Ocean Wide (Commercial)

MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
edited December 1969 in Daz PA Commercial Products

I can truly say this product is three years in the making. That's how long I've been experimenting with ocean geometry and surfaces. I'm very proud of this set, especially the work that went into the bump and displacement maps. That's where most of the effort went with the final ones used being on their 14th version.

Ocean Wide

“Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink.”
— THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Ocean Wide is a 360 ° environment built for DAZ studio including four huge variable wave ocean props with cameras, two sea foam props, and three skydomes with matching light sets for midday, sunset/rise and night/storm.

Each ocean prop represents increasing stages of waves from a calm serene to a chaotic storm.
The material settings change with each prop, gradually getting more dramatic.
Because the textures are tiled these props looks great for close-ups at sea level.
Because meticulous care was taken blending these tiles they look great for aerial renders as well.
Adjustments can be made to convert the props into a lake, river or indoor pool. See the ReadMe.

Let me know if you have any questions that the ReadMe does not cover.

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  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249
    edited December 1969

    I was very impressed with the presets and your store promo images sold me. Not sure when I'll use it but it's a great looking product. :-)

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    I was very impressed with the presets and your store promo images sold me. Not sure when I'll use it but it's a great looking product. :-)

    Thanks RAMWolff! I put a lot of time and heart into my promo images, I hope that years from now they still look great.

    When you get some time to use it you'll the placement easy because there is no floor you have to carefully line figures and props up to. Just drop them in and set sail!

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    Couldn't wait to put this one in the cart! I have aspirations of a city surrounded by water someday and this should be a wonderful start. The shaders are brilliant work as well

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited March 2014

    A while back, I posted in the product suggestions forum for a variety of large water props. Then, last night, I randomly thought of amending that query to include things like choppy and stormy water.

    So, imagine my surprise at what I saw this morning!

    Instantly purchased and I cannot thank you enough for creating this! Together with your UltruMarine Ocean product, I can now attempt to create the kind of genuinely realistic water-based scenes which have been in my mind, all these years. :)

    Just about the only other effect I can think of someone to make would be a way to create pose-able trails of bubbles for divers/wildlife/propellers.

    Post edited by Xenomorphine on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249
    edited December 1969

    It would be really cool to create a morphable set of addons for surrounding an island to give an effect of sandy beach with waves and foam.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    Had to do a quick render ...

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  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited December 1969

    A while back, I posted in the product suggestions forum for a variety of large water props. Then, last night, I randomly thought of amending that query to include things like choppy and stormy water.

    So, imagine my surprise at what I saw this morning!

    Instantly purchased and I cannot thank you enough for creating this! Together with your UltruMarine Ocean product, I can now attempt to create the kind of genuinely realistic water-based scenes which have been in my mind, all these years. :)

    Just about the only other effect I can think of someone to make would be a way to create pose-able trails of bubbles for divers/wildlife/propellers.

    Xenomorphine- thanks so much! I just might have been inspired by your post to make this happen. I worked on this product with all the fervor of a mad scientist- It's my theory of relativity, my flux capacitor. I am currently working on a buffet of splashes for a variety of objects so keep an eye out. I'll post updates here.

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited December 1969

    Khory said:
    Couldn't wait to put this one in the cart! I have aspirations of a city surrounded by water someday and this should be a wonderful start. The shaders are brilliant work as well

    Thanks Khory!
    Some of my initial test renders were with the Urban Sprawl. I was inspired by the sunken city scenes from A.I.

    This image was generated when I was still perfecting the product, it doesn't have skydome thats included and I used a fog cam. However I found out the fog cam wasn't really needed as the material settings actually create an atmospheric effect, a lightening of the surface as the ocean stretches off into the distance. And unless this ocean was near the shoreline you might not see this kind of haze.

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  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    Excellent to hear!

    Also, curious... Where's the tentacle headpiece from you used in a promotional picture? I'm intrigued.

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited December 1969

    Excellent to hear!

    Also, curious... Where's the tentacle headpiece from you used in a promotional picture? I'm intrigued.

    Oh yeah, thats the DAZ octopus parented to the head- with the biosuit and my UltrueViolet Shaders applied to it. I either scaled the body down so it wasn't visible or used a Dformer to shrink it. It was fairly easy to line both characters up while they were at zero point and then once the octopus was parented to the head (I may have pinned it too) I could pose the troll then pull and position the tentacles with the body locked down.

    Inspired by Cthulhu and Pacific Rim.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    Interesting! Might try something similar with the octopus on a Creature Creator head. Appreciate the idea, thank you. :)

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    And you've done it again with the Underwater Relic Shaders... Was planning to purchase the moss and nature shaders and see if combining them would work for underwater stuff, but these are much more applicable. Love the way wood and metal look as corroded as they should.

    You're clearly the go-to designer for fluid-based environmentals. :)

  • tonymousetonymouse Posts: 230
    edited December 1969

    Has anyone tried to port it over to Poser??

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited December 1969

    tonymouse said:
    Has anyone tried to port it over to Poser??

