[Released] ROG Red Crow Inn [Commercial]



  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Its Out Its Out does the happy dance!!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,580

    looks lovely but my clouds are flaring on this side of the world still so cannot see a price cheeky

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,830
    Congratulations on the release!
  • Callidus SimiaCallidus Simia Posts: 132
    edited January 2020

    Just had to post this render done straight out of the box and selecting "camera 5"

    All default settings. The only thing that was done was a run by a certain tool (shameless plug i know!) to hide anything not visible

    Mind blown at the rendered atmosphere ...

    Test render.JPG
    1993 x 1113 - 187K
    Post edited by Callidus Simia on
  • @Callidus Simia - That is acually a very useful tool, good plug :)

    Only nitpick would be that it probably also hid the light sources outside the window, responsable to get some night light into the scene... not that it's hurting the render, looks grittier and more contrasty that way!

  • Callidus SimiaCallidus Simia Posts: 132
    edited January 2020

    @Callidus Simia - That is acually a very useful tool, good plug :)

    Only nitpick would be that it probably also hid the light sources outside the window, responsable to get some night light into the scene... not that it's hurting the render, looks grittier and more contrasty that way!

    It actually hid *all* the external lighting, and I didn't even realize it initally 

    The end result was most pleasing smiley

    Edit : I just realised who you are .... excellent job !! I went ahead and bought the bedroom too!

    Post edited by Callidus Simia on
  • Fantastic set- as I said before, insta buy.  Cannot wait to start using this (and the Hog) in promos.  .....which means I need to get some stuff done. lol

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 816
    edited January 2020

    ATTN, SMALL BUG:  I just noticed that the 'Chair' prop (in Black Crow Inn and all sets with it and prop itself) has metallicity at 1 in the material properties when it should be at 0

    Thie might make the chair appear darker and shinier than it should be.

    In the Black Crow Inn scenes there's only 1 I think (the rest are all instances), so for now you can set the metallicity to 0 by hand. I'm gonna wait a few days to see if anything else pops up, and then submit an update to Daz fixing that.

    Or actually, if anyone could confirm that the chair has no metallicity texture map applied to it but has the value set to 1, would be much appreciated, maybe I just mangled something on my working copy of the Inn.



    Post edited by StrangeFate on
  • First of all: awesome piece of workyes
    I can confirm that the chair has metallicity at 1.

  • Thanks!

    And bummer, thanks a lot for checking Eggs Actly.

    As said, will wait a few days to see if anything else comes up (was a big project) and then submit a fix.



  • Into the cart it goes to wait until new CC comes in tomorrow 

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Bought. Excited. really amazing work.

  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392

    I have a properly house-trained credit card so this went into the cart so fast it left scorch marks on my browser.  

    You certainly get your money's worth - the two installers unzip into almost 1.5GB of files. My hard disk is creaking under the strain. Predictably, most of this is the textures, the geometry is slightly under 100MB and the menu DUF files come in at just over 100MB. 

    It's a good thing I will have all weekend to properly explore its delights. 



  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,779

    Sigh, decisions decisions, do I snatch this up because it looks so amazing, even though it sends the message i would rather have this than more amazing armor sets like kadis, or do i not purchase in hopes it sends a message that I would rather have more great armor sets like kadis...hmmm decisions, decisions

  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026

    Well, well, well, add another happy owner of this amazing set to the growing list of names. I think one of my amazing Mousso's ladies is bound to visit for a render soon. How convenient this counted as a qualifying item for the fantasy sale.cool


    @Strangefate - thank you for the set, I was looking forward to having it as soon as I had seen this thread. Should you ever wonder how to spice things up a bit more, would you, perhaps, consider a Steampunk style add-on? A few cogs for tables here, a little bit of brass there, you know the drill... wink

  • Thanks for all the interest!

    @alexhcowley - Lots of textures! The INFO icons in the different folders have a lot of information about... everything.

    @FSMCDesigns - I posted some WIP male armors in my WIP thread a while back. We're doing some quick small stuff right now but some of those armors will be next. Have plenty of ideas for cool female armors but too many other things to do first :)

    @watchdog79 - Convenient for some, inconvenient for others I guess :) ...while the Inn is more expensive than the bedroom and has sold a decent amount more units in the first day, it still has generated significantly less income than the bedroom did in the first day. We'll see how things work out long term for the Inn, but so far it feels a bit like a kick in the butt from Daz after all the work and time invested in the product. Makes it seem risky to put too much effort into a product.

