Another NEPS animation clip

Hi, just a quick update here on another storyline; "Son of X".
Having fun with AE but seem to need proper video files pre-composed in layers to make everything easy.
Glad to get this off my plate; sick of staring at it; want to do something different tommorow.
Relatively happy that I have produced 2 clips using the "new method".
Time to dig in to Unity a bit; been missing that; have to struggle with new software, Playmaker. The NeverEndingLearningCurve.
I have spent some time making it look better/higher resolution but there is still some work to be done.
Some of the lip synch does not match exactly, needs a fine edit or 2. The highligh areas on the hair and breastplate need a mask.
The audio has not been completed, needs some more/better growls and an orchestra hit for the sword; maybe better
music for tension. When I get these video files I will add more smoke effects, maybe a lens flare or two; see how it goes.
Then will run through speedgrade to get a better look and upload to website. Hoping to work on both of these
project and do this next week; some kind of housekeeping work; update website graphic, etc.
Anyway, thanks for watching