Carrara Challenge VIII - "The Great Race" or "Don't Fence Me In" - WIP Thread is Open

DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
edited March 2014 in Carrara Discussion

Carrara Challenge VIII – The Great Race or Don’t Fence Me In

With Prizes Brought to You by Daz and Mmoir

Executive Summary
Each artist may submit up to two images by 9pm Daz Moutain Time (MT), April 21, 2014. For each image, the artist must use Carrara to render an interpretation of either “The Great Race” or “Don’t Fence Me In.” Each submission must incorporate at least two objects created or significantly enhanced in Carrara for that image. One of the two objects must be either a custom terrain object or a custom application of the replicator function (regular or surface). If an artist submits two images, then votes for the two images are combined for a single score for that artist, with limitations as described below. Voters may vote for up to three images. Voters may also indicate one provisional tie-breaker (not by an artist the voter voted for). The artist with the most combined votes receives the first place prizes. Prizes are Daz owned items up to $100, $50, and $25 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers, respectively. Two honorable mentions chosen by the sponsor receive a Daz owned item up to $10.

This month’s sponsor is the brilliant MMoir,, and winners will also receive items from his store. 1st place receives 3 items from his store, 2nd receives 2, and 3rd receives 1. The honorable mentions also receive an item from his store. If you have MMoir’s landscapes or replicator grass pack, you know he is the perfect sponsor of this month’s themes.

The Themes
Each image must express the artist’s interpretation of one of the two themes. Everyone is encouraged to interpret the themes broadly. Artists and voters are the ultimate judge of the scope of the challenge. Here are some examples that could fit the themes, but feel free to think outside my box.

The Great Race
- Classic movie scenes: chariot race in Ben Hur, drag race in Grease
- Famous vehicle races: Indy 500 autos, America’s Cup yachts, Tour de France bicycles
- Animal races: Kentucky Derby, Iditarod
- Random thought: Mach 5, sperm racing for an egg, tortoise racing a hare, race against time
Don’t Fence Me In
- Inspiration from the song lyrics,
- Image emphasizing the openness or accessibility of a landscape
- Allegory for personal relationships (suitor being warned not to be possessive)
- Random thought: baby in crib, ghouls in graveyard, millennium cow confronts John Wayne

Dates to Remember:
- WIP Thread Opens: 9:00 PM MT March 10, 2014
- Submissions Open: 9:00 PM MT April 14, 2014
- Submissions Close: 9:00 PM MT April 21, 2014
- Voting Starts: 9:00 PM MT April 21, 2014
- Voting Ends: 9:00 PM MT April 28, 2014
- If you are unsure of Mountain Time, go to this link to get the current MT date/time:

Entry Rules:
1) Each artist can post up to 2 (TWO) entries. You can enter 2 images for a single theme, 1 for each theme, or just 1 image for 1 theme. All votes for images by the same artist will be combined into a single score for that artist. (See “bad beat” rule in voting rules). You may not give more than one vote to a single image, but you can vote for two images by the same artist.

2) All entries must be submitted into the “Challenge Entries” thread before 9:00 PM Mountain Time (MT) on April 21, 2014. Artists must provide (as a minimum) a title, a general description of the work (e.g., how it was done, post work (rule 4), created or significantly enhanced objects (rule 5a and 5b), and a content/plugin credit list (rule 7). If you are going to be unavailable to post your final entry, post your final render in the WIP thread, indicating that it IS your final entry and provide all the necessary information. It will transferred to the entries thread after it opens.

3) All renders must be done in Carrara. In the spirit of exploring Carrara’s full potential, plug-ins are allowed. For example, the LuxRenderer plug-in can be used. However, in this case, a WIP must be posted in the WIP thread, showing the scene set-up inside Carrara, and a description of how the LuxRendered was set up MUST be included.

4) Postwork is allowed. But, if you use postwork, the raw render(s) going into your postworked image MUST be posted in the WIP thread, along with a brief description of what kind of postwork you did.