    I'm not the biggest steampunk fan (do love the clothing tho) but if I had a good, solid idea on how to make it look good, I'd make the addon. Might be worth it to think about it :)



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,580

    Well thats not fair, I would have thought the new items made the old stuff offered cheaper not the other way around.

    That said sorry not bought it,

    ... yet

    I have your bedroom and actually rendered it today but I just paid my power bill!

    been a lot of nice things I just had to not buy this fortnight as my entire pay is gone, just that lousy quarter all my bills come.


  • @WendyLuvsCatz - Sorry to hear that Wendy, hope things get better.

    To be honest, I'm not enterily sure how the sales work, all I see is that each sale makes an average of 1.30 to 2.50 USD, which is really not worth the time and effort put into the product at this point , but it's all part of learning and adapting to how Daz works I guess.

  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026

    Thanks for all the interest!

    @alexhcowley - Lots of textures! The INFO icons in the different folders have a lot of information about... everything.

    @FSMCDesigns - I posted some WIP male armors in my WIP thread a while back. We're doing some quick small stuff right now but some of those armors will be next. Have plenty of ideas for cool female armors but too many other things to do first :)

    @watchdog79 - Convenient for some, inconvenient for others I guess :) ...while the Inn is more expensive than the bedroom and has sold a decent amount more units in the first day, it still has generated significantly less income than the bedroom did in the first day. We'll see how things work out long term for the Inn, but so far it feels a bit like a kick in the butt from Daz after all the work and time invested in the product. Makes it seem risky to put too much effort into a product.

    I'm not the biggest steampunk fan (do love the clothing tho) but if I had a good, solid idea on how to make it look good, I'd make the addon. Might be worth it to think about it :)


    Hmm, I understand. The perspective of a buyer, always looking for the lowest prices, may not be the same as that of the seller, always looking to sell as much as possible for as high as possible. Both views are equally understandable.

    I thought such special sales would have been discussed with the artist in advance.

    Alright, you gave me an idea. I think I might try to create a few renders in that tavern using some Steampunk set pieces, props and shaders I bought. It might take me some time, though, as I work a full time job and 3D art is just a freshly picked hobby for me.

  • mats76mats76 Posts: 294

    @WendyLuvsCatz - Sorry to hear that Wendy, hope things get better.

    To be honest, I'm not enterily sure how the sales work, all I see is that each sale makes an average of 1.30 to 2.50 USD, which is really not worth the time and effort put into the product at this point , but it's all part of learning and adapting to how Daz works I guess.

    1.30 to 2.50 USD does not sound inspiring for the obvious work you must have put into the product, considering the lowest price in my cart is around 20 USD I would have thought you would get a bit more per sale. Anyhow a marvelous designwork that will go right in to my cart.   

  • thd777thd777 Posts: 943
    edited January 2020

    What a mind boggling amazing set. I have just played with it for a couple of hours and I have already 100 ideas for images... Incredible modeling and textures. Also very resource efficient for such a detailed set. Here is my first quick test. The complete set out of the box. Night lighting preset. I added three G8 figures and clothing (all run through sceen optimizer and reduced to 50% texture map size). The scene used 7.2 Gb on my GTX1080ti and RTX 2080ti and rendered in 6 minutes 43.84 seconds (from log). Awesome. I would happly paid more for this set. Oh, and there are bread crumps on the table... bread crumps...



    The Inn 2.png
    1600 x 900 - 2M
    Post edited by thd777 on
  • Callidus SimiaCallidus Simia Posts: 132
    edited January 2020

     all I see is that each sale makes an average of 1.30 to 2.50 USD, which is really not worth the time and effort put into the product at this point , but it's all part of learning and adapting to how Daz works I guess.


    According to my calculations you should be seeing more than that (factoring in that this product has two PAs on it and assuming a equal split of the earnings between you). If you think that there is an issue (especially if you see any sales that are $0), please flag it with DAZ. Its not the first time sales have gone glitchy. Daz will fix them quickly, but only if its brought to their attention. 

    Post edited by Callidus Simia on
  • thd777 said:

    What a mind boggling amazing set. I have just played with it for a couple of hours and I have already 100 ideas for images... Incredible modeling and textures. Also very resource efficient for such a detailed set. Here is my first quick test. The complete set out of the box. Night lighting preset. I added three G8 figures and clothing (all run through sceen optimizer and reduced to 50% texture map size). The scene used 7.2 Gb on my GTX1080ti and RTX 2080ti and rendered in 6 minutes 43.84 seconds (from log). Awesome. I would happly paid more for this set. Oh, and there are bread crumps on the table... bread crumps...



