Can't open Studio saves in carrara

srgalt1srgalt1 Posts: 0
edited March 2014 in Carrara Discussion

I know this worked fine in the beta but apparently the release version of C8.5 can't open a studio saved file.

445 x 123 - 17K
Post edited by srgalt1 on


  • srgalt1srgalt1 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This is aiko 3 staged in Studio4.6 saved scene and opened in carrara. So as a carraraest DAZ has borked any usefulness I may have had for Studio 4.

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  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Don't have C8.5, but don't you need to save it as a .duf to open in Carrara?

  • srgalt1srgalt1 Posts: 0
    edited March 2014

    Don't have C8.5, but don't you need to save it as a .duf to open in Carrara?

    Both of those are DUF.

    Post edited by srgalt1 on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited March 2014

    EP is correct. C8.5 can open Daz Studio files saved in the .duf format. The files should be found in your C8.5 content browser tray, but if not then you need to add them like adding any other content directory. There are two related issues.

    (1) How do I open content that I bought from Daz, but never opened in Daz Studio?
    - answer - there are two directories for you Daz purchases, one for your Poser/Runtime formatted purchases and one for the Daz formatting purchases. The default locations are My Daz 3D Library Runtime for purchases formatted in the Poser tradition, and MyDaz 3D Library for purchases formatted in the Daz Studio formats. You will find Genesis/Genesis 2, etc. in the People subfolder of the My Daz 3D Library folder. Older Daz products that are in older formats may be easier to find in the Poser ready My Daz 3D Library Runtime folders.

    (2) How do I open files that I started in Daz Studio, but saved as characters, conforming clothes, etc.
    - answer - In two parts, saving out of studio and finding in the C8.5 browser. First, in Daz Studio, arrange your scene as desired, then use < File > to bring up the presets menu. Save as appropriate. For example, if you have a piece of clothing that you are trying to get from Daz Studio to Carrara then choose "wearable preset". Second, in C8.5, there should be a directory in your browser tray called "My Library" with a subfolder called "Presets". The file that you saved out of Daz Studio in step one was, by default, saved to the appropriate preset subfolder here. You may have to refresh the folder if you have both programs open at the same time.

    Hope this helps.

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    Post edited by Diomede on
  • srgalt1srgalt1 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Oh they open fine in carrara from the content "my library" folder. It's just that carrara wont open any saved from studio 4.6 DUF files. I've tried a dozen different characters with the same out come for all.

    I'm doing exactly what I was doing in the beta for C8.5 and it worked just fine then.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    srgalt1 said:
    Oh they open fine in carrara from the content "my library" folder. It's just that carrara wont open any saved from studio 4.6 DUF files. I've tried a dozen different characters with the same out come for all.

    I'm doing exactly what I was doing in the beta for C8.5 and it worked just fine then.

    Looking at your Aiko 3 post, it looks like the figure has not been converted to a triax weightmapped figure yet. This can happen when someone tries to save legacy figures constructed in the old joint system in the new DUF format.

    I will do a quick test and post in a few minutes.

  • srgalt1srgalt1 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    diomede64 said:
    srgalt1 said:
    Oh they open fine in carrara from the content "my library" folder. It's just that carrara wont open any saved from studio 4.6 DUF files. I've tried a dozen different characters with the same out come for all.

    I'm doing exactly what I was doing in the beta for C8.5 and it worked just fine then.

    Looking at your Aiko 3 post, it looks like the figure has not been converted to a triax weightmapped figure yet. This can happen when someone tries to save legacy figures constructed in the old joint system in the new DUF format.

    I will do a quick test and post in a few minutes.

    Didn't have to with the beta. But I'll give it a run and see what happens. Problem is I am trying to use the release version of C8.5 like I did the beta, and it just isn't working.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    This is what worked for me. I loaded Aiko3 in Daz Studio. Note - it is in Poser format. I chose edit/Figure/rigging/convert to weightmapping. I chose save as / support asset / figureprop. I refreshed the MyLibrary folder in C8.5. I loaded the new Aiko3 version into C8.5. It worked fine.

