Carrara 8 Pro Mouse config

Can I change the mouse commands? Zoom, rotate and pan? I dont like the standard configuration.
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Can I change the mouse commands? Zoom, rotate and pan? I dont like the standard configuration.
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It may be better to ask in the Carrara forum. I not versed enough in Carrara to know. I'll try and ask around
Can I change the mouse commands? Zoom, rotate and pan? I dont like the standard configuration....
You can change your short cuts keyboard in your preferences.
Moved to the Carrara forum
Threads merged. All you had to do was ask us and we would've moved the thread for you. My bad I should've ask you if you wanted it moved
I dont think that I can change the Mouse commands like , zoom, rotate and pan in the keyboard shortcuts preferences. Am I wrong?
what kind of mouse are you using?
You do not have 50 buttons on your mouse and it almost always goes in combination with a key of your keyboard and it is this one which you can change in your preferences.
For the mouse itself, it is surely not possible, perhaps in Windows or Mac, I do not know, but there is no option in Carrara.
Zoom - scrool (ok) - middle button
Pan - alt + holding right mouse button
Rotate - alt + holding left mouse button
I want:
Zoom - scrool (ok) - middle button
Pan - pressing and holding middle mouse button
Rotate - alt + holding middle button
In this way, I only use the middle button. Its a simple configuration, but I think Carrara doesnt allow this change.