5) Required use of Carrara functions

a) A minimum of 2 (two) objects in the scene must be created or significantly enhanced in Carrara. See the section below for examples of what constitutes “significantly enhanced.”

b) At least 1 of the objects for rule 5(a) must be either a created or enhanced terrain object or custom use of a replicator.

For terrains, the object must be of the type that results from using the INSERT : TERRAIN menu. Although use of the terrain modeling features such as the map painting tool and filters such as erosion is encouraged, the terrain can be generated by importing a height map created in another program. If desired, the terrain object can be converted to any other modeler for editing, uvmapping, modification, etc.

Just replicating an object doesn’t count as a custom use of a replicator. Examples of what could count include: (a) using the shader functions to create a custom distribution region, (b) replicating feathers on to the wings of a bird model, (c) 3D painting a surface to get distribution regions, (d) editing a uvmap in any program to create distribution regions for the replicated object, and (e) replicating an object to create another object or shape, such as adding branches and leaves to create a tree. I’m sure you will think of other custom applications for replicators, so just explain them in the WIP thread to get credit for rule 5(b).

6) At least 2 Works in Progress (WIPs) must be posted in this (WIP) thread before your final render is uploaded to the contest thread. At least one WIP must include a description of how you are using terrains or replicators pursuant to rule 5(b). If you use postwork, at least one WIP must include the raw Carrara render and describe your postwork plans, pursuant to rule (4). Other WIPs can be pre-render screenshots of the scene set-up, low quality samples, early drafts, and hand-drawn sketches with thoughts and ideas you are playing around with. Also, when you post your WIPs, please share what you are planning, problems you are working through, and breakthroughs you have discovered.

7) Content and Plugin use are allowed and welcome, but MUST be fully credited in the contest thread when your entry is posted.

8) All renders must be specially created for this challenge and previously unpublished.

Voting and Scoring Rules:
1) Anyone with a DAZ account can give 1 vote each for up to three different images. You may vote for each image entry only once. However, each entry selected by the voter provides the artist with one vote (point). Thus, if an artist has submitted two entries, and a person gives one vote to each entry and the third vote to another artist’s entry, then the voter will have given 2 votes (points) to the first artist and one vote (point) to the second artist. Voters may not give two votes to the same image entry. Voters may not give three votes to the same artist.

2) Contestants may not vote for their own images

3) Voting can begin immediately after the submission close date/time.

4) Voters may provide one provisional tie-breaker vote. A tie-breaker vote may be cast for an entry of an artist that the voter has not voted for. Tie breaker votes are not counted unless there is a tie for first, second, or third place.

5) If artists receive the same vote total, the first tie breaker will be to count the tie-breaker votes among the tied participants. If there is still a tie, the contest sponsor (MMoir) will break the tie. The contest coordinator (Diomede64) loses all ties.

6) A contestant can place only once. It is the nature of the voting system that votes for two entries by the same artist all count toward a single total for the artist.

7) The challenge coordinator (Diomede64) cannot place first or second. If the coordinator places first or second, the coordinator is dropped to third and the other contestants rise while preserving rank order.

8) Bad Beat Rule – if an artist submits only one entry, and that entry has more votes than any other single image, yet the artist places 4th or lower (not among 1st, 2nd, or 3rd ) only because each of the top 3 vote getters submitted multiple entries, the challenge coordinator (Diomede64) will donate a $10 DAZ gift certificate to the artist. There can be only 1 bad beat winner (and most likely none). Note – this is simply an artifact of this month’s unique voting rules and is not suggested as a continuing rule.

9) Anonymous votes will be accepted with just cause. Send me (diomede64) a PM with the entries you are voting for, along with an explanation of just cause. If persuaded that the cause is just, I will add an “anonymous” post to the contest thread. In these cases, I exclude my own entries from being eligible for anonymous votes.