    Couple notes
    1) If you just want to use Aiko3, you don't have to do this. You can just load Aiko3 from the Poser style My Daz 3D Library Runtime folder.
    2) If you are going to be saving out Aiko3 characters, morphs, compound figures (clothes/hair/etc.) in the DUF format, then you might want to load Aiko3 into Daz Studio from the My Library folder that you just saved the support asset to.

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  • srgalt1srgalt1 Posts: 0
    edited March 2014

    I didn't do that exactly, I'll try that next; I saved as a scene, but this is what opened in carrara.

    Edit to add: saving as a scene subset worked; so far. DAZ just changed something from the beta to the release so I have to rethink saving outside the studio library folder. I'll check genesis next.

    741 x 710 - 84K
    Post edited by srgalt1 on
  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945
    edited December 1969

    Diomede64, you say that you export in Poser format from Studio, that wants to say in .cr2 ?
    And if it is the case, one could use it in the versions before C8.5 ?

  • srgalt1srgalt1 Posts: 0
    edited March 2014

    Diomede64, you say that you export in Poser format from Studio, that wants to say in .cr2 ?
    And if it is the case, one could use it in the versions before C8.5 ?

    I couldn't actually get Studio 4.6 to save a cr2. I went through the options but it didn't save anything; probably did it wrong, been a while. But then I just reinstalled studio; in fact I don't think I ever had studio on this comp, so I may not have everything installed yet ;)

    But it appears I need to do a few more steps and save in a specific place to save out a DUF. I have 2 specific tasks to do with Studio 4.6. Have clothes that autofit; dress the figure then send to carrara 8.5, and dynamic clothing animations. From there I may try to learn the new tools so I can get back in to making character morphs. Something else I haven't done since Studio 4 came out.

    Post edited by srgalt1 on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Diomede64, you say that you export in Poser format from Studio, that wants to say in .cr2 ?
    And if it is the case, one could use it in the versions before C8.5 ?

    Sorry if I make this more confusing than it needs to be, but I am a little out of my depth.

    Carrara 8.5 can handle Poser cr2 files fine. It is best just to load such content directly into Carrara instead of exporting it out of Daz Studio first. One way to do that for older content purchased from Daz is to load it from the My Daz 3D Library Runtime directory if people used the default install.

    A complication arises if someone tries to load older content into Daz Studio, change materials, add clothing and hair, morphs, etc., and then export the new character for use in Carrara. The issue isn't Carrara alone. It is the export requirements of Daz's DUF format. If you try to save out the figure (Aiko 3 in this case) as a support asset, then Daz Studio will give you an error saying that the figure needs to have triax weightmapping. So your choices are to either to just do a regular Daz Studio save, which will be in .dsf instead of .duf, or to convert the figure first.

    But none of this is necessary at all unless someone wants to use Daz Studio first. You can avoid the whole thing by loading content directly in Carrara.

    There may be an easier way, but this approach has worked for me.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    One possible confusion. I did not save the newly weightmapped Aiko3 out of Studio as a cr2. I saved it out as a "support asset" figure/prop at the bottom of the "save as" presets menu.

    That may be what is causing the confusion.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited March 2014

    diomede64 said:

    Looking at your Aiko 3 post, it looks like the figure has not been converted to a triax weightmapped figure yet. This can happen when someone tries to save legacy figures constructed in the old joint system in the new DUF format.

    I remember some claims about older gen3 figures getting new weightmapping, but then the interest seemed to dwindle, I was also confused by the differences in Poser and D|S's weightmapping formats... Is there any advantage to this? Do I want to look into rebuilding all my gen3 figures with weight maps? Does it improve bending or clothing poke through? Do you have to do it to everything (clothes, props) or is it just the figure? Is it an automated process or do you have to know what you are doing?