    This product Ocean Wide and UltruMarine Ocean both use DAZ specific material settings. I am interested in converting both of these products for use in Poser but will not be doing this myself.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589
    edited December 1969

    Excellent product !!! Lots of fun.
    Considering the weather, perhaps a snow environment next?

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited December 1969

    bicc39 said:
    Excellent product !!! Lots of fun.
    Considering the weather, perhaps a snow environment next?

    I have material settings in the works for snow but am not quite sure how the shape of the landscape would be different than whats already in the store. What sort of landscape forms would you like to see?

    Oh wait, I have a wonderful idea!! I'll get right to work on it.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    marshian said:
    bicc39 said:
    Excellent product !!! Lots of fun.
    Considering the weather, perhaps a snow environment next?

    I have material settings in the works for snow but am not quite sure how the shape of the landscape would be different than whats already in the store. What sort of landscape forms would you like to see?

    Oh wait, I have a wonderful idea!! I'll get right to work on it.

    My driveway..I haven't gotten to see it for more than 3 days WITHOUT snow, since December...so I'm kind forgetting how it looks.

    But for snow, really anything that can become 'softer'...

  • JimB1JimB1 Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    marshian said:
    tonymouse said:
    Has anyone tried to port it over to Poser??

    This product Ocean Wide and UltruMarine Ocean both use DAZ specific material settings. I am interested in converting both of these products for use in Poser but will not be doing this myself.

    Pretty good results in Poser just importing the obj on Calm and Choppy, but it falls apart on Chaotic and Rough because the foam prop doesn't make it across. Two questions, any update on a Poser version? Secondly, any chance that you can make the foam geometry and texture available as an obj/mtl to customers who have purchased the DS product?

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for looking into how Ocean Wide works in Poser. I'll post in the PA forum to see if someone is interested in converting this set and getting it in the store. I'll copy any responses here.

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited December 1969

    JimB1 said:
    marshian said:
    tonymouse said:
    Has anyone tried to port it over to Poser??

    This product Ocean Wide and UltruMarine Ocean both use DAZ specific material settings. I am interested in converting both of these products for use in Poser but will not be doing this myself.

    Pretty good results in Poser just importing the obj on Calm and Choppy, but it falls apart on Chaotic and Rough because the foam prop doesn't make it across. Two questions, any update on a Poser version? Secondly, any chance that you can make the foam geometry and texture available as an obj/mtl to customers who have purchased the DS product?

    Hi Jim,
    If you don't mind troubleshooting a bit we may be able to solve some issues- see where we can make some slight sacrifices or adjustments for specific DAZ materials that won't carry over to Poser. I've bought products before that work in both and knowing that I have been accepting that it's qualities might be slightly diminished.

    For the ocean foam props- Is there a material setting in Poser that mimics dust, smoke or falling snow without using a transparency map?
    Were you able to get reflections similar to renders in DAZ?
    Could you post a render?

    let's see were this goes!

  • JimB1JimB1 Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    Thanks you for your response. I'm going to answer in two different replies so the two threads don't get tangled up. This thread is just about attempting to get the obj export from DS into the best possible shape in Poser. Since I posted the original message, I found that I probably had all of the geometry you intended (pure white sections to accept foam texture) and the obj exchange was just missing materials. So I retrieved a Share "Ocean Foam Material" and began experimenting with material settings. It is early, but I'm getting promising results. So rather than asking for the obj/mtl on the foam prop, all I really need is the foam material and any guidance you can offer on how you set the bump, displacement, spec and transparency within DS.

    Separately, I do have separate 3P products that I use in Poser for smoke, dust, rain, snow. But I understand the right solution would be transparency mechanisms built into Poser rather than built on 3P. I am doing work that eventually goes to print, so the hand work with the maps is an acceptable solution for me. But I'd like to help with a more procedural solution if I can. Let me do a little more research on this question and I'll respond in a separate thread.
    Thanks again,

  • JimB1JimB1 Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    The Poser documents shown are your Ocean Wide Chaotic product exported from DS as an obj file. I’m presenting from Poser Pro 2014. Most of my materials experience in Poser is with 2D texture maps or procedurals provided by a 3P (I am not expert in the info I am presenting here – just trying to respond to your request on troubleshooting). Poser accesses shader nodes through the “material room”. The attached files all show Chaotic obj imported to Poser, the material room selected and various work on nodes informing a root node.

    OWPoserMaterialChaotic shows the geometry imported from DS with the material Rough2 from your provided material maps hand assigned in the material room (it was not actually from the mtl file imported with the obj geometry).

    While I had an Ocean Material from your DS install (Rough2.jpg), I did not have access to a foam texture. OWPoserMaterialChaoticFoamDefault shows the default from the import with no assignment to foam.

    This is really the base material state after import and provides the document shown in the doc window throughout this discussion except when showing a render.

    Just for a baseline, OWChaoticMatMaps is a render that shows what I was doing with a Share “Poser Ocean Foam Material” and about ten minutes of preliminary tweaking of transparency, etc. It in no way represents what would be possible in image quality with your foam texture, possible bump, displacement, and specular maps, and correct transparency/translucence values. OWChaoticMatMapsSettings shows the 2D maps and settings I used to produce that prelim render.

