Help Thread for - Carrara Modeling Tutorial product. HelpVid#2 posted

Hey Guys,
I recently received an email from someone who bought my "Carrara Modeling Tutorial" product and had some questions on what I was doing at certain points in the video . So, to help people I am starting this thread so you can post any issues you have while doing these tutorials. I will try to help you out by doing little videos that focus on the problem you are having , showing you how to solve your problems. Hopefully other people who have bought the tutorials will chime in with help when they can, so this can turn into a modeling learning thread.
Anyways, here is the first video addressing using the "F" key to delete selections, dynamic extrusions ,multiple dynamic extrusions and doing extrusions by a numerical amount . If this video isn't live yet it should be shortly.
Very fine clarification, Mike.
Also, let's show where the dynamic extrusion tool is located on the tool bar. See the image below.
I never knew the key stroke commands for this stuff that he's doing here, clarified in the video link, as well as others outlined in his excellent tutorial set. The product description states something about learning new tips and tricks for Carrara's modeler, and that's one of the main reasons I bought it. I like Mike's tutorials, which was the biggest reason.
I feel comfortable modeling in Carrara. I've been building with it for nearly a year now, and find that I really enjoy it. After dissecting some of mmoir's wonderful Carrara products, I already like the way this guy thinks when he's modeling in Carrara, so I knew that I wanted to check out this tutorial set and see what I can pick up from him. No disappointment there. I really enjoyed the pencil tutorial last night. I learned some new commands, like those shown in the above video link. I also find it refreshing just to see the order in which different modelers conduct their practices, as well as their choice of tools. With all 3d modeling apps, there are many ways to achieve the same end result - but which way suits you best? Phil Wilkes has some amazing modeling tutorials in his videos, which are enhanced, once again, with what Mike has to say. Brilliant!
Like when I bought Phil Wilkes' tutorials, I wasn't actually expecting to learn a lot. I already felt like an advance Carrara user when I bought Phil's, and I've already become quite familiar with modeling before I bought this one from Mike. I was happily incorrect both times and have learned a lot (so far) from both of them!
Last night I watched the Pencil movie. Most enjoyable! Loved it! It was too late to watch another in entirety, so that's set aside for tonight. I can already tell that these will become like Phil's videos - I'll watch them over and over again.
In my opinion, keep this sort of thing coming. I'm always interested in watching others work in Carrara. We're all different, and always have something to learn from the next user. Great job!
Thanks for posting where the Dynamic Extrusion Tool icon is, I now realize I didn't use this icon in my tutorials when I used the Dynamic Extrusion tool so often during the tutorial. Yes , I agree people do work differently from each other and we can learn from watching other peoples workflow.
Thank you for making this. It is very helpful. I watched it once, then followed it step-by-step and only had to pause and rewind a couple of times.
Here is a 2nd help video. This deals with rotating objects in the VM room and the fact that Carrara's vm doesn't give you visual numerical feedback. I will do another little video on how to model while the mesh is at an angle to the working box. Carrara does loose the ability to scale properly numerically when working at an angle , so I will show this in another vid soon.