M4 Skeleton has red bounding boxes in render, how do I remove them?

I am using the M4 skeleton with Carrara 7. There are these red hexagons around different aspects of the skeleton ...which I suppose are to constrain the skeleton to the pose ...great! How the heck do I get rid of them when rendering?

300 x 916 - 207K
Post edited by LaniNoa on
A bounding box is something different, but never mind.
These are called helpers, never used them though.
Go to Pose, then !DAZ's Skeleton and click the icon Transparent Helpers
Oops, didn't notice you were in Carrara...
There's probably a separate material zone for handles or helpers that can be set invisible.
I'm sorry, I don't have the M4 skeleton, so these will just be guesses.
- the red circles might be helper objects. If so, you should be able to uncheck "visible" in the properties tray.
- I see that they are red. If they are not helper objects, if they are actually part of the mesh, then you could set the alpha channel of the red shader to black. Look in your instances tray (bottom right) under the shader tab. IIf there is a red shader there, double click it to pull up the shader tree. You will find a channel for alpha there. Black in an alpha channel does not show up in a render.
- if they are part of the mesh, but don't have a separate shader yet, you could go in the modeling room, and select them to create new shading domain, then set the alpha for your new shading domain to black.
Maybe someone with the same figure will come along soon.
More expert folks came along while I was typing.
Don't know if you're using C7.2 Pro, but you can select the model under the figure's hierarchy and then select the wrench icon above. This will open the model in the Vertex Modeler. From there, go to the Selection menu and Select by Shading Domain. Find the domain for the helpers and choose that. The helpers should now be highlighted red by default.
Now go the View menu and choose, Hide Selected. The handles will now be hidden in your render. This really only works well with rigged DAZ and Poser models for some reason. If you were to do this on your own model or a non-rigged model, the hidden parts would be visible in the Assembly room and in renders.
The advantages to this method are that some effects don't play nice with alphas. Also, even though you may have an alpha applied, the geometry is still being calculated for light interactions.
I can't post screen caps at the moment as I'm rendering something, but if you need them, I can try and post them later tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks to all of you for your input! ...I'm off to Carrara to see what I can do! Oh, by the way "Addict", I was wrong, I am in Carrara 8 Pro :-) !
Wow! ...got it! Wonderful! Now my problem is, even though I have the body set to transparency, I cannot see the skeleton through the body ...what must I do?
The skeleton is inside M4? I'm not sure what you mean. Can you post a screen shot or two maybe?
In the assemble room it looks the way I want it ...when I render as a jpeg it renders like this and totally blank if I render as a png! I want to see the skeleton through a translucent body!
So it looks semi transparent in the Assembly room and not in the final render? If the shader/texture for M4 has alpha or transparency, then a possibility is that you do not have Light Through Transparency enabled in the Render Room. If you are rendering with the Skylight or Indirect light enabled, then there is also a separate Light Through Transparency option to enable. So for any of the GI functions, you need the Light Through Transparency enabled in the standard render settings above, and the one in the GI settings below.
All the above is assuming that the alpha or the transparency settings for the outer M4 "skin" are set correctly to allow for the internal skeleton to be visible. If the stuff I suggested in the paragraph above does not work, then the next step would be the shaders. Screen captures of those would be helpful if the above suggestions don't work.
In the "Content" browser,. inside your "runtime" folder, you should have "Poses" to make the Skeleton handle invisible or opaque.
there should also be poses to adjust the M4 or V4 Figure skin to 50% 75% transparency.
pic to help.