Modular RETRO Starship Kit

So right now I am developing a Modular Retro Starship Kit.

So far these are the objects I currently have, but am working on creating more. Currently the set only comes with a red and silver texture set.

Any comments or critiques welcome. Thanks.


1061 x 1500 - 730K
1061 x 1500 - 759K
1061 x 1500 - 662K
1061 x 1500 - 750K
856 x 635 - 133K


  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579

    Interesting concept.

  • TimotheusTimotheus Posts: 246

    So this would be in addition to your other Modular Starship project, right? Will it be possible to mix and match between them?


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I'm pretty sure if you mix them it'll burn up your hard drive...



  • Well in my opinion this will be its own stand alone kit. Of course if you want you can mix and match with the other kit, but this kit will be mostly made to make the starships look more retro style. not modern. More rounded objects, Rockets, large domes, ect..

  • DripDrip Posts: 1,206

    Maybe a a body part with a bunch of portholes along the side? Or, alternatively, some porthole and maybe also entry doors "greeble thingies" so we can place portholes and doors wherever we want.

    Greebles might also be an idea for an add-on pack though, since there's also odd shaped antennas and lasercanons and stuff that might fit with these ships.

  • Good idea. :)

  • DripDrip Posts: 1,206

    Good idea. :)

    Happy to help brainstorming if you decide to take the greeble-addons route:
    -Doors vertical
    -Doors horizontal
    -Antennas (straight, disc, circular around the hull/nose, etc)
    -Landing gear & skids
    -Pewpew lazors (parts of which might double in the antenna department)
    -Exhaust flames, fumes and contrails

  • rotating artificial gravity arms or rings

  • acharyapolinaacharyapolina Posts: 726
    edited January 2020

    ok so far I have created 2 rotating gravity rings. plus 1 flame object, some doors and portholes, and some pewpew lasers. and a sattelight dish.

    It has helped make the kit look much better. thank you all for your geat help. :)


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    800 x 800 - 130K
    800 x 800 - 120K
    Post edited by acharyapolina on
  • I'm really looking forward to this one.

  • Good to hear. :D


  • DripDrip Posts: 1,206

    That looks soo awesome! With those, we can definitely make our own sci-fi pulp covers! Well, all kinds of sci-fi renders really, but they certainly wouldn't look out of place on those Amazing Stories magazines from the thirties till early seventies.

  • Oso3D said:

    I'm pretty sure if you mix them it'll burn up your hard drive...



    Those things have hard drives? I thought their compters were all vacuum tubes and slide rules while the memory storage was on paper. surprise

    In any event, they certainly have the most robust circuit breakers--all your equipment will shower you with tons of bright, hot sparks before a single breaker ever will blow...laugh

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    This is looking really useful.  The only real criticism I have is that the paint chipping effect on the textures is way out of scale, as in it's what you would see if the ships were a foot or two long.  That's perfect if you want it to look like a kids toy, or a really obvious miniature, which I guess is the intent, but not so great if you want to use the bits for more "realistic" renders like old pup magazine cover-style art. 

  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,121

    Love the old pulp magazine spaceships! 

    Will be watching for this!



  • Cybersox said:

    This is looking really useful.  The only real criticism I have is that the paint chipping effect on the textures is way out of scale, as in it's what you would see if the ships were a foot or two long.  That's perfect if you want it to look like a kids toy, or a really obvious miniature, which I guess is the intent, but not so great if you want to use the bits for more "realistic" renders like old pup magazine cover-style art. 

    Good point. I'll try to make it better. :)

  • acharyapolinaacharyapolina Posts: 726
    edited January 2020
    Oso3D said:

    I'm pretty sure if you mix them it'll burn up your hard drive...



    Those things have hard drives? I thought their compters were all vacuum tubes and slide rules while the memory storage was on paper. surprise

    In any event, they certainly have the most robust circuit breakers--all your equipment will shower you with tons of bright, hot sparks before a single breaker ever will blow...laugh

    When I was growing up, we used Floppy disks. and They were really floppy. On a Black and Yellow computer. It was in the 90s so I'm not too old. :P And the biggest Hard Drive you cold get was a 500 MB hard drive. They said you could never fill it up in a lifetime. :D

    Post edited by acharyapolina on
  • So here is a RETRO image I created with the starship kit. 

    1000 x 1300 - 219K
  • It needs to have 3 or 4 tail fins to prop it up after it's landed tail-first SpaceX-style on an alien planet. And those tail fins need to look more aerodynamic, with rounded leading edges and knife-sharp trailing edges.

  • I didnt think of that. good call. :) however you could think that they come out automaticly from the bottom hull part when the ship is landing


  • TimotheusTimotheus Posts: 246

    So here is a RETRO image I created with the starship kit. 

    This is awesome! Looking forward to both this kit and your other more realistic one.

  • Can somebody tell me where can I find the helmet on the picture please? Thank you

    960 x 1248 - 263K
  • rrwardrrward Posts: 556

    Can somebody tell me where can I find the helmet on the picture please? Thank you

    I think that's just a sphere stuck on her.

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