inagoni fog

Hi!!! I like Inagoni primitive of clouds, and fog... But I 've experimented that, for a picture rendered with several computers , the render of the fog isn't the same from one computer to one another, and I have noticeables squares in the final renders... of course, the plug in is on every compuiters used for this render... there is a solution?? thank you!!!
I never found a solution. I believe the Primivol is being calculated reversed along the X and Y axis (but not the Z).
I have never been able to confirm *exactly* what is wrong. If you have a scene where it can be illustrated, it might be one for the bug reports (and possibly Inagoni, but) I believe it is an issue between the render nodes and batch queue.
Might be helpful if you can show WHICH renders are "correct" and which are "wrong". Narrow the issue down to whether it is the Batch Queue or the Nodes that are inverted - or whether it is one node, or what..., also whether you are on mixed PC/Mac network as have always been inversion issues on Mac with alphabetical lists being backwards, the leaves in Fenric's port of IVY GENERATOR, etc - (something to do with the C++ compiler or something that is out of the plugin author's hands)....
If we could narrow it down, maybe it could be fixed.