Hundreds of tiny files
Lonnie Dude
Posts: 46
I was looking for something in my documents folder and found a ton of little files from D/S. Although they aren't large, it makes it a hassle to \look for stuff. Can I delete these without harming my D/S documents? D/S isn't going to be looking for these files when i re-open a scene, will it?
I can't imagine that DS4 writes files to the disk that it does not need again, what would be the point?
What files are these, and where exactly are they stored in your Documents area? Can you give an example of the filde extensions used as well?
If these files are in a folder called Data, then if you delete them, some (or most) of your saved scenes will not open.
And some of your bought content may not work as well. Some things are coming with Data in the data folder - without them the things will not load.
The Location is C:/Desktop/Libraies/ Documents. They are all DSD files, for example: Crown_Adjust _C_15561.dsd, Mullet_Long_C_16013.dsd, MulletHair.dso, Default.dsv, FBMBulk_lRing2_150.
I'm using Windows 7. i have Vista on my laptop and there are no files like this in my document folder.
In \data\4_0\Figure or clothing item_number\Body part\Modifiers? Those are the deltas - the changes in position - for the morphs. With .daz scene files each morph of each body part is saved separately. There will also be dso files that hold the actual shape, one per body part, and dsv files for the uv mapping. If they aren't found the item or its morphs will be missing from the scenes that hold it when you reopen them.
This isn't the normal data folder found in Studio, this is the folder where i keep my documents for windows. I learned my lesson about the data folder in studio.
Do you have your first DS Directory in preferances set to My Documents? DS saves all Data files to the first folder listed.
Ok. Thanks. you answered my question. I can't delete or move those files.