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More than the tutorials available, professional like PhilW's for sale (and well worth it) or the wonderful freebies vids out there that so many have made for us, and Dart and others have organised these as best as they can as the software has evolved......taking big breath here....
They are not out here helping for the purpose of touting their products if they are DAZ / Carrara product artists. You can ask any of them any type of question totally unrelated to any of their work, either by PM or starting a new topic. Doesn't matter if it's a revisit...I only joined last year, and it's hard to search the forum sometimes with the right keywords. No one ever brushes you off or considers a question about a technique or having a problem as too trivial or give the impression of DOH, RTFM woman..... And I've been in a lot of forums of all kinds since 1998!
The good folks here are a reason alone to visit, read and participate... you won't be disappointed. I am a complete noob but have been able to do things just not possible with DAZ alone. Poser made me nuts. I wanted to create things! And the learning will go on and on and I am actually happy about that because I know that someday I will have better skills and can better create what I have in mind to a higher standard.
So a thanks to all of those who have ever answered any of my posts... it means more than words can say.
Cheers! xx :) SileneUK
Even if I had the money, I don't think I could even DL it. My father who will remain nameless, sucked up all the limited bandwidth after ten freakin' days! I'm so sick of the damned satellite. Excuse me while I go swear under my breath about it. I'm just waiting for him to "widen" one of my garage doors because he can't drive in the snow, and tends to think spinning his tires will gain him traction and control instead of lose it. :shut:
My father who will remain nameless
Okay, I am so stealing that remark. :)
BTW, can DAZ mail a purchased program via DVD or ?
There USE to be a burn to CD option, but I don't think you can do it anymore...?
Yah... my brain basically exploded at this sale.
There was a hidden in-cart discount on top of the advertised discount, that cut the price in half from the advertised ~$85. So with the monthly PC coupon, I ended up paying $36! I'm not sure if that was a system glitch? It's definitely MADNESS. But it made my year.
All I can figure is they are trying to attract an influx of new Carrara users, and stimulate sales of future Carrara 9? More dedicated users means more money toward development, and everyone wins. :)
No its no glitch I guess you owned a previous version of carrara I had the 50% off as I had Carrara 7 Express.
Aha, that makes sense.
Though I only owned it by technicality. I have the free beta they released.
Glad I beta tested!
She makes a great point. That's really how I learned how to clear the hurdles in my way too - ask on the forum.
Yah... my brain basically exploded at this sale.
There was a hidden in-cart discount on top of the advertised discount, that cut the price in half from the advertised ~$85. So with the monthly PC coupon, I ended up paying $36! I'm not sure if that was a system glitch? It's definitely MADNESS. But it made my year.
All I can figure is they are trying to attract an influx of new Carrara users, and stimulate sales of future Carrara 9? More dedicated users means more money toward development, and everyone wins. :)THAT is SO AWESOME!
Wow, and here I thought 145 was a steal, then I saw 85... but 36? That is so cool! I'm tempted to buy a second license! ;)
Oh man... what a crappy situation. Sorry for the side-rail, but I just can't help feeling crappy for you about this crappy situation. Come on over and you can use my cable internet and store it to a hard drive - bring it back home. Truly, it's not that far - what, 3ish hours?
I'm a Poser user, not DS, but otherwise I fit in exactly the same shoes: I'm a writer, and I've build versions of my characters in 3D. I put the characters into fairly generic settings and made a series of profile shots and simple reenactments that I used in publicity & promos, but what I really wanted was a decent representation of the actual locations in my books.
I tried Blender, but after a week of having my brain leak out of my ears, I gave up on it. Lots of people recommended Hexagon, but I'm a Mac user, and Hexagon doesn't run on a Mac. Some "pro" tutorials recommended things like Lightwave, Maya, Modo etc, as well as Carrara. And that sounded great, till I saw the price: ouch, no way! Then Carrara popped up in the sale over New Years and I jumped on it.
BTW, if you're not a Platinum Club member, add it to your shopping basket when you buy Carrara - it'll save you another 70-odd bucks. You only need get the lowest/cheapest level if you don't intend to make use of it (but they do give away freebies and have some good deals for members). You're not obliged to renew once the term expires.
So, yes, completely from scratch. Now, I wasn't 100% cold - I had used gMax to make simple flight-sim buildings some years ago, but I wouldn't describe myself a proficient; "familiar with the terms" would be about the right level. Anyhow here's a couple of pics of my WIP, if I can get them into the post...
The small building on the left with the pillars is pretty much finished. it has a complete interior upstairs and down, opening doors, windows etc. The other buildings, I only started a few nights ago and I'm still putting in the doors, windows etc.
It's built entirely in Carrara 8.5, using the vertex modeller, exported to obj and imported into Poser, where it was rendered (no textures yet - just rough colour shaders)
One thing I will say is that - at least with the Mac version - it does crash a lot. Particularly on Undo if you've tried something complicated with a lot of vertices or polys. So make sure you save lots! But otherwise, it's one of the best 85$ I've spent.
Do not get the "ordinary" version - it's only 32-bit. I made that mistake with Poser, and regretted it. for this kind of software, 64-bit is the only game in town, and that means "pro", unless you want to be best friends with "out of memory" errors.
Those are some gorgeous buildings. I had to get Architools to even dream of building building models, so I'm genuinely impressed. :)
Yeah... nice buildings!
I actually picked this up over the holidays. With platinum discount and the 1 day sale and everything else I got it for about 50 dollars, which is a price I was willing to pay considering I hardly use it.
Worth it though.
Once you get a bit more used to Carrara, it can certainly become a fun pass time. Never know... maybe you'll end up using it more at another stage in life? One thing is for certain - there's really no other software quite like it! :)
Thanks to those who talked about the features of the program. That was helpful :)
It's coming up $142 for me. I'm a bit scared about even that though. I bought Hexagon 2 for about $100 (after lots of discounts) a few years ago and now it's twenty bucks :/ They should have a Hexagon (or M6 pro :)) discount :p
If you buy Carrara Pro, there is a buttload of included stuff. More than just the software. Maybe someone that has C8.5 can shed some light on what extras are currently shipping with Carrara?
Guess who has C8.5 pro now?
Ya, you get a bunch of stuff with C8.5 too bad it's useless without CMS installed. certainly saved me a bunch of download time.