Carrara Challenge #7: “Cards from an unusual deck” - THE WINNERS

entry #5
"Jacked from the Diamond Deck" by diomede 64
entry #6
"Place your bets" by Varsel
entry #3
"Tarot Revenge" by Stezza
Honourable Mentions
entry #1
"Heroclix Wars" by kashyyyk
entry #7
"Aces Down (The Final Joke)" by MicioDue
Congratulations to all participants and winners, and a final THANKS to our sponsors, DAZ3D and PhilW! :-)
The entry thread for Carrara Challenge #7 is now VOTING THREAD!
The voting will run until 11:00 PM GMT on Monday the 3rd March.
You can find the complete contest rules here.
Note: please, do not consider my entry in your votes (entry #7: "Aces Down (The Final Joke)")
I think that my role here is to host this contest and to share techniques and knowledge, so I'll let the last step to the other contestants. Great work everyone, and good luck! :)
You can post your entries, along with all the required details, in this thread until 11:00 PM GMT on Monday the 24th February 2014. While Entry Thread is open, WIP thread will be open too.
After the deadline, this thread will change to Voting Thread and the voting will run until 11:00 PM GMT on Monday the 3rd March.
Please, post only your entries in this thread: comments and discussion are welcom in the WIP thread.
You can find the complete contest rules here.
Don't forget the fabulous PRIZES!
- 1st Prize: DAZ 3D owned product up to $100, plus three items from PhilW Daz store
- 2nd Prize: DAZ 3D owned product up to $50, plus two items from PhilW Daz store
- 3rd Prize: DAZ 3D owned product up to $25, plus one item from PhilW Daz store
- Honourable Mentions: TWO entries chosen by PhilW will get an additional DAZ 3D owned product up to $10 and one item from PhilW Daz store
Thanks again for your generosity, DAZ 3D and PhilW!
Current sponsor store
- PhilW:
Previous sponsors stores
- RingoMonfort:
- Age of Armour:
- DimensionTheory:
- Dartanbeck:
Good Luck to everybody. :)
Entry #: 1
Title: Heroclix Wars
Modifiers: Bend/Twist-On her energy blast, player mat, Black Hole- On his energy blast, Bulge-On her energy blast, Explode On energy ball where the two beams collide.
Description: Comic like figures battle each other based on stats on a trading card, in the young boy's mind they come alive and fight it out!
Link to at least two WIP:
List of Carrara created stuff: The bases to the figures, The player mat, The 2 energy beams, Shader for the white figure, energy beams shader, the mat texture was rendered in Carrara, the trading card, the image on the card was rendered in Carrara.
Content: County Dinning Room, Classic deco coffee table, All three figures are Genesis, one with boy, the female is v5 and the snowman figure is a mix of Freak and monster settings, Carrara skin shader for the boy and female, She has the Supersuit and Epic wings, the boy is wearing K4 basic wear with my texture. The boy's hair is Duke Hair, she has the Punk Hair. The snowman has on casual surf shorts with a black carrara shader. The particles are from Carrara's particle emiter- Zingers and Shockwave. edit: forgot- the bases shaders are the olive shader for that plastic look, his I moved the green color more towards black.
Postwork: Tweaking and applying the Depth Z map to the final image.
a. name: JRM21 (Joe)
b. Entry #2
c. Title: "Never Trust A Dragon"
d. Two Links to WIP:
e. Rendered as PSD in Carrara. Converted to JPG in PhotoShop. No Postwork outside of format conversion.
Items created in Carrara: all cards. Coins on table. Suit markers on cards. Ray from woman's hand.
Modifiers used: Bend/Twist on ray coming from hand. "Point At" on light above card. Point At on other spotlights.
No third party plug-ins used.
Genesis with Bree texture (woman). Daz sub dragon (large character and cards). "Wizards Study" elements for table and background items. DimensionTheory "Luminance" series HDR for background lighting
h. Additional comments: nothing I can think of. :)
Entry #3
Artist - Stezza
Title - Tarot Revenge
Items made - Card packet, Card, textures, card deck with use of replicators
Modifiers used - Bend & explode
DAZ Products - Genesis with clothing & hair from Carrara bundle, Ribbits, Ron's Rips.
Other credits- EyeGore, Ragnarok Mask
Software used - Carrara 8.5, PSE11
WiP link -
Entry #4
Name - PhilW
Title - "Stacking the Deck"
WIP Links -
Postwork? - minor postwork mainly for levels.
Items created and modifiers used - I created the hair and the playing cards, the piles of cards were done with Carrara's bullet physics. The modifiers used were bend on the cards and Explode on the background effect, which is a large version of the playing card with the Explode modifier.
Other credits - V4, MRL Raven character by Mihrelle, Wonderland Queen of Hearts dress by Bobbie25/DAZ.
