New Carrara Animation

Here’s a link to an animated movie that I just uploaded to YouTube. I guess ‘The Lego Movie’ made me consider how I haven’t created one in a while. ;-)
All models were created using Carrara and LDraw. I decided to create a new series to work on keyframe animation skills. But I had to start from scratch with the Lego characters due to hardware issue (don’t ask). So, these are new models and rigs, which will be tweaked and improved throughout the series. This is a test of the rig and facial morphs. Lip sync was done with the assistance of Mimic Pro for Carrara.
I felt it was necessary to add the PG-13 slate, but I might be over sensitive because of my grand kids.
Let me know what you think.
UPDATED: I edited the above to remove a misinterpreted statement.
(I use 'content' sometimes. But not on this project)

What's that smell...?
LOL! Looks and sounds great!
Nice short! Good characterizations. Nice Lego look as well.
Maybe I missed the memo that only people around here liked movies with DAZ Dollies because I like it.
I would suggest maybe dropping the broad over-generalizations, unless you're trying to turn people off. I know of several animators here that don't use content, but so what if they did? Does it make the story or animation any less legitimate? I have watched some really awful videos using content, but then again, I have also watched some really awful ones with homemade figures as well. Good is good and bad is bad, no matter what the pipeline.
I appreciate the nice comments as well as constructive criticism.
I didn't mean to sound harsh. I just get a bit tired of the snide remarks about those that use content. I use content, but I'm also comfortable enough with Carrara's tools to use those as well.
Again, it was a nice short, that utilized the Legos theme well.
Nice job! Loved it!
Good job on this!