    Very nice indeed. The atmosphere is perfect.
  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,797

    While I'm pretty cheap and will wait for most things when they are more affordable (actually just can't afford a lot), I'm glad to say I did just get this set. From all of the promos, the value is pretty clear, and I do want to try to encourage you to create more great stuff (Kadis is one of my favorites). I didn't even try to use any of the other promo sales gimics to reduce the price, because I did want the money to go to you, rather than other products that I'm not as interested in.

    @WendyLuvsCatz - Sorry to hear that Wendy, hope things get better.

    To be honest, I'm not enterily sure how the sales work, all I see is that each sale makes an average of 1.30 to 2.50 USD, which is really not worth the time and effort put into the product at this point , but it's all part of learning and adapting to how Daz works I guess.

    Wow, that's awfully low. I can imagine the time to make the set was huge. I think the fact that you don't have a lot of stuff in the store means you don't have a huge base following like say StoneMason or Aeon Soul (I picked them because they charge higher prices, but are typically well worth the additional cost). Your products are wonderful, and so complete!! All of the props in this set can easily be used in other sets that come without any props. You don't need anything extra to use this set, it stands on it's own, I whish there were more vendors that made this type of quality and quantity.  I'm not trying to slam any other vendors, they all do great work, but there are a few that stand out above the rest, and your products fit that category. Unfortunately, I think you may not have enough in the DAZ store to create a big following to support such an impressive product. Hopefully there will be a lot of renders and some "buzz" in the forums about it that sales will pick up a bit.

    You also might want to move this thread to the commons since the product has been released - a lot more people frequent there and might look at your promos and realize what they would be getting.

  • StonemasonStonemason Posts: 1,197
    edited January 2020

    This is an amazing environment!..well done guys! :)

    Post edited by Stonemason on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172
    thd777 said:

    What a mind boggling amazing set. I have just played with it for a couple of hours and I have already 100 ideas for images... Incredible modeling and textures. Also very resource efficient for such a detailed set. Here is my first quick test. The complete set out of the box. Night lighting preset. I added three G8 figures and clothing (all run through sceen optimizer and reduced to 50% texture map size). The scene used 7.2 Gb on my GTX1080ti and RTX 2080ti and rendered in 6 minutes 43.84 seconds (from log). Awesome. I would happly paid more for this set. Oh, and there are bread crumps on the table... bread crumps...



    I was VERY happy to see all the dirt in this set. Old places pick up dirt and scratches and cracks and high corners get cobwebs...I LOVE this environment :)


  • UPDATE: So after looking at the numbers today, things look a bit more as expected. I think I had the poor luck of looking at a sales page that had some of the lower sale numbers but today with more to look at, most of them look appropriate. By the end of the first day, sales more or less were realistic compared to the Bedroom. I don't understand all the type of discounts people can get here, so that scared me for a moment there but it doesn't seem to have hurt the overall results.

    I'll keep an eye on the numbers but so far so good, thanks for all the concern, panic averted!

    @thd777 - Very nice render and story: Messy eater looking at girl thinking she's looking back at him, but she's clearly looking at the mess of breacrumbs she'll have to clean later. Shady guy in the back is just waiting for the right moment to murder them both and rob the Inn.

    @DustRider - It's much appreciated. Roguey especially worked her butt off on it and had I not stopped her (several times) she would have kept modeling props. Whatever props you see in the Inn, I think she modeled at least 3 of each. She's a very hard worker who's had it always rough in life, so she's really enjoying this.

    @Stonemason - Thanks a lot!

    @AllenArt - I was actually dissapointed that the dirt on the floor wasnt more visible in renders. Similar happened with the bedroom. Third time has to be the charm hopefully.


  • UPDATE: So after looking at the numbers today, things look a bit more as expected. I think I had the poor luck of looking at a sales page that had some of the lower sale numbers but today with more to look at, most of them look appropriate. By the end of the first day, sales more or less were realistic compared to the Bedroom. I don't understand all the type of discounts people can get here, so that scared me for a moment there but it doesn't seem to have hurt the overall results.

    I'll keep an eye on the numbers but so far so good, thanks for all the concern, panic averted!


  • Just got it my new CC came in 5 mins ago

  • JUJUJUJU Posts: 1,131

    I love it!

    1260 x 884 - 165K
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