What are “created or significantly enhanced” objects?
1) Creating an object in Carrara’s vertex modeler, the spline modeler, or the metaball modeler.
2) Morphing or modifying an object (including a primitive) beyond recognition or cutting parts from it, and using it for something completely different.
3) Covering an object with fur or creating dynamic hair for it.
4) Rigging and using that rig to pose an object.
5) Altering or creating UV-maps, or creating special shaders or textures.
6) Using the 3D-paint feature to texture the object or create shaders, shader masks, distribution maps, etc.
7) Creating unique variations of things like plants, oceans, particle generators, terrains, clouds, etc.
8) Inventive use of replicators. Just replicating an object doesn’t count as significantly enhanced, but creating new shapes using replicated objects does, or using distribution maps or nested replicators to create environments or interesting concepts would also count.
If you are not sure whether your enhancements qualify, please ask in this thread.

Helpful resources
Dartanbeck has a forum thread on terrain modeling. See
MMoir’s and Dartanbeck’s landscapes and MMoir’s grass replicator pack could be treated as mini tutorials if you take them apart and explore the settings.
See and
PhilW’s tutorial series with Infinite Skills includes sections on terrain modeling and replicators.
Cripeman tutorials on terrains and
Cripeman tutorial on replicators
Tutorial created by: Johannes Rosenberg (Cajomi) A master at lanscape creation (downloads as pdf)
Thread on Landscapes in Carrara
Thread on using Carrara terrains and replicators to create oceans
Thread on replicators methods, tips, and tricks

Please support these wonderful artists:

Current Sponsor’s Store:
MMoir’s store:

Previous Sponsors’ Stores:
• PhilW’s store:
• Age of Armour‘s store:
• DimensionTheory’s store:
• Dartanbeck’s store:
• RingoMontfort’s store:

Summary/Final Words:
Remember, the aim is to have fun, learn and share a little about Carrara with others, show off Carrara’s versatility and strengths, and show off your personal artistic and Carrara talents! So let the rendering begin!
Apologies to prior challenge coordinators for plagiarizing their postings, including this apology.

The work in Progress Thread will be open until April 21, at 9pm Mountain Time. The submissions thread will open April 14-April 21 9pm MT.

Post edited by Diomede on


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    I have tried three times to delete and replace the apparent typo, "and w,inners will also receive items from his store." but the comma wasn't in my original file, doesn't appear on my screen when I try to edit the post, and doesn't go away when I update. Hmmm.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    Stutter much? Just kidding! :smirk:

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    Stutter much? Just kidding! :smirk:

    I've tried splashing myself with water and being slapped in the face by Zero Mostel. Now I'm wet and in pain - and inserting random commas in my p,osts. :ohh:

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    Looks like a beautiful contest. I wonder if I'll make it this time. I certainly hope to... but I guess I always say that, don't I?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    And you could always save the problem and use it as a title for a forthcoming challenge

    "The attack of the Random Commas" has quite a ring to it.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited March 2014

    chohole said:
    And you could always save the problem and use it as a title for a forthcoming challenge

    "The attack of the Random Commas" has quite a ring to it.

    No need to wait. Maybe I will create a page of text objects and replicate commas all over them - and spilling over the page's borders.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited December 1969

    Will be interesting to see if any one does any movie based renders from the classic film The Great Race.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    Jay_NOLA said:
    Will be interesting to see if any one does any movie based renders from the classic film The Great Race.

    Wonderful idea. That movie has so many scenes and concepts to choose from.

    "We can melt, we can blast. We can rise above! We are invincible!" :coolgrin:

    500 x 334 - 30K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    Jay_NOLA said:
    Will be interesting to see if any one does any movie based renders from the classic film The Great Race.
    I was thinking the same thing. Actually, I was originally thinking that's what we had to do ;)
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited March 2014

    Jay_NOLA said:
    Will be interesting to see if any one does any movie based renders from the classic film The Great Race.
    I was thinking the same thing. Actually, I was originally thinking that's what we had to do ;)

    But that would be "fencing you in." nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

    Speaking of which, I wanted to link to a cover of Don't Fence Me In by either Ella Fitzgerald or Roy Rogers, but they had embedded advertisements. I did find a version without any ads. It is a more modern version by The Killers (a version made for a commercial, but not containing an embedded commercial).