    Post edited by wetcircuit on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited March 2014

    diomede64 said:

    Looking at your Aiko 3 post, it looks like the figure has not been converted to a triax weightmapped figure yet. This can happen when someone tries to save legacy figures constructed in the old joint system in the new DUF format.

    I remember some claims about older gen3 figures getting new weightmapping, but then the interest seemed to dwindle, I was also confused by the differences in Poser and D|S's weightmapping formats... Is there any advantage to this? Do I want to look into rebuilding all my gen3 figures with weight maps? Does it improve bending or clothing poke through? Do you have to do it to everything (clothes, props) or is it just the figure? Is it an automated process or do you have to know what you are doing?

    Great questions. I only have some experience with some of them.

    First, this triax weightmapping for Daz Studio is not the same as for the Poser weightmapping. Poser's weightmapped figures aren't supported by Daz as far as I know. I haven't had success trying any work arounds. I've heard that Fenric has some stuff that is supposed to help Carrara use Rex/Roxy and other Poser weightmapped figures. There are weird modeling/rigging issues with the Poser native figures that get in the way. I just never found it worth the effort to deal with Rex/Roxy in Carrara. I'll try to find the forum thread on it.

    Second, the process of converting Aiko3, The Freak, etc. to triax weightmapping is simple. You just have to select the figure and navigate a couple of menus and choose convert to triax weightmapping. Once chosen, the conversion process takes a few minutes on my machine, but it is simple.

    Third, I am not sure about the status of 3rd party clothing, hair etc. Good question.

    Fourth, In my opinion, converting older figures to triax allows for easier content creation for characters for those figures. I've used this process as the first step for making my own conforming clothes. It made it much easier for me. Once the figures were converted to triax weightmapping, I only had to make the mesh of my clothing (no body part grouping) and use Daz's transfer utility to copy the groups and rigging to the clothing mesh.

    I am attaching a quick example. I loaded Poser 5 Don in Carrara (feeling retro). I made something vaguely shirt-like in the vertex modeler. I saved the shirt as an obj at the appropriate scale and reopened it in Daz Studio. In Daz Studio, I loaded P5 Don. The shirt seemed to fit. I converted P5 Don to triax weightmapping using the edit figure menu. I then used the transfer utility to transfer the P5Don groups and rigging to the shirt that I made. I then selected P5Don in Studio, chose "save as" and "wearable preset" to save the shirt out as a .duf file. In Carrara, I loaded P5 Don as normal (just the cr2, not the Daz Studio version). I loaded the new shirt that I had saved from .duf format as a wearable preset. I used "fit to" to conform the shirt to P5 Don. I think it conforms pretty well. In this example, there is no poke through, but you would go through the standard options if there was.

    591 x 503 - 39K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Because we have gone pretty far afield, I think I should re-emphasize that the issue is EXPORTING FROM DAZ STUDIO, not using in Carrara. Natively, Carrara can use all of these figures and their conforming clothing and smart props. I am suggesting that people convert older figures to triax weightmapping IN DAZ STUDIO so that Daz Studio can export presets in the DUF format. I am not suggesting that Carrara needs the figures converted to use the figures when loaded directly to Carrara.

    Holly's questions about other reasons to use triax weightmapping (potentially improved bending,...) for older figures are excellent questions that I don't know the answer to.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    and here is the thread on Fenric's plugin for Poser weightmapped figures.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    In the original post, we're looking at a classic example of why I deleted (after saving a backup to an external drive) all of my DAZ Studio library and started over with the DIM.

    What it's trying to find is obsolete. Genesis is now duf, not dsf.

    That's where "uninstalling" really is the way to go. Sure, we could compare what we have with what must go in, know what need to be deleted as obsolete, and do that manually. But if you enjoy collecting piles of content, like I do, then the DIMs uninstaller is truly the way to go - and it's soooo faaaast!

