Carrara 8.1 and 8.5 on the same P.C.?

I am a happy user of Carrara 8.1 running on a i7 P.C.
With this sale I'm considering purchasing 8.5 Honestly the main reason I'm considering the upgrade to to get the transport commands so I could use my shuttle pro when animating. ( A feature I requested )
I don't use Genesis, just models I build in Carrara. I am a little nervous about switching.
For a long time I had Carrara 6 and 8 on the same machine.
2 questions
will they live on the same machine?
I use both 32 and 64 bit 8.1 because I prefer to render in the 32 bit where I still get Quicktime animation codec.
( I know I can use Sequenced PNG but I really like the quality and workflow of QT animation)
Will 8.5 Carrara files open in 8.1?
Yes, the release version of 8.5 has it's own preferences file. You will (I believe) need to reconnect all your browser folders and runtimes.
I think some of the plugins must be updated (Mimic MUST be updated) but others work for both 8/8.5
One annoying thing is all image textures get changed to Fast Mip Map. There are no controls for this feature and I do not know how it is suppose to function. I don't think anyone did an analysis to know under what conditions Fast Mip Map is better than gausian or Sampling.... Fenric made a plugin that fixes all your shaders at once.
I render to QT Animation in Mac 64bit without issue.
Sounds like you are running Mac, I forgot to mention my fast render machine is a P.C. ;(
I do have a mac but she is only a Intel core Duo.
I'm using Win7 64bit, and have 8.1 and 8.5 both installed.
I also am using Win7 64bit, and have 8.1 and 8.5 both installed.
Thanks Everybody!
I purchased it. Holly I assume the proper Fenric Plug In is Multi Shader Editor?
It's the Advanced Shader Tweaker.