    Onto the procedural elements (non 2D maps) within Poser that you asked about.

    You have seen examples of using nodes to inform the shader’s root node for a 2D material. In addition to the 2D map, other types of elementary node that can be used in combination to produce compound nodes informing the root node include: Math, Variable, Lighting, 2D Texture Map, 3D Texture Map, and Compound - each has subtypes.

    We’ve been looking at a surface root node, but Poser also provides an atmosphere root node. It is selected in the advanced materials under the object menu as shown in OWPoserMaterialChaoticBasicAtmosphereRootShader

    Since creating a viable atmosphere from scratch by building up your own compound nodes to inform the atmosphere root node would be complex, Poser provides an assist through Python Scripts to create the most common atmospheric effects OWPoserMaterialChaoticMacroSelectedType.

    To pursue a couple of example, I selected fog and it populated the feeder node “Clouds” with the color and some parameters set to produce a fog effect (I’d say a very minor fog effect). as a more complex set of procedural nodes, I selected smoke. OWPoserMaterialChaoticSmokeNodes

    For the sake of completeness, I rendered the Poser initial Fog material over the default texture (no foam texture material from you) and produced OWPoserMaterialChaoticFogRender as well as OWPoserMaterialSmokeRender

    I think that is it for me for now – I hope you found this helpful and responsive to your question - let me know how you’d like to proceed.

    Attached files limited to count of 5 - please see next post for remainder.

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  • JimB1JimB1 Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    Additional Files to support discussion of Ocean Wide Foam Materials in Poser. Please see previous post.

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  • JimB1JimB1 Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    Once I got a chance to look at the posts, I observe that the file names (that had been so prominent when I was constructing the post) which I referenced in the text are not indicated with the jpg files making it pretty difficult to link image to discussion point. Soo, I created an index - it is more or less in the order of the mention of the file in the text and shows the sequence of that file within the posts (just the order as there is no identifier on the jpg images). I'm sorry that such an arcane step is needed to relate the files to the text, but I couldn't see any other way to help once the file names had been lost in the posting process.

    OWPoserMaterialChaotic - 5

    OWPoserMaterialChaoticFoamDefault - 1

    OWChaoticMatMaps - 8

    OWChaoticMatMapsRender - 7

    OWPoserMaterialChaoticBasicAtmosphereRootShader - 3

    OWPoserMaterialChaoticMacroSelectedType - 4

    OW Poser MaterialChaoticFogNode - 2

    OWPoserMaterialChaoticSmokeNodes - 9

    OWPoserMaterialChaoticFogRender - 6

    OWPoserMaterialSmokeRender - 10

  • JimB1JimB1 Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    I'd like to circle back to my original question. I believe that embedded in the product files you deliver for DS, before it was packaged for DS, there was a jpg or png with a name like OCEAN FOAM. I have not been able to export that file from DS. It leaves me limping along on my efforts to make use of OW in Poser ( using Share ocean foam materials rather than the materials you intended with your model).

    I'm a licensed OW user. Could I please get a download of your OCEAN FOAM materials in their original graphic file format (before packaging for DS)?

    I feel like I'm getting good early results with calm and choppy - I'd like to be getting to the same place with chaotic and rough, but they have ocean foam geometry for which I do not have the correct texture..


  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    I'm so sorry that I haven't been participating in this and other threads.

    I work incredibly slowly, in-between my jay job, family, and other commitments - but I've been looking to convert 2 of Marshian's sets to Poser. The first one that should hit the store is UltruMarine for Poser - I'm working on OceanWide as we speak and it's NOT ready to submit to QA, but here's a test render to whet your appetite. I guess I'd better start a coimmercial thread for UltruMarine...

    This "sneak peek" owes a great deal to the Sea Dragon and the props by Predatron that really help bring it to life.



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  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    How did you manage to create that sheen of wetness on the creature's head? I wanted to do something similar for the Megalodon's dorsal fin coming out of the water (without a convincing wake effect, it'll only be partially convincing, I know), but simply increasing reflectivity over on the surfaces tab didn't seem to achieve that.

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited September 2014

    Hi Xenomorphine. This is a fairly early test render within Poser (July 29 as it happens) so it's subject to alteration by the time it's finished... but I started out by applying the "Skin Gloss" pre-set that came with the Sea Dragon, which sets Specular_Value to 1.0 and Specular_Color to a middish grey. This didn't help at all, really, so I added a new node to Alternate_Specular as shown in the attached image, choosing one of the specularity models and rendering until I got one I liked.

    Hope that helps!



    PS link to the soon-to-be-released UltruMarine for Poser promo thread:


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    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    Oh, interesting... It looks like you're using Poser, as opposed to Daz Studio, but I'll have to experiment under the DS surface pane to see if something similar could be achieved.

    Very useful to know. The hulls of water-based craft could probably use a similar effect.

  • CrystalwizardCrystalwizard Posts: 102
    edited December 1969

    how am I supposed to change the surface properties? There's no readme in the .zip file, none that I can find in the install directories.

    And when I load any of the props - calm to choppy - select it and then go to the surfaces tab in Studio, there are no surface options. No sliders at all as if there are no surfaces.

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