Installing content

Stupid question time, and no hurry in answering, I'm off to work. Where is the best place to install Carrara content to? I haven't tried Carrara in years, we didn't have DIM then, and I don't remember if the best place is to Carrara itself, the DAZ Studio runtime I have or create a runtime specifically for Carrara content. All suggestions welcomed.
Content made specific for Carrara gets installed directly to the Carrara installation directory. The cool thing about the DIM, is that, if you have more than one version of Carrara on your machine, you may include all of them in the "Applications" tab of the DIM settings (little gear in the upper right of DIM interface). Then whenever you install Carrara-specific content, it should install to all Carrara versions you've allocated. I haven't yet tested to see if this truly works as expected though, as I only use Carrara 8.5 Pro (spoiled by it!) ;)
Most content made for Carrara that I've purchased includes at least one more step, often more. That is to go into Carrara and locate the folders to add to your browser. I try hard to simplify this in my own products by using browser allocation folders already made by the Native Content. So if you have Carrara's native stuff installed, my folders will just show up in your browser. Some categories don't work this way though, like Clips and such.
Anyways, most products come with instructions on what to locate and where to put them in your browser.
I think that should help, but ask away if you need further assistance :)
Dartanbeck you might want to download a zip and open it, DAZ content dose not come with readmes anymore.
Bummer. I wonder why? Most artists that I bought from never put anything in there special, but Mike Moir will often include tutorials, and the ReadMe would show us where to find them. I include my pdf manuals in the ReadMes folder.
You're right srgalt, and the link they give in the DIM is entirely useless.
What problem are you having with the information link in DIM?
What problem are you having with the information link in DIM?The big one is "File List" which was always a useful thing, but now takes you to an empty page. But even beyond that. "You can find you product in the following locations" "-" "-" and so on.
Yeah, a lot of older products just have stubs, but newer ones should have actual readme's.
That's cool.
I don't know if you already know this or not, but I'll say it anyway :)
Anything that has been installed by DIM appears in the 'Installed' tab. Select any item, right click, and select 'Show Installed Files'. A window similar to the Files List from older readme's pops up, and shows exactly where every file has been installed to. Another nice touch is that these file names are all clickable links, and take you straight to the folder in Explorer that holds the file.
The name of the Library is also listed at the top of the window, so it's easy enough to check that it went to the right place. (and it is a clickable link as well).
You're right. I guess that eliminates the need for that "File List" link, doesn't it. Whew!
I like being nothing but happy. It pleases me :)