3D Modelling. Big Set Tour vs Real Life (Trading Estate, Dagenham, London).

A tour around a Real London Trading Estate, remodeled for a run down Sci fi Future movie.
This set was used in episode 5 and 6 of Sci Fi Funk (the 3d animation set in London 2064ad).
It is of a trading estate in Wantz Road, Dagenham (London). I'd never been there before although I know Dagenham from my teenage.
The video explores the area and compares it with my model (which was made from just looking at Google Street view, find models that were similar and extensively editing them to make the set).
You also get to hear my expression of joy. Imagine making something for 5 months (plus a few months research), only to "live" in your 3d model set for a few minutes of real life.
It was a very rewarding experience.
Also I've made a similar video for episode 8. (You've got to see this!)
A gigantic work and well successful !
A crowd of details which you inserted make the scene ultra-realistic, with the quality of the render moreover, congratulation!
Thanks DDU. I've got one more to share
This one is more spectacular in that it encompasses more detail.
It must have been quite a surreal experience! I feel the same when I have gone to the village of Linton in North Yorkshire, which is the location of my "English Village" set. Look it up on Google Streeview. Great to compare the video with your animation!
So you've shared a similar experience. Congrats. This was one of the best days of my life. We also met up with some old friends I hadn't seen for 28 years!
So you've shared a similar experience. Congrats. This was one of the best days of my life. We also met up with some old friends I hadn't seen for 28 years!
Yes, having modelled it, you know it quite intimately, and seeing it for real it is "the same but different", almost like walking in a real-life dream.
Plus they do some great food at that pub!
Ha ha. The same cannot be said for the garage round the corner of the trading estate!