often enough to make me have to redo scenes every once in a while.
I met same genesis body explosion in 4.5 rc2 as old saved . daz sceen.
when I load so simple girl genesis jsut pozing ( shaped some morphs)
scene in ds 4.5, the body were parted away.
and I can not find precise way to avoid or correct it. and I could not find what cause the change giometry.
as for me almost of my old daz.scene before I saved in 4.0.3 could not be reused.
at that time , I thought this problem might happen when ds 4.5 CMS,can not find some handmade morphs for genesis
which saved in genesis folda.( I lost or change or overwrite somewhat,,)
Now I want to check it again in 4.5 rc but many of us can not use both of 4.0.3 ver and RC3 same time, in one pc.
with one daz data folda.
so if you can find the cause of exprosion, memorize here please.
I feel it is important to find when the exprosion must happen.
I knew some (not a few) men meet same problem about ds 4.5 (rc1 ,2,3) and mentioned here.
Some of us should forgot or put off about RCver (which may have many new improvements)
then truned to 4.0.3 because of the figure exprosion I think.