    DAZ 3D is constantly working on a lot of this stuff. I can tell by opening my DIM. I get updates to products all the time. Sure, some folks will say that the update might be unnecessary, I will always prefer the updated content over stuff that DAZ considers to be out-of-date. Simply because they are working hard on DAZ Studio all the time. They really are making great headway on it, I think. Let them. Let them continue to push forward. They'll be bringing us (Carrara) right along with it, as time goes on. This is all a very exciting time to be a DAZ/Carrara fan!

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    diomede64 said:
    Because we have gone pretty far afield, I think I should re-emphasize that the issue is EXPORTING FROM DAZ STUDIO, not using in Carrara. Natively, Carrara can use all of these figures and their conforming clothing and smart props. I am suggesting that people convert older figures to triax weightmapping IN DAZ STUDIO so that Daz Studio can export presets in the DUF format. I am not suggesting that Carrara needs the figures converted to use the figures when loaded directly to Carrara.

    Holly's questions about other reasons to use triax weightmapping (potentially improved bending,...) for older figures are excellent questions that I don't know the answer to.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply (sorry about OT). It suggests all the weightmap talk might really be more about conforming clothes than pretty elbows...

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    diomede64 said:
    Because we have gone pretty far afield, I think I should re-emphasize that the issue is EXPORTING FROM DAZ STUDIO, not using in Carrara. Natively, Carrara can use all of these figures and their conforming clothing and smart props. I am suggesting that people convert older figures to triax weightmapping IN DAZ STUDIO so that Daz Studio can export presets in the DUF format. I am not suggesting that Carrara needs the figures converted to use the figures when loaded directly to Carrara.

    Holly's questions about other reasons to use triax weightmapping (potentially improved bending,...) for older figures are excellent questions that I don't know the answer to.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply (sorry about OT). It suggests all the weightmap talk might really be more about conforming clothes than pretty elbows...

    I know the elbows are the first thing to draw my attention when I see V5 in slutwear. ;-)

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    diomede64 said:
    Because we have gone pretty far afield, I think I should re-emphasize that the issue is EXPORTING FROM DAZ STUDIO, not using in Carrara. Natively, Carrara can use all of these figures and their conforming clothing and smart props. I am suggesting that people convert older figures to triax weightmapping IN DAZ STUDIO so that Daz Studio can export presets in the DUF format. I am not suggesting that Carrara needs the figures converted to use the figures when loaded directly to Carrara.

    Holly's questions about other reasons to use triax weightmapping (potentially improved bending,...) for older figures are excellent questions that I don't know the answer to.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply (sorry about OT). It suggests all the weightmap talk might really be more about conforming clothes than pretty elbows...

    I know the elbows are the first thing to draw my attention when I see V5 in slutwear. ;-)
    LOL! March Madness always reminds me of the year we all almost got banned for saying variations on the words "slutdress" and "skankwear"... There were some epic posts about "Vicky is NOT waiting for a bus on that street corner in that product illustration..." Hahaha, good times. Good times.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    After a few experiments, so far, I don't see any advantage to using the triax-converted legacy figures in Carrara. As per the second post in this thread, I loaded Aiko3 in Daz Studio, converted it to triax weightmap rigging, and saved the A3 as a DUF. I closed Daz Studio and opened Carrara. I loaded one A3 from the DUF file I had exported from Studio. I opened a second A3 directly from the runtime library in Carrara. I applied the same poses to both figures. I can not tell any difference in the bends of the elbows or knees. Applying the same pose to both, I went into the weightmap bone editor in the vertex modeler. Again, I can't tell the difference in the weightmaps of the right shin into the knee.

    One difference that I've noticed so far is that Carrara is more stable and more responsive when loading the Aiko3 directly from runtime library, not as a .duf Studio export. A second difference is that the .duf version gives the protected topology warning when entering the vertex modeler.

    It could be just that my eye isn't well trained so I will post some comparison pics.

    My advice? If you are going to use these legacy figures, just load them directly in the Carrara browser. If you are going to use Studio first, then convert the figure to triax weightmap so that the preset "save as" function allows export from Studio as a .duf. However, even then, you do not necessarily have to use the .duf version of the figure itself once in Carrara.

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