    Here are the Cole Porter lyrics

    Oh, give me land, lots of land, under starry skies above
    Don't fence me in
    Let me ride thru the wide-open country that I love
    Don't fence me in
    Let me be by myself in the evening breeze
    Listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees
    Send me off forever, but I ask you please
    Don't fence me in
    Don't fence me in

    Just turn me loose
    Let me straddle my old saddle underneath the western skies
    On my cayuse
    Let me wander over yonder till I see the mountains rise
    I want to ride to the ridge where the West commences
    Gaze at the moon until I lose my senses
    I can't look at hobbles and I can't stand fences
    Don't fence me in
    Don't fence me in

    There are actually introductory lyrics as a setup about Wildcat Kelly, but they don't seem to be in the official lyrics.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:

    Great job. I especially like the mane. I put an announcement in the Bryce thread. This subject might be attractive to the good folks over there, and you don't need a recent version of Carrara to use the terrain tools.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    diomede64 said:

    Great job. I especially like the mane. I put an announcement in the Bryce thread. This subject might be attractive to the good folks over there, and you don't need a recent version of Carrara to use the terrain tools.

    I have the latest and greatest, but am struggling with the terrain tools. I can draw terrains well in Bryce, but they don't come out quite right in Carrara., but there again I have been using Bryce since 1997. and Carrara only since 8.5 was released.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    diomede64 said:

    Great job. I especially like the mane. I put an announcement in the Bryce thread. This subject might be attractive to the good folks over there, and you don't need a recent version of Carrara to use the terrain tools.

    I have the latest and greatest, but am struggling with the terrain tools. I can draw terrains well in Bryce, but they don't come out quite right in Carrara., but there again I have been using Bryce since 1997. and Carrara only since 8.5 was released.

    Shh, don't tell anyone. Just keep this between you and me. You could do the terrain in Bryce and then import it. Satisfy rule 5(b) by using a replicator. Or, use Bryce for a sloping beach terrain, and then use Carrara's terrain in a regular replicator (not surface) with seamless tiling to make the ocean.

    I make a personal goal for myself as part of every challenge (previous goals have included using the non-photorealistic render, using only Carrara, or rigging and posing a figure). I think my goal this time is going to be to get the gracious Chohole to enter the Carrara challenge. My goal was going to be to explore my content files to use maximum 3rd party content and the minimum number of Carrara custom content (2), but trying to entice you might be more fun. :-)

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,144
    edited December 1969

    Great theme, and as I think that replicators are vastly underused by Carrara artists, I am delighted to see that featured too.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited March 2014

    PhilW said:
    Great theme, and as I think that replicators are vastly underused by Carrara artists, I am delighted to see that featured too.

    Thanks again, Phil, for all the support you give the Carrara community. I have started rewatching your tutorials. Like a classic film, there are always additional details that I didn't catch the first time.

    Here are some random webpics to spark some interest in the race theme: motorcycle art by David Uhl, an alpine stage of the TDF, a dogsled race, soap box derby, and a classic cartoon.

    638 x 478 - 77K
    600 x 450 - 53K
    990 x 648 - 159K
    500 x 375 - 118K
    800 x 429 - 66K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    And here are some random webpics for don't fence me in.

    634 x 485 - 58K
    468 x 292 - 20K
    512 x 512 - 46K
    460 x 345 - 21K
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited December 1969

    TCM (Turner Classic Movies) is on Thusday 13 - Friday 14 showing several racing movies if some one is looking for inspiration or wants to watch a marathon of racing movies.

    Le Mans
    Grand Prix
    Grand Prix Challenge of the Champions
    The Racers

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    diomede64 said:
    PhilW said:
    Great theme, and as I think that replicators are vastly underused by Carrara artists, I am delighted to see that featured too.

