Fenric's Ivy Generator

Don't see many people using this port. Probably people have forgotten about it.

It's a great little tool.

It's available on sharecg  http://www.sharecg.com/v/44242/Software-and-Tools/Ivy-Generator-For-Carrara

I didn'tt realise it had been updated.

Here's Fenric's notes from his read me




Ivy Generator Plugin
Copyright (c) 2010, Thomas T. Stocksdale (Fenric)
Questions?  Come visit the Carrara forum at http://forum.daz3d.com

Based on:

An Ivy Generator
Copyright (c) 2007 Thomas Luft.
All rights reserved.
[email protected]

Q: What is it?
A: It is a scene command plugin that grows an ivy-like plant on an object. It includes shaders.

Q: How does it work?
1. Set your scene options to display three decimal places (yes, really).
2. Pick an object with renderable geometry
3. Move the Hot Point of the object to the place where you want the ivy to start
4. Choose "Generate Ivy".
5. Review and adjust the ivy settings, click OK
6. Watch progress bars
7. Adjust scale and position if needed (it should be close).
Note: The model is automatically a vertex model.  It is no longer necessary to convert.

Q: What sorts of objects will it work on
- primitives
- splines
- metaballs
- vertex objects
- terrain (but not very well)
- trees

Q: What sorts of objects will it NOT work on
A: (Seriously... don't do it - these crash Carrara)
- fire
- clouds
- ocean
- fog
- lights
- cameras
- target helpers

Q: Does it animate?
A: No

Q: I mean: can you animate the ivy growing?
A: No

Q: Can I go back to an object later and grow the ivy more?
A: No

Q: Can I have a description of what the ivy settings do?

Ivy Base Size = Ivy Base Size
Ivy Leaf Base S. = Ivy Leaf Base Size
Ivy Branch Bas. = Ivy Branch Base Size
Max Branch Flo. = Max Branch Float Length
Max Branch Ad. = Max Branch Adhesion Distance
Primary Growth. = Primary Growth Weight
Random Growt. = Random Growth Weight
Gravity Weight = Gravity Weight
Adhesion Weig. = Adhesion Weight
Branch Prune P. = Branch Prune Percentage
Leaf Prune Per. = Leaf Prune Percentage
Number of grow. = Number of Growth Cycles
Leaf Density M. = Leaf Density Multiplier
Use Poser = Use Poser Scaling

Ivy Base Size

The size of the item is multiplied by this number to come up with a sphere that determines the maximum size the ivy will ever grow to.  Set it to a smaller number to make the ivy stick closer to the object.  Set it to a larger number to make ivy that wanders.

Ivy Leaf Base Size

An abstract number determining the size of a leaf.  Smaller is... smaller.

Ivy Branch Base Size

An abstract number determining the thickness of a branch.  Smaller is... smaller.

Max Branch Float Length

The longest a branch is allowed to grow without touching the base object.

Max Branch Adhesion Distance

The longest a branch is allowed to grow WHILE touching the base object.

Primary Growth Weight

How much does the "direction the ivy should grow" influence the direction that it actually does grow.

Random Growth Weight

How much does pure randomness influence the direction that the ivy actually does grow.

Gravity Weight

How much does gravity influence the direction that the ivy grows.  This only affects "floating" branches (That is, branches that are not touching the base object)

Adhesion Weight

How much does the ivy try to stick to the surface of the base object.

Branch Prune Percentage

Every growth cycle, EVERY node is a candidate for branching.  This is not something you really want.  This is the number of branches that DO NOT HAPPEN.  Generally, this will be very very close to 1.

Leaf Prune Percentage

During leaf generation, every node that is available for leaves may get one.  This is the percentage of nodes that will NOT get a leaf.  Generally, this will still be very close to 1, but not as close as the branch prune.

Number of Growth Cycles

The number of times that the ivy growing algorith should run.  The more there are, the longer it will take and the bigger the ivy plant will be.

Leaf Density Multiplier

How many leaves will each node that is selected to have leaves actually get.

Use Poser Scaling

Carrara uses several different internal scales.  Native items (primitives, metaballs, splines, and vertex models made with Carrara) should leave this UNCHECKED.   Items imported from Poser, TERRAINS, AND TREES should have this box checked.



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,076

    I do sometimes but I delete the leaves and just use the vines and use a surface replicator with a polygonal leaf/s

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    yes it needs a clean up - just using it on some carrara trees at the moment - very intersting :)

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Thanks for showing where this was, HW.  I had figured that I was too late to get it.

    Much admire your ferns!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,076

    ...as for the original

    every damn DAZ PA uses it on their sets

    it's an ivy jungle out there

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    ivy monsters great sff scare smiley

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Interesting, it turns out that I downloaded it years ago, and promptly forgot about it, likely because it was too intimidating.  Lots of questions, even today.

    I put the files in the extensions folder.  Pretty sure I did that correctly.  From there, it gets foggy.

    Headwax said:
    Headwax said:
    Q: How does it work?

    1. Set your scene options to display three decimal places (yes, really).

    Where is this done at?

    Headwax said:

    2. Pick an object with renderable geometry
    3. Move the Hot Point of the object to the place where you want the ivy to start

    Don't know how to do this either.

    Headwax said:

    4. Choose "Generate Ivy".

    Choose from where? 

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,007


    click for biga picture

    1920 x 1080 - 424K
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Thanks Stezza, found everything.  Now I have to push buttons, and more questions will likely follow. :)

    Also thanks for the pics you posted years ago which illustrated how to spin a propeller with the spin modifier.  yes

    Carrara seems endless sometimes.

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Incredible plugin!

    Kudos to HW for pointing it out - again.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    pleasure - worth dowlnaoding again to see if you have the uptodate version



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,076

    I actually use the original standalone ivy generator more though

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    Headwax said:

    pleasure - worth dowlnaoding again to see if you have the uptodate version

    I did that before installing, thanks.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    Incredible plugin!

    Kudos to HW for pointing it out - again.

    +1 yes

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