Additional comments - I wanted to put in an entry to support this challenge, but I feel that others have been more creative and put more effort into creating new objects and characters for their images, and that should be taken into account in your voting.
Entry: # 5
Artist: Diomede64
Title: “Jacked from the Diamond Deck” (Thanks to Kashyyk for the title idea)
Description: The Clubs raided the galleon of the Diamonds, did battle on the deck, while Jack kidnapped the Queen of Diamonds and is making his escape.
Required at least 2 Modifiers
- Rope, made by applying twist to grouped cylinders, then apply bend to group to shape the rope
- Explode, applied to a balloon and to one of the clubs’ air ships
- Bulge and twist applied to primitives to make the pedestals for the railings on the deck of the galleon.
Required at least 2 items made in Carrara
- Everything, but for at least 2, the galleon is a vertex model
- The card people are vertex models
Required at least 2 WIP links
No postwork, no plugins
- Everything was made in Carrara 8.5 Pro.
Other notes
- Many of the shaders were made by rendering out an image, then applying it back as a tiled texture map. For example, the faces of the cards, the suit images on the sails, and the wood grains were made that way. The smoke was made by creating a bulbous shape with metaballs, then replicating crumpled grids and spheres to its surface. The alpha maps for the replicated grids and spheres were made by rendering volumetric clouds that had been made less dense and less opaque.
Artist : Varsel
Entry no : 6
Title : Place your bets
WIP's :
Everything is created in the Vertex modeler. (exept the little crown on the flagpole, thats Hex)
For the flags I used the Wave and the Linear Wave modifiers.
Every body part of the Card Soldier is a separate object, then parented together, and using a Ball Joint Constraint, with limits and lock.
They are then replicated onto the terrain, using surface replicator, 5000 of them.
The shaders on the Card Soldiers uses Anything Goos from
Artist name: MicioDue
Entry: #7
Entry title: Aces Down (The Final Joke)
Postwork: no postwork
Items and modifiers: (see WIPs for details)
- all objects are made in Carrara: the four French playing cards suites (modified primitives), the cards soft as drapes (modified vertex object), the "A"s (text objects), the columns (modified primitive objects), the many Carrara plants, the architectural structure and the surroundings as vertex objects, the Joker as textured plane primitive.
- many modifiers applied to different objects: Punch, Taper, Linear Wave, Warp, Soft Body
External content used:
- scan of a real Joker card, edited with Corel PhotoPaint and used for texturing;
- Above The Clouds HDRI from DimensionTheory's Atmosperic Cluds HDRI Pack 1
Additional comments:
The cards are 2D objects, what could happen if they suddenly become 3-dimensional? The aces didn’t know, earlier… the Joker probably knew, he’s still 2-dimensional, he’s observing and he’s laughing. :-)
Please, do not consider this entry in your votes.
I think that my role here is to host this contest and to share techniques and knowledge, so I’ll let the last step to the other contestants. Great work everyone, and good luck! :)
Folks, please remember you can post here and choose you favourite entries until 11:00 PM GMT on Monday the 3rd March. :-)
It's a tough call (again!) as I like all of them and there is some terrific and creative ideas gone into them. But if forced to pick three, in no particular order, I am voting for #3, #6 and #7.
I'm voting
3 - Looks great coming out of the card like that.
5- everything is made is Carrara, I find that hard to do.
6- 5000 card soldiers are just cool!
7 entries… it is not so much, and it is the proof that it was a very difficult subject.
I had begun something for this challenge, but I was occupied too much by my usual work but I vote all the same:
1- Entry: #7
Artist name: MicioDue
Title: Aces Down (The Final Joke)
2- Entry No: 6
Artist: Varsel
Title: Place your bets
3- Entry: # 5
Artist: Diomede64
Title: “Jacked from the Diamond Deck”
And a mention for: Kashyyyk
Entry #: 1
Title: Heroclix Wars
Congratulations with all !
Oh man, it seems like it is even harder to choose when there are not as many entries, if that is possible. In no particular order, my votes are
#1, #3, #6
The votes from me..
Entry #: 1 Title: Heroclix Wars
Entry: # 5 Title: “Jacked from the Diamond Deck”
Entry: #7 Title: Aces Down (The Final Joke)
There weren't to many to chose from this time. Are we getting tired of the these contests.. ?
Not many entries but a lot of good ideas and good techniques, as all of you have shown in the WIP thread! :)
In no particular order:
#1 "Heroclix Wars" (kashyyyk)
#3 "Tarot Revenge" (Stezza)
#5 “Jacked from the Diamond Deck” (Diomede64)
I'm not. I just had a lot on my plate this time 'round. I hope to be able to do something in the next one.
My votes in entry order are:
#2 (Some spline modeler love!)
Good luck to everybody!
I am so, very sorry. I looked and I looked. And I cannot claim a winner, or group of winners. Please give everyone an additional vote from me. Some I like for the originality of it, some for the amazing work on special effects, and some are just plain cool. But All of them are winners in my opinion. All of them.