    Thanks again, Phil, for all the support you give the Carrara community. I have started rewatching your tutorials. Like a classic film, there are always additional details that I didn't catch the first time.

    Also, Phil shows us some excellent replication techniques in the Advanced Carrara Training... Very cool stuff. I love the process of the huge city lesson - and the final outcome is vastly beyond what I was expecting - what, with the inner city parks and all... fantastic!

    Here are some random webpics to spark some interest in the race theme: motorcycle art by David Uhl, an alpine stage of the TDF, a dogsled race, soap box derby, and a classic cartoon.
    Very cool, and quite inspiring :)

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    Jay_NOLA said:
    TCM (Turner Classic Movies) is on Thusday 13 - Friday 14 showing several racing movies if some one is looking for inspiration or wants to watch a marathon of racing movies.

    Le Mans
    Grand Prix
    Grand Prix Challenge of the Champions
    The Racers

    Thanks. I'll have to set my DVR. Some real treats there.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,007
    edited December 1969

    Hate to be a PITA


    Dates to Remember:
    - WIP Thread Opens: 9:00 PM MT March 10, 2014

    what is MT?


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    Stezza said:
    Hate to be a PITA


    Dates to Remember:
    - WIP Thread Opens: 9:00 PM MT March 10, 2014

    what is MT?


    Good question. MT stands for Mountain Time in the United States, which I believe is where Daz headquarters is (Utah). You can get the current date and time in Utah here.


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    7PM tonight where I live. What... then I can start WIP posts?

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited March 2014

    Currently, I believe that Utah is 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Our clocks were just set ahead an hour for daylight savings time. Horrible custom. Makes it very confusing for something like this challenge which has participants worldwide. The following website that focuses on time might help clear things up. You should be able to compare time in different locations worldwide.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Actually Utah is normally 7 hours behind GMT, but as they jumped forward an hour, that would mean that now they are only 6 hours behind GMT.

    The UK don't spring forward until w/e 28/29th March, not sure about the rest of Europe.

    GMT stays where it is, everybody else moves around according to season, but do it at different dates, thus causing the confusion.

  • Dino GrampsDino Gramps Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Daylight Savings Time is an an example of what idiots can do to a basically good idea. The only remaining valid reason for DST is to save energy. When started as early, and ended as late as we do in the US, although you don't turn on the lights as early in the evening, you are turning on the lights in the morning to make up for it. We used to have dates that made sense in this country. I doubt that we ever will again in my lifetime.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Daylight Savings Time is an an example of what idiots can do to a basically good idea. The only remaining valid reason for DST is to save energy. When started as early, and ended as late as we do in the US, although you don't turn on the lights as early in the evening, you are turning on the lights in the morning to make up for it. We used to have dates that made sense in this country. I doubt that we ever will again in my lifetime.

    I totally agree with you. They should go back to just using GMT and leave all this changing things around alone. Totally upsets internal clocks twice a year. You only have to look at pets and young kids to see what it does to natural instincts, they don't understand why it is happening.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,076
    edited December 1969

    I have this notion of replicating cows in a paddock and having a poor bastard hanging from a hot air balloon bumping into them for some odd reason.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    @Wendy - as long as the bastard is bumping the millenium cow.

    Getting closer. Here are some more random inspirational pics.

    1998 x 1481 - 416K
    638 x 390 - 46K
    435 x 185 - 25K
    304 x 304 - 37K
    300 x 400 - 107K
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,007
    edited December 1969

    diomede64 said:
    Stezza said:
    Hate to be a PITA


    Dates to Remember:
    - WIP Thread Opens: 9:00 PM MT March 10, 2014

    what is MT?


    Good question. MT stands for Mountain Time in the United States, which I believe is where Daz headquarters is (Utah). You can get the current date and time in Utah here.


    ok thanks

    that makes it about 2pm on the 11th AESST :coolhmm:

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