Thanks for all the interesting and complex art. And it's obvious a lot of time went into them creating all the miniature bits especially. It gave me a chance to see how modifiers work in Carrara as I really paid attention to the WIPs and tried a couple of them on my project. Great stuff! xx ;) SileneUK
Artist: Kashyyyk
Entry # 1
Title: Heroclix War
Artist: JRM21 (Joe)
Entry #2
Title: Never Trust A Dragon
Artist : Varsel
Entry # 6
Title : Place your bets
My choices were strongly influenced by the "unusual deck" aspect of the theme. I think these 3 best captured that.
* Stezza - Tarot Revenge
* diomede64 - Jacked From The Diamond Deck
* Kashyyyk - Heroclix Wars
Honourable Mentions:
* PhilW - Stacking The Deck (dang she is pretty!)
* jrm21 - Never Trust A Dragon (because...DRAGON!)
Not a lot of entries for this challenge..
Of the seven entered I can't vote for mine nor #7 ( MicioDue ) which is the one I would of voted for..
That leaves 5 to vote on..!
So I have decided not to spread my votes amongst 3 entries but to give 2 votes to one entry and 1 to another.. and that being
2 votes for Artist : Varsel
Entry no : 6
Title : Place your bets
1 vote for Entry: # 5
Artist: Diomede64
Title: “Jacked from the Diamond Deck”
Stezza, just a Clarification: rule #2 of Voting Rules assigns only one vote to Varsel and one vote to Diomede64 for the final classification.
If you want to assign the spare vote to another entry, you can do it before 11:00 PM GMT of today. :)
Amazing work and a lot to learn from the WIP!
My fav was #7 !!!
Here is my vote :
Artist : Varsel Entry no : 6 Title : Place your bets ----- Amazing entry
Entry #3 Artist - Stezza Title - Tarot Revenge ----- very dynamic
Entry: # 5 Artist: Diomede64 Title: “Jacked from the Diamond Deck”
Voting time is over, rien ne va plus! :-)
Please give me a few minutes to review all the votes, then the results will be announced.
OK Folks, here are the first three places:
THE WINNER (8 votes)
entry #5
"Jacked from the Diamond Deck" by diomede 64
SECOND PLACE (7 votes)
entry #6
"Place your bets" by Varsel
THIRD PLACE (6 votes)
a tie!
entry #1
"Heroclix Wars" by kashyyyk
entry #3
"Tarot Revenge" by Stezza
So the "new and improved, highly competitive Diomede" has won the battle of the card soldiers, at last. :)
But something is still to decide... according to Winning Rules #2 and #3, I will ask to our sponsor PhilW to break the tie for the third place and to decide for the HMs.
Please, hold a bit for the final results!
I want once again to thank the generous DAZ3D and PhilW for their sponsorship and I want to congratulate with all the participants for the great work. I really think you honored this challenge, thanks for sharing the details of your techniques: we learned a lot from each other in the WIP thread and I feel sure we gave a lot of useful infos to Carrara users. :-)
It really is such a tough call as they all deserve recognition. Congrats to Diomede64 and Varsel for the top two entries. I have to decide between the two placed third, so I will stick with my first thoughts on this and go for #3 - Stezza!
A great image from kashyyyk which was highly voted, so that gets one of the honourable mentions.
And Miciodue has wonderfully organised this completion, as well as selflessly asking not to be voted for, but still put in (in my view) one of the best images - so the second Honourable Mention goes to Miciodue!
Thanks to everyone for their support.
Wow, I am really taken aback. I greatly admire the other entries, and honestly believe they were superior renders. My goal was to be improved, which I think I was, so I suspect I got the benefit of the doubt.
Thanks to Miciodue for picking a great theme and running the challenge smoothly. Your render was fantastic and deserved to be a winner, so it was very selfless to take yourself out. Similarly, a big thank you to PhilW for his support of the Carrara community in general, and these monthly challenges in particular. Daz was amazingly generous this month, so thanks to them. Don't forget to check out prior contest sponsors. They do great work.
I do have some ideas for another challenge, but am open to suggestions. I will post a couple thoughts in the WIP thread, where people can give feedback and we can gauge interest.
Congratulations diomede64, well done!
Congratulations, Diomede64!
great effort diomede64, well done! ;-)
Congratulations .... well fought. It looks like your battle formations won the day. :-)
And to quote Stezza : great effort diomede64, well done!
And thanks for my place.. I find these challenges a lot of fun. I learn a lot from them. And it gives me inspiration to try out things that I wouldn't try otherwise. Even if I'm not participating in commenting that much.
Thanks for the HM, Phil. :) Again, good work, everyone.
I've already updated the title and the top message of this thread.
Diomede, Varsel, Stezza, Kashyyyk, I will soon PM you about the prizes.
Good luck for the Challenge